Joined: Dec 2009
That it's "doable" to solo DA:O doesn't mean first time players will run into it. It may even be intended, since it was a popular way to finish Baldur's Gate 2.
Soloing DA:O is an extreme way to play the game and it's your choice to do so. If you play the game "like you're supposed to" I don't think you'll run into serious balance issues. With polish I was referring to the product as a whole. I pointed out the balance issues in DII because it's a -problem-. I don't think there's such a problem in DA:O.
Joined: Aug 2009
- Inconsistent difficulty, difference in levels between you and your targets has a "magic" effect on damage dealt ... Guys, where did you get that one? Even on HARD difficulty game is easy like a pumpkin pie. Perhaps I've played another D2, alpha-version?
Joined: Mar 2003
- Where can I find the saved games in the directory structure so I can easily delete excess files? Can't you delete saves from the save/load window? You could in DD and BD, at least. In XP the saves are in the folder C:\Documents and Settings\ %username% \Local Settings\Application Data\Divinity 2\Savegames or in Vista / Win 7 C:\Users\ %username% \AppData\Local\Divinity 2\Savegames\
Joined: Dec 2009
Can't you delete saves from the save/load window? You could in DD and BD, at least.
Of course.......one at a time or in Vista / Win 7
C:\Users\ %username% \AppData\Local\Divinity 2\Savegames\
Windows 7 here, and nope, AppData doesn't exist in my user dir.
Joined: Mar 2003
Someone said the locations were the same in Win 7 and Vista. Maybe that was an assumption, or it depends on Windows settings, or how user accounts are configured?
Do you have Windows Explorer set to show hidden files and folders?
Try searching the users folder (or your entire drive) for *.dsg files (someone posted a link for a save past the initial cutscene, named savegame02.dsg ). You may need to go into the advanced search options to have it search in hidden and system folders, etc.
Joined: Dec 2009
Hmpfs. This is silly. Yeah AppData is a hidden folder.
Joined: Dec 2009
dude dragon age origins DESTROYS this game. for starters just trying to play dragon age origins is a heck of alot easier than this game*cough*no infinite load screen*Cough*. there are a whole lot more customization options for your character. in dragon age you can choose the race and where your character came from and when you are actually changing how your character face looks instead of the 3 or 4 facial changes you have in this game. i mean you only get to change the hair color between brown or blonde and you cant change how the face looks or the skin color or just about any customization.
i like action rpgs better than the kind of game dragon age origins so i think the combat in this game is better than dragon age origins(but not better than risen). although the combat animations in dragon age surpass this game.
the story is a whole lot better to. the lore in dragon age origins is much MUCH better than this game. as you progress through dragon age you learn about the history and culture of not only fereldan(the country where the game takes place) but other places around the world. you learn about the history of the elves and dwarves. you learn about the blights and the chantry and the darkspawn. in this game you don't really learn about anything. sure there's a reference to the divine here and there but nothing major. the opening cutsceen in dragon age(which you can skip but its pretty awesome so why would you want to) is a hell of alot better than the opening cutsceen in this game(which for some reason you can't skip). the rpg elements in dragon age is way better than in this game. you have alot more skills to choose from just in the mage class in dragon age than all of the classes in this game combined. and im not even counting the specs.
from my knowledge there are also alot more quests and such to keep you busy in dragon age than there are in this game. plus the characters are way way better in dragon age. there are more people that you intersect with and have more personality than in this game. your companions in teh game actually seem like people. they have goals and ideals. not only there but there is romance(not really a plus or nothing just something someone should know if they don't already) there are also more moral choices in dragon age.
basically there is no way some European game developer which is pretty unknown can compete against a behemoths of a game developer, bio ware.
Joined: Mar 2003
Choice in character appearance is nice, but you are probably going to see a lot more of your character's helmet than hair and face anyway. I haven't played either game yet, so can't compare them or form an opinion on their relative merits. Not having played D2:ED yourself, according to your last post, I'm not sure how you are able to compare the story, lore, history and quest systems of both games. A good chunk of what makes a game 'good' is a matter of opinion, and can not be quantified on any kind of commonly accepted scale. Money and prestige can certainly allow a company to put more resources into a game and attract more candidates for employees, but that is no guarantee of quality. Lots of big companies have produced poor games (etc), and lots of smaller companies have made great ones (and vise versa). As for being European... well, nobody's perfect, now, are they? 
