dude dragon age origins DESTROYS this game. for starters just trying to play dragon age origins is a heck of alot easier than this game*cough*no infinite load screen*Cough*. there are a whole lot more customization options for your character. in dragon age you can choose the race and where your character came from and when you are actually changing how your character face looks instead of the 3 or 4 facial changes you have in this game. i mean you only get to change the hair color between brown or blonde and you cant change how the face looks or the skin color or just about any customization.

i like action rpgs better than the kind of game dragon age origins so i think the combat in this game is better than dragon age origins(but not better than risen). although the combat animations in dragon age surpass this game.

the story is a whole lot better to. the lore in dragon age origins is much MUCH better than this game. as you progress through dragon age you learn about the history and culture of not only fereldan(the country where the game takes place) but other places around the world. you learn about the history of the elves and dwarves. you learn about the blights and the chantry and the darkspawn. in this game you don't really learn about anything. sure there's a reference to the divine here and there but nothing major. the opening cutsceen in dragon age(which you can skip but its pretty awesome so why would you want to) is a hell of alot better than the opening cutsceen in this game(which for some reason you can't skip). the rpg elements in dragon age is way better than in this game. you have alot more skills to choose from just in the mage class in dragon age than all of the classes in this game combined. and im not even counting the specs.

from my knowledge there are also alot more quests and such to keep you busy in dragon age than there are in this game. plus the characters are way way better in dragon age. there are more people that you intersect with and have more personality than in this game. your companions in teh game actually seem like people. they have goals and ideals. not only there but there is romance(not really a plus or nothing just something someone should know if they don't already) there are also more moral choices in dragon age.

basically there is no way some European game developer which is pretty unknown can compete against a behemoths of a game developer, bio ware.