Teh dutch/belgian pc Gameplay is right like in most cases. They stated thet the firt less good review was due to bugs and technical isseus. Later they raised it, putting it on par with Dragon age.

They give Dragon age 87, gamspot 95. Let me tell you that 87 is on the mark. The extra 8 points is caused by advertising. If you place ads on thier site, the review goes up. But what has that to do with Divinity2, well, if they give it a second review and lift it to 85, it tells me all those other ones are wrong.

The people from pc gamplay play the entire game on a PC. Do you think that websites play all platforms? Play them to the bone? That is why the user critics vary so much on that site.

Dragon age 87
Divinity 2 85

Those scores are saying enough.