Just so you know I'm not American or European so I'm not in favor of either side...
And man my posts are getting too stretched :|
Originally Posted by khornedragon
How can you say dragon age origins story and music are unoriginal

The music shines in some moments, but sadly those moments are very far away from each other while most of the time the music just goes into the background of the game (and so I don't actually remember ever hearing it clearly, I can't even say with a full heart thats its good, I only remember the music I've heard during cut scene just like most games like this...) its the traditional type of music you would except, like the LOTR movies (thou I always find those movies boring so I never really noticed its music). And yet, DA isn't trying to be original, it takes the traditional settings & music style and just tries to make the best of it.

Originally Posted by khornedragon
yet this games story and music is not? is not?dragon age origins puts its own creative spin into the dwarfs and elves and adds background as to why all these things are happening. the only background you get in this game is far less original than the background in dragon age. its just dragon slayers hate dragon knights. and that maxos was given power to make dragon knights by the drgons. thats just about the only background you get.

Dude, I've seen the same kind of dwarfs with "strict political views living in stone" in Arragon (sorry I'm not sure how you write it). The only new thing about elves was that they were slaves, but elves being treated as a poor sub-race\ servants, while other elves try to fight the humans is a lot like the world of The Witcher (and it has similarities to other traditional dark fantasy worlds). The biggest problem with the lack of originality is that even in Biowares own games the concept of the story is the same as many other of their former games.

Originally Posted by khornedragon

you don't learn about the chapions or seekers. you don't learn about aleroth or rivertown. you don't learn about how the black ring was made. in dragon age every creature has a codex page about it. not this game. you learn absolutely nothing about how the skeletons are made or about the wyverns or even those gunships.

This is very true, Dragon Age is stuffed with lore and in depth world details. But this is only appealing for those who seek this kind of a D&D world, which is already pretty much standard. The problem is that I was never one of those who really cared for those kind of tales, and I've always liked games that presented lore in an interesting way, and only the interesting lore at that. D2 books, for example, are short, fun to read, and well done. D1 tried to make a deep world with lore, it had long boring books (even if it tried to make it funny), and so I never liked them. And also Dragon Age has a deep world of lore, but the lore itself isn't original as well, so it makes it even less interesting for me. I guess this one depence on the player, but I bet that even those who enjoy DA story more would find it to be unoriginal, yet again, it isn't trying to be original...

But oh man, the gunships, like wtf? They didn't fit D2 world at all (well maybe cuz D2 didn't even try to make them fit) I really feel like they should have been explained in the game, and the seekers and stuff like that are not really presented as they should be as well and sort of confusing, I agree, thanks for making these points clearer.

Originally Posted by khornedragon
and yes this game had a far far more epic feel to it. you can influence the world in dragon age. you can't do squat in this game. yes there are some tiny moral choices in this game but they don't affect major things in this game like how people act or how things are going to be different. nope the only morality choices you get are weather you want to be mean to someone and probably fight them or be nice to them and do whatever they say.

Epic feel is one thing, influence and change the world is anther. Dragon Age has his fare share of morale quests and differences, and with that anyone has to agree the world does change (well sort of, aside from the endings most choices won't be seen in the long run other then making somone like you\ hate you, but I didn't experiment with that). Its well done, gives you the freedom to "live you own tale" the way you want to. But I didn't get attached to my hero this way as I was in Fable, where I've always felt satisfied with my "accomplishments". Dragon Age dosent make you feel like one of the few last Grey Wardens should. The thing is that here D2 is different, it doesn't try to make a world with your choices changing it. True I would have liked a changing world with characters and stuff better then simple morale choices that only makes differences in whether you kill him or let him live, but I never had a problem with it since D2 isn't about it. Its story just has a strong concept. Even if its true that whenever you throw dragons into the story it makes the whole story feel sort of unoriginal, if you really think about D2 one you'll find Damian to be an interesting char, its twists to be unexpected, its logical lore (like the hall of echoes is an interesting take even if it isn't completely new) and the whole thing about the Divine and the betrayal of the dragon knights to be interesting enough. I guess this one also depence on the player in the end.

Marvel at perfection, for it is fleeting smile

Last edited by Zomgnome; 22/12/09 01:41 PM.