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Originally Posted by virumor
It wasn't very epic at all. It was, in fact, idiotic how the defending army stood right in front of a FORTRESS & then even charged an attacking army instead of making use of the fortifications and letting the Darkspawn come to them...

They actually didn't do anything idiotic in my opinion. Besides, the epicness came from how large both armys where, how you could see the battle begining and how the music kicks in. Theres a really good moment there.
early DA spoilers:
But if you want to question the strategy, well, not idotic at all I think. Remember they were supposed to lure the darkspawn to them and then Logheans army could flank them. This strategy cannot be done in such a small fortress, there is no room for organized units to freely battle. Even worse, instead of one line of defense there would be several fronts, which will make commanding the army as a whole a lot harder, and if one of those fronts break (which is very possible considering how the darkspwan outnumbers the humans, which will already be scatterd amongst many posts) then all else will fail. And also, you can see the archers and war tolls taking position on the bridge or other high ground. What really surprised me thou is that the dogs actually went first, that made it look a lot more like a true strategy for a real battle. But who cares about strategy the battle just looked awesome.

I've deleted the spoiler from my quote sorry about that...
Anyway hedehodo, about the ending of D2:
just wanted to say, I actually liked the ending sort of was a nice surprise (as long as theres a continue that is), but I was a bit disappointed if you think about it its actually the same concept as Beyond Divinity... And I became attached to my char I was sad that they made him look like an idiot think But they have to do it like this, this is the only way they can create a situation for a "new hero" the old hero has to go so you could make a new one..

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Originally Posted by virumor
It wasn't very epic at all. It was, in fact, idiotic how the defending army stood right in front of a FORTRESS & then even charged an attacking army instead of making use of the fortifications and letting the Darkspawn come to them...

I think you simply want DA:O looking bad for personal reason.
Music, story and movie are epic like none of the RPG you can find on the market.
If you don't like epic then is your problem, if the game has given you problem then is another story, but don't go around saying DA:O is not epic, because is not true at all wink

Last edited by Arlissa; 20/12/09 10:59 AM.

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What`s so epic about DAO, fanboys?


DeviRyuuD(Myojinoir) Reviews here
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Maybe because they tried to mimic Lord of the Rings as much as possible?

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Originally Posted by DeviRyuuD
What`s so epic about DAO, fanboys?

Even thou this comment was not directed at me, I will show you what I found to be a very epic moment.
2:25. Music did the job here for me.

I hope you've read more then the last few posts or you wouldn't understand the origin of this point \:

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Originally Posted by Zomgnome
Originally Posted by DeviRyuuD
What`s so epic about DAO, fanboys?

Even thou this comment was not directed at me, I will show you what I found to be a very epic moment.
2:25. Music did the job here for me.

If George Lucas had made that cutscene, the humans would have won. They had the high ground.

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Originally Posted by virumor

If George Lucas had made that cutscene, the humans would have won. They had the high ground.

Sorry but I dont see what George Lucas have to do with this.

The humans didn't have the high ground, they were on a "flat" ground like the darskpwan were. Archers ofc, were high, but most of them were easily killed, and there weren't many of them anyway. I don't see why you question biowares decisions and making of this movie, and why you even care so much about it. It dosent even need to make sense, thou it does. Just considering the fact that the darkspwn outnumberd the humans BY FAR, (without considering half of those unist belonged to loghain), and don't forget that the darskpawn has units stronger then normal humans, ogers for example.

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... why even the music made me think about Peter Jackson's adaptation of the Lord of the Ring? Epic, maybe, but not very original... That kind of pathos, you can find it as far as Tasso's Gerusalemme deliberata.

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Mhm, so it`s just that one cutscene that makes the game epic. I see. Don`t make me laugh.


DeviRyuuD(Myojinoir) Reviews here
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Originally Posted by DeviRyuuD
Mhm, so it`s just that one cutscene that makes the game epic. I see. Don`t make me laugh.
As I thought, you haven't read my post. My original point was about how Dragon Age is very ambitious, yet lacks an epic feel to it in its gameplay, probably beacouse it lacks atmosphere. And that the only epic moments are the cutscenes (usually), which makes it disappointing and a bit sad when you think about the marketing of trailers Bioware did with Dragon Age. And really, before you comment on a game, play it. I never get it how ppl judge games without even touching them, how many times can one bring up the food example for this one? But I guess it suits someone who comments on your posts without knowing the base for them.

Originally Posted by scalla
... why even the music made me think about Peter Jackson's adaptation of the Lord of the Ring? Epic, maybe, but not very original... That kind of pathos, you can find it as far as Tasso's Gerusalemme deliberata.

One of the reasons I like D2 is the fact that its story is pretty original. No more "harsh" dwarf politics' tree hugging elves, and uninteresting lore which I grew tired of. But even if its far from original, don't forget, Bioware always wanted to go this way, NWN1, NWN2. Its a D&D game, its aimed for ppl who like D&D, and therefore is set in the world of D&D. You can be disappointed about the world being very unoriginal, but you can't blame the game for being what its supposed to be. Its like saying "wait this FPS game has guns in it? Oh thats not new who cares about that". I grew tiered of this setting as well, but at least its well done, and as long as its well done whether its original or not doesn't mean anything. And in Dragon Age, its very well done. More important thou is the people of the world, and like every RPG, the main quest really isn't the main thing (just like D2, only in D2 its certainly more connected and intriguing for sure).