Joined: Dec 2009
actually i have been playing this game until i got this infinite load screen sometime around level seven. don't get me wrong this game is fun and well worth the money but dragon age origins is a far better game in my opinion.
edit: true that big games can make crappy games i don't remember bio-ware making one crappy game in the past 2 years or so(maybe more).
edit number 2: let me be clear that romance in dragon age doesn't make it any better or worse than this game i was just pointing it out.
also the creature making this gives this game a definite plus over dragon age.
Last edited by khornedragon; 13/12/09 12:56 PM.
Joined: Dec 2009
okay you know what scratch that. ive never had this hard of a time to play a game that i bought than any other game i have ever tried. its been 3 days and i am still unable to play this game. seriously this is why i dislike most European developers they (sometimes) make good games but forget the little things and make stupid decisions like this game developer has.
Joined: Mar 2003
Hopefully the next patch will be released soon, and will fix this problem for everyone.
I've had games that required a fair bit of troubleshooting, research or trial and error to get installed or working properly. The only one that didn't work at all for me was an order game, known to have problems on newer computers (which I found out after the fact). Of course not being able to play a $20 game right away stings a lot less than a $50 game. I eventually had enough old / spare computer parts to build a system for someone, and 'tested' it by playing that game before handing it over.
Joined: Nov 2009
I do think Dragon Age is a better game as well, but that doesn't mean I don't like this game. I'm in about 30 hours for my second playthrough now, at lvl. 34 and it's great fun. There are a lot of quests, but you'll have to look for them. You have to be independent and you need to look around, something Dragon Age doesn't require of you. It takes you by the hand and, most of the time, tells you where to go. Dragon Age is a SOLID game, but I have seen most of it before. Divinity 2 is more 'new', especially on consoles. You're dropped in the game and basically that's it... so, something fresh is what Div2 brought in my opinion.
Joined: Aug 2009
dude dragon age origins DESTROYS this game. for starters just trying to play dragon age origins is a heck of alot easier than this game*cough*no infinite load screen*Cough*. /RAEG
Joined: Dec 2009
dude dragon age origins DESTROYS this game. for starters just trying to play dragon age origins is a heck of alot easier than this game*cough*no infinite load screen*Cough*. /RAEG you mean "rage"? well yes a little bit. after trying out how to fix this game for 3 days to no avail.
Joined: Sep 2009
dude dragon age origins DESTROYS this game. for starters just trying to play dragon age origins is a heck of alot easier than this game*cough*no infinite load screen*Cough*. /RAEG you mean "rage"? well yes a little bit. after trying out how to fix this game for 3 days to no avail. WHAT IS SARCASM I HAVE NEVER HEARD OF SUCH A THING.
Joined: Nov 2009
The more I play Ego Draconis the more I'm enjoying it and don't want it to end.
The more I played DA:O the more I just wanted to hurry up and get it over with.
Joined: Apr 2005
Yes, I am biased in positive way about the games of Larian studios and ... I wish to support this Belgium developper  and so I can't compare DD, BD or D II with other games and game-developpers... I find it realy fantastic Larian Studios make a game without big money! and also on Xbox, a good thing, thanks Larian!! I'm sure, many people find Dragon Age and Risen and so on ... better than Divinity II and that I understand. Divinity II - Ego Draconis, I enjoy this game so much that I haven't a reason to try/play the next months (or longer!) another game! And futhermore I don't ask myself which game is better, but I follow my "intuition". And yeah  ... Larian Studios: I have confident in them since I played for hours and hours Divine Divinity and Beyond Divinity ... In some ways a find DD better than D II, but in other ways I love D II more than DD! But for now, I stop writing
Last edited by Joram; 14/12/09 01:43 PM.
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Nov 2009
Risen isn't that good, Div2 is definetly a better game in my book.
When comparing Divine Divinity to other RPGs that were released those years, DD was absolutely freaking amazing. Comparing Div2 to other recent RPGs, the game isn't the same as DD 'achieved' in my eyes. That's the difference, I think.
Joined: Dec 2009
Risen isn't that good, Div2 is definetly a better game in my book. woah woah woah did you just say risen was not good? the only thing bad about risen is that its very short and the total play area is pretty small but other than that that game was F***in good.
Joined: Apr 2005
Risen, it seems great when I look to screenshots and read about it ... but it's not exactly my thing, DA:O also. So, that's for me as clear as "spring water" 
Last edited by Joram; 14/12/09 03:22 PM.
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !