Joined: Nov 2009
Gokyabgu makes a fair comparison, I guess (I haven't played DA yet so I don't know). I certainly do want to play it at some point, but I'm glad I chose D2 for now. For one thing, I'm Flemish and so is the studio that created this game. We are a tiny country with no influence in the world and it's cool to see these guys make a great RPG. Of course, I still wouldn't have bought it if it hadn't looked like a great game. And I'm happy to say, it is great.
I have encountered no bugs yet, but I am playing on Xbox360. Also, I've noticed the fonts are much bigger on Xbox but the actual window in which you see characters during dialogues is quite small. Not that that bothers me in the least. One small thing that does bother me is the "tracking", if that is the right word. When I move the camera around quickly, I can see small glitches in the middle of the screen, like the top half moves slightly faster than the bottom half. It's not visible all the time, and only there when I move the camera around quickly, but that's a small annoyance.
Voice acting is SUPERB, I think.
Joined: Jul 2005
Next time when you reply can you be more specific to whom? Thanks. I mean the game is bug-free. If you read my post carefully, I think it's pretty obvious to whom I replied to. Thanks.
Joined: Nov 2009
Joined: Nov 2009
I dont understand why old ideas could not work with new visuals (like with Dragon Age). It has nothing to do with beeing old fashioned.
Actualy I am always as well glad to see games which decide to be sometimes different as well and not just in gameplay but also in the visuals. Why has every game to look similar? It hasnt. Diversity is the key for fun.
Some games should be party based. Others about a single character. Not every game has to be the same art or style.
Personaly I am someone who prevers party based games very much in the style of baldurs gate and rpgs in the style of fallout 1. But does it mean every kind of "RPG" has to be now that way? Should Diablo 3 play like Fallout 1 or Baldurs Gate now? Hell no! I like Diablo as the action game it is and should always be. But that on the other side means as well that games like Dragon Age (havnt played it) should not be similar to any "action" RPG (which Divinity 2 definetly is)
Joined: Aug 2009
I dont understand why old ideas could not work with new visuals (like with Dragon Age). It has nothing to do with beeing old fashioned. True. I didn't say it is really bad, just.. a bit boring, ya'now. I can say I'm "old-sk00l" rpg-gamer, I really liked Baldurs Gate, M&M. But after NW ( haet!), the same conception just repeat himself and that is boring. Doesn't mean there is nothing good in DAO. There is wonderful dialogs, which is much better than in D2, more detailed setting and plot almost without flaws (the latter two things produces 90% of boredom actually >_>).
Joined: Nov 2009
About the dialogues in Divinity II...
Last night I was playing it and for the first time since long, a game dialogue really cracked me up. I'm not going to spoil it for anyone but this game just has the funniest conversations!
I didn't realize how much I missed that in other games until I came across it yesterday. Great stuff:)
Joined: Jul 2004
I'm curious; which dialogue? You can tell with "spoiler" tag 
 "The Frenglais does déjà exist. Many gens are parling this langue" Barta
Joined: Nov 2009
I have finished my first play-through of dragon age (warrior noble, doing another run on nightmare now with a mage and another with a city elf rogue), but I am still getting my tower is divinity.
Dragon age has a strong story and interactions and choices, it is a very solid game. but lacks the open world feel and might be a bit too oldschool. (elves, dwarves, reuniting the armies of the world once again, the orc-like darkspawn etc... it has been a little overdone.)
Divinity2 primary strength is its freshness, the quests are different, the creatures, the whole fortress/pet thing (DA:O has a warden keep addon but it really does not match the tower in divinity) and a few other details. Its weakness might be that there are less choices and interaction, thus less lasting value as you wont' be playing it multiple times.. or at least not as much as dragon age. (But then again I have not finished it yet, so it might be better than I have seen so far.)
In all cases, I am loving both Dragon age and Divinity. I consider them both must buys.
BLOODSHED! hehehe! flow, flow, flow...
Joined: Nov 2009
DA is obviously better than D2. D2 is riddled with bugs, hilariously bad performance & random crashes while I can play DA for hours including alttabbing, the only technical issue with DA is a memory leak slowing performance after multiple hours. Meanwhile D2 is one of the buggiest game releases this year. Not in my experience... D2 has been VERY stable, with only 2 bugs so far, and I am getting the tower right now. I also ALT+TAB a lot, no problem. (Windows XP tho, might be the reason?) Which reminds me... If you are on the PC, dragon age might be a superior game. And if you are on XBOX I'd pick Divinity 2 first instead for obvious reasons.
BLOODSHED! hehehe! flow, flow, flow...