Interesting how few posts ago I said stuff against DA and now I suddenly "defend it". Guess thats how it is when you can actually love more then one game smile

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Hello everyone,

Interesting topic,
I played my share of rpg's and I must say that I find it difficult to state wich one is better in black/white terms because the gameplay is entirely different. The storytelling in Dragon Age has more of a blockbustermovie feeling to it and though you've seen it all before, it still absorbs you're undying attention in my opinion. The characterevolution is far better developed in Dragon Age, the maincharacters have their own backgrounds and all react differently to you're decisions.
You're in the middle of a big lotr kinda 'end of the world thing' told in massive cutscčnes and that's what makes it epic I think.
In DII you have to explore the storyline more on you're own and after a while you're getting into it. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying DA is a better game because of this, it's just a different approach of storytelling in my humble opinion...

I love both the games Btw and I'm playing DII at level 24 and still enjoying it.


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Oi, Zomgnome, you remind me of Raven.rpg, you a stalker of mine aswell? Saying i haven`t played a game means you know what i`ve done and what i havent. I`ve even made a review about DAO, read it if you like.
You`re wrong about one thing. One thing that DAO has is atmosphere and it`s been a long time since a game had one, what it doesn`t have is the freedom of choice that an RPG has to have, making it a more adventure game, rather than RPG. Giving the main character a sword and some dialogue lines don`t make a game into an RPG.


DeviRyuuD(Myojinoir) Reviews here
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I agree with Raze about spoilertags etc ...
Me to still play D II ANd read this topic, because I find it funny and also very interesting to read many opinios about the two games...

Some of my "Notes" :
For me, D II is realy "the game I wish to play" wink
I love this game on all aspects. It is, like all things in life, not perfect (fortunately!) ...
And the more I read in this (and other) fora about people they play(ed) D II:
Divinity II is for many, most of all "impatient people",
"not what it seems to be!"
For example: many quests are hidden behind NPC dialogs, Mindreading or ... !
My opinion: I will enjoy a game at all and not rush through a game grin ..
But sometimes I'm impatient too ... because I'm most of the time very curious! wink
And that's big fun too ... so I don't discover all things in a game at the first time I play a game.

My opinion: when I play a game I wish to enjoy the game .. And I think I can enjoy many RPG's, also DA:O ... BUT I have my preferences laugh

It's very subjective (I known), but I go in the first place for Divinity II - Ego Draconis because of Larian: it's from Belgium & Divine Divnity was for me also a very enjoyable game-experience, so I had all confidence in Larian and D II! grin


On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin,
it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
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Originally Posted by DeviRyuuD
Oi, Zomgnome, you remind me of Raven.rpg, you a stalker of mine aswell? Saying i haven`t played a game means you know what i`ve done and what i havent. I`ve even made a review about DAO, read it if you like.

Firstly I don't know who Raven.rpg is (thou maybe I've seen this nick on Risen's forums not sure)...

Actually I have read your review, it was pretty nice actually, only lacked quite a lot of info in my opinion (and was to much opinion oriented for my taste). I still stick to my post, before you comment on a game, play it. I don't consider you as someone who've played Dragon Age, I consider you as someonw who reviewd\ critisized Dragon Age. And I do that beacous I already know you haven't even read one of my former posts that each of them (mostly) would have made my point clear. DA lacked epicness aside from cut scene ("Mhm, so it`s just that one cutscene that makes the game epic. I see. Don`t make me laugh."). Besides I didn't like your comment so it was easy to write something a bit exaggerated.

Anyway this is pretty offtopic , so...
Originally Posted by DeviRyuuD

You`re wrong about one thing. One thing that DAO has is atmosphere and it`s been a long time since a game had one, what it doesn`t have is the freedom of choice that an RPG has to have, making it a more adventure game, rather than RPG. Giving the main character a sword and some dialogue lines don`t make a game into an RPG.

I'm very surprised you think that. I clearly felt the lack of atmosphere Dragon Age was. It didn't have any real direction, it wasn't D&D, nor was it really dark fantasy, it wasn't clear. It had a very unoriginal story, quite well done, but unoriginal, generic and very unoriginal settings, generic and unoriginal music (good music, that suit the game thou). All this together just makes the whole game feel like it lacks atmosphere. I have felt it a lot more in D2, and certainly in Risen.
Lack of choices? You mean freedom of world or choices? I don't have any idea where you get that one from, DA has a lot of choices, like you would expect from bioware. Many little quests have choices, many major quests have choices, even in the beginning of the game you already start making choices. Its true that many "small choices" doesn't affect much, but there are certainly a lot of choices. Besides RPGs doesn't need to have choices, thou its certainly the tradition (this isn't D&D after all...) And if you compare the choices you make in Dragon Age to those of Risen or D2 I really don't see any problem with numbers.