Joined: Nov 2009
Alright, I'll tell you about the funny dialogue. There is a quest in Broken Valley where a pig herder will tell you that soldiers confiscated his pigs because they are needed in Rivertown where there is a famine. The pig herder's wife will tell you her husband is so in love with his pigs he can't butcher them. Anyway, this pig herder asks you to go to the guard's post where the pigs are kept and find the head pig, called Kevin. You then have to whisper the word "Rosebud" in Kevin's ear, which he and the other pigs will understand as a command to return home to daddy. When I arrived at the guard post, I found Kevin and wanted to approach the pig but the guards told me to leave them alone. So I told the guards: "Did you know there are three gorgeous maidens lost in the woods? They're begging for some strong men to find them!" The guards leave so I can whisper "Rosebud" in Kevin's ear. The pigs tiptoe away and there I am. Then the guards return, complaining that there were no pretty women in the forest. "Why did you send us on a wild goose chase?" they ask. "My reasons... are my own" I say. Then the head guard, by the name of John or whatever, says: "But the pigs! Where are they?" "They've moved on, John. Sometimes you just have to let go." "But - what... Oh, you slayers are all nuts!" That made me laugh
Last edited by AudioEpics; 30/11/09 10:53 AM.
Joined: Oct 2009
I have finished my first play-through of dragon age (warrior noble, doing another run on nightmare now with a mage and another with a city elf rogue), but I am still getting my tower is divinity.
Dragon age has a strong story and interactions and choices, it is a very solid game. but lacks the open world feel and might be a bit too oldschool. (elves, dwarves, reuniting the armies of the world once again, the orc-like darkspawn etc... it has been a little overdone.)
Oldschool baby It is what we do My fav quote from DA:O is: ***Until Gray Warden came Man and Women from every race,warriors and mages,barbarians and kings.Gray Warden sacrifice everything to stop the tide od darkness and prevailed*** EPIC WITH EPIC MUSIC AND EPIC CINEMATIC
Joined: Jul 2004
Alright... I refused to help this guy, so that's why ^^ Gorgeous maiden lost in the wood... How the hell that guy can be so stupid to believe it  dragon slayers lack of imagination about excuses, xD "My reasons... are my own" and "Sometimes you just have to let go" sound fun too.
 "The Frenglais does déjà exist. Many gens are parling this langue" Barta
Joined: Nov 2009
I got to say that there was no other game so far that has pinned me to the computer like DA. I haven't finished it yet but the game is amazing. It has everything I like about RPG :))) Someone mention that there were no side quest but that's not true. I don't see what is the problem with exploring. So far I can go everywhere (almost :P) on the map that I was before. I LOVE IT!
old hand
old hand
Joined: Aug 2009
Yes, in DA you can travel around the map for as long as you want, and all the while the Big Evil Blight just keeps waiting destroying the world until you're ready. 
Joined: Oct 2009
Yes, in DA you can travel around the map for as long as you want, and all the while the Big Evil Blight just keeps waiting destroying the world until you're ready. They are preparing to launch assault 
Joined: Mar 2004
Man, I can't wait to get D2 so I can decide which is better. DA is really frickin awesome, but I got it on launch day and am only 12 or so hours into it. At this pace I won't get to play D2 until mid-spring. Kids+work+wife+hoildays=very little game time for yours truly, and I won't even think about buying one game until I have finished the current one. The stress of choosing which one to play would push me over the brink...  . Just kidding, but really, even though I'm sure they are quite different games, I'm sure they are equally fun and I will be very happy when I can sqay I completed them both. I just hope D2 makes me want to play it again. I already want to replay DA with at least 2 other different types of main characters, and I know I am passing up side quests to finish up the game because my play time is so limited.
Last edited by SheaOhmsford; 01/12/09 01:40 PM.
Is reality just a fantasy?
Joined: Oct 2008
*facepalm* This is Divinity 2 forum, Divinity 2 here is law, if you think something is better than Divinity 2 here, you will be shot. This is a dictatorship.
I still can`t see what`s so good about DA:O, everytime i see someone praising it, i want to facepalm.
...........................::ALIVE::..........................  DeviRyuuD(Myojinoir) Reviews here
Joined: Oct 2009
*facepalm* This is Divinity 2 forum, Divinity 2 here is law, if you think something is better than Divinity 2 here, you will be shot. This is a dictatorship.
I still can`t see what`s so good about DA:O, everytime i see someone praising it, i want to facepalm. becaose you praise games like Diablo,TQ,D2,DD...(hack"n slash) but I prefere party based RPG with depth story,characters,tactics... So I would always play rather DtDE,BG2,DA:O,NWN,KOTOR,ME... after them games like Gothic,Oblivion,Fallout... and only then hack"n slash
Joined: Nov 2009
I'm playing Risen, Torchlight, and DA: O. I'm lovin' 'em all. Screw elitist RPG BS.
My Favorite RPGs: Divinity franchise, Gothic franchise (including Arcania, so I think I'm alone...), Venetica, Risen, Two Worlds II, The Witcher, Sacred franchise, Fallout franchise, Mass Effect 1, Alpha Protocol, Planescape: Torment, Drakensang, KOTOR 1 & 2, etc.
Joined: Mar 2004
I'm playing Risen, Torchlight, and DA: O. I'm lovin' 'em all. Screw elitist RPG BS. Yeah, I agree. Actually bought and started Risen, but it was a slow starter. Based on reviews, I figured I would plod through until it became really interesting, but then came DA:O. I also want to play Torchlight...played a few levels of the demo and it was pretty sweet also.
Is reality just a fantasy?