DA is very "true RPG" in my opinion. Sure the lack of freedom in the world might hurt it a bit, but its very deep and RPGs where always defined by gameplay and story depth mostly, DA has plenty of it smile

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Originally Posted by Zomgnome

I'm very surprised you think that. I clearly felt the lack of atmosphere Dragon Age was. It didn't have any real direction, it wasn't D&D, nor was it really dark fantasy, it wasn't clear. It had a very unoriginal story, quite well done, but unoriginal, generic and very unoriginal settings, generic and unoriginal music (good music, that suit the game thou). All this together just makes the whole game feel like it lacks atmosphere. I have felt it a lot more in D2, and certainly in Risen.

I agree about the atmosphere in DA. It is a fine game, but everything feels utterly generic to me... whilst games like the Witcher, Divinity 2, Drakensang, Gothic, Risen feel unique to me. It seems that for what European developed games lack in graphical polish, they make up for it by the combination of unique art direction & memorable music.

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Originally Posted by virumor
Originally Posted by Zomgnome

I'm very surprised you think that. I clearly felt the lack of atmosphere Dragon Age was. It didn't have any real direction, it wasn't D&D, nor was it really dark fantasy, it wasn't clear. It had a very unoriginal story, quite well done, but unoriginal, generic and very unoriginal settings, generic and unoriginal music (good music, that suit the game thou). All this together just makes the whole game feel like it lacks atmosphere. I have felt it a lot more in D2, and certainly in Risen.

I agree about the atmosphere in DA. It is a fine game, but everything feels utterly generic to me... whilst games like the Witcher, Divinity 2, Drakensang, Gothic, Risen feel unique to me. It seems that for what European developed games lack in graphical polish, they make up for it by the combination of unique art direction & memorable music.

Sorry my English is not the best. I am one of the German Fan's of Divinity 2. But I think the same as virumor does.
Divinity 2 was a game with inovation these I relly like. for exampel that you kann Change your appearance. When ever you like. In DAO or mass effect it is cruel that you can't Change anything.
And I could list some other. But i think we all has our own points we like about that game.

But DA:O Ist in the First way not A Game that you can play like Div2. Div2 is designed for Action and not as a tactik RPG.

I have play Knights of the old Republic, Mass Effect and Jade Empire. I have tested NWN and NWN2 but these was not my taste, so i not finished them. But my Greatest Disappointment in DAO is that you never has the felling that you must hurry in your mission. You can travel from one end of Ferelden to the other and back and then move to a other end. and the Darkspwan "Yes Yes we what, take your time".

Next point is were was that Dark Fantasy part(please don't start a diskussion about Dark Fantasy. I think you now what i mean) In the Witcher there was these atmoshpere. And yes I has got the feeling it is a realistik Medieval world. But in DA:O mh...... Sorry yes their was a lot of Blood but the Atmosphere have not capture me like the witcher did.
And it was the same mission design like ever. First introduction than Collect your allis(starmaps(Kotor), or search for saren(ME)) and than the final part. Choose of the new King. Final battle and the End. Sorry Yes in DA:O you can made a lot more of chooses like in Div2. But it is the same design like ever. The only game that jump out of line is Jade Empire. And i think it was not wrong for that game. But DA:O was simple to much Bioware mission standard.

So I hope you could Understand was what i write and don't understand me wrong.

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okay i just finished both games and i have to say for the third time that dragon age is without a doubt a superior game. ive already listed the reasons except for one. the endings. the ending in this game is HORRIBLE i mean it has a bunch of unfinished answers. there are so many things that you don't understand by the games end. when dragon age origins ends you see a dragon getting gutted then finally killed in one epic way. then you actually see how your actions impacts the games ending. i can't believe larian studios would make such an ending for this game.

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this forum has so many divinity 2 fanboys its not even funny. i think its cause you people are european and are simply biased towards larian studios. i mean Zomgnome how can you say dragon age origins story and music are unoriginal yet this games story and music is not? is not?dragon age origins puts its own creative spin into the dwarfs and elves and adds background as to why all these things are happening. the only background you get in this game is far less original than the background in dragon age. its just dragon slayers hate dragon knights. and that maxos was given power to make dragon knights by the drgons. thats just about the only background you get. you don't learn about the chapions or seekers. you don't learn about aleroth or rivertown. you don't learn about how the black ring was made. in dragon age every creature has a codex page about it. not this game. you learn absolutely nothing about how the skeletons are made or about the wyverns or even those gunships. and yes this game had a far far more epic feel to it. you can influence the world in dragon age. you can't do squat in this game. yes there are some tiny moral choices in this game but they don't affect major things in this game like how people act or how things are going to be different. nope the only morality choices you get are weather you want to be mean to someone and probably fight them or be nice to them and do whatever they say.

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Originally Posted by khornedragon
this forum has so many divinity 2 fanboys its not even funny.

Gee, I wonder why. wink

Last edited by virumor; 22/12/09 02:20 AM.
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lol yeah i deserve a chop

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