Joined: Dec 2009
Sorry my English is not the best. I am one of the German Fan's of Divinity 2.
im amzed how people who are german can speak that good of english(well it wasn't good but it was alright) but i can't speak a tiny amount of german. amazing.
Joined: Dec 2009
You're right there is a difference between european and american players, but it cant be explained simply by putting "biasing towards Larian studios". You americans have a simple and childish view of life: take the job even nobody wants you to take it, kill all who oppose you, complete the mission even your friends (europeans)betrayed you, take the girl and go home. Your intellectual shallowness prevents you to see the real end. The life is not that simple. Dragon Age is an american game that I really loved, but still has the same cliche I mentioned. On the other hand Draconis, as its predecessors did, manifests that the life is unforeseeable, even heros may err in their judgments and can be used by smarter people, and eventually cant be sure to whom they served. PC in Divinity couldnt kill the baby Damian, and later you helped Damian to escape from Hell. And now the hero is in cage, chained to stare the destiny of his/her beloved ones and the world. Like old greek tragedies and comedies in which almost all heroes proved to be helpless and useless. I say again I really liked Dragon Age and hated the ending of Draconis, but I still choose Draconis, we need such games.
Last edited by hedehodo; 23/12/09 09:42 AM.
Joined: Aug 2009
this forum has so many divinity 2 fanboys orly? UNEXPECTED!
Joined: Feb 2009
Sorry my English is not the best. I am one of the German Fan's of Divinity 2.
im amzed how people who are german can speak that good of english(well it wasn't good but it was alright) but i can't speak a tiny amount of german. amazing. Thank you.
Joined: Dec 2009
Just so you know I'm not American or European so I'm not in favor of either side... And man my posts are getting too stretched :| How can you say dragon age origins story and music are unoriginal The music shines in some moments, but sadly those moments are very far away from each other while most of the time the music just goes into the background of the game (and so I don't actually remember ever hearing it clearly, I can't even say with a full heart thats its good, I only remember the music I've heard during cut scene just like most games like this...) its the traditional type of music you would except, like the LOTR movies (thou I always find those movies boring so I never really noticed its music). And yet, DA isn't trying to be original, it takes the traditional settings & music style and just tries to make the best of it. yet this games story and music is not? is not?dragon age origins puts its own creative spin into the dwarfs and elves and adds background as to why all these things are happening. the only background you get in this game is far less original than the background in dragon age. its just dragon slayers hate dragon knights. and that maxos was given power to make dragon knights by the drgons. thats just about the only background you get.
Dude, I've seen the same kind of dwarfs with "strict political views living in stone" in Arragon (sorry I'm not sure how you write it). The only new thing about elves was that they were slaves, but elves being treated as a poor sub-race\ servants, while other elves try to fight the humans is a lot like the world of The Witcher (and it has similarities to other traditional dark fantasy worlds). The biggest problem with the lack of originality is that even in Biowares own games the concept of the story is the same as many other of their former games. you don't learn about the chapions or seekers. you don't learn about aleroth or rivertown. you don't learn about how the black ring was made. in dragon age every creature has a codex page about it. not this game. you learn absolutely nothing about how the skeletons are made or about the wyverns or even those gunships.
This is very true, Dragon Age is stuffed with lore and in depth world details. But this is only appealing for those who seek this kind of a D&D world, which is already pretty much standard. The problem is that I was never one of those who really cared for those kind of tales, and I've always liked games that presented lore in an interesting way, and only the interesting lore at that. D2 books, for example, are short, fun to read, and well done. D1 tried to make a deep world with lore, it had long boring books (even if it tried to make it funny), and so I never liked them. And also Dragon Age has a deep world of lore, but the lore itself isn't original as well, so it makes it even less interesting for me. I guess this one depence on the player, but I bet that even those who enjoy DA story more would find it to be unoriginal, yet again, it isn't trying to be original... But oh man, the gunships, like wtf? They didn't fit D2 world at all (well maybe cuz D2 didn't even try to make them fit) I really feel like they should have been explained in the game, and the seekers and stuff like that are not really presented as they should be as well and sort of confusing, I agree, thanks for making these points clearer. and yes this game had a far far more epic feel to it. you can influence the world in dragon age. you can't do squat in this game. yes there are some tiny moral choices in this game but they don't affect major things in this game like how people act or how things are going to be different. nope the only morality choices you get are weather you want to be mean to someone and probably fight them or be nice to them and do whatever they say. Epic feel is one thing, influence and change the world is anther. Dragon Age has his fare share of morale quests and differences, and with that anyone has to agree the world does change (well sort of, aside from the endings most choices won't be seen in the long run other then making somone like you\ hate you, but I didn't experiment with that). Its well done, gives you the freedom to "live you own tale" the way you want to. But I didn't get attached to my hero this way as I was in Fable, where I've always felt satisfied with my "accomplishments". Dragon Age dosent make you feel like one of the few last Grey Wardens should. The thing is that here D2 is different, it doesn't try to make a world with your choices changing it. True I would have liked a changing world with characters and stuff better then simple morale choices that only makes differences in whether you kill him or let him live, but I never had a problem with it since D2 isn't about it. Its story just has a strong concept. Even if its true that whenever you throw dragons into the story it makes the whole story feel sort of unoriginal, if you really think about D2 one you'll find Damian to be an interesting char, its twists to be unexpected, its logical lore (like the hall of echoes is an interesting take even if it isn't completely new) and the whole thing about the Divine and the betrayal of the dragon knights to be interesting enough. I guess this one also depence on the player in the end. Marvel at perfection, for it is fleeting 
Last edited by Zomgnome; 22/12/09 01:41 PM.
Joined: Dec 2009
the only epic moments are the cutscenes (usually), which makes it disappointing and a bit sad when you think about the marketing of trailers Bioware did with Dragon Age. Sadly, I think I have to agree with you. It's worth noting, though, that many of DA's trailers were not made by Bioware - and I think it shows. Even the modeling of the character's faces is different. Two visions of the same story were being presented and I think it would have been better if Bioware had made their own trailers and presented us with their vision. You americans have a simple and childish view of life I really hate to be put into the position of defending Americans but anyone who would say such a thing is possessed of an equally simple view of life. Dragon Age is an american game Dragon Age is a Canadian game.
Joined: Nov 2009
"You americans have a simple and childish view of life"
I don't agree with the governments view neither foreign or domestic, but your comment is childish at best. You're making broad generalizations. The majority oppose the direction the US is headed and has been opposed to it for quite a while. Blame the government, not the people. Governments lead their people to slaughter for an agenda.
My Favorite RPGs: Divinity franchise, Gothic franchise (including Arcania, so I think I'm alone...), Venetica, Risen, Two Worlds II, The Witcher, Sacred franchise, Fallout franchise, Mass Effect 1, Alpha Protocol, Planescape: Torment, Drakensang, KOTOR 1 & 2, etc.
Joined: Dec 2009
You're right, I have nothing to add, its an another generalization that I made. But I did this due to Khornedragon's argument "biased towards Draconis since you're European". We are arguing just games here, nothing more. But its obvious that there are differences between European and American produced games. Unfortunately we're dealing in this topic two such games. It's best if we end that discussion here.
Joined: Feb 2009
Got both games for Christmas I'll be playing DA 2x (good guy and then a barbarian warrior) After that I'll give Ego Draconis a go. I know I'll love both. Neither Bioware nor Larian Studios has ever dissapointed me. But undoubtably I'll prefer Dragon Age: Origins for multiple runthroughs in sequence. While Ego Draconis I'll play less (though still several times most likely)
Joined: Dec 2009
I agree on most you say and also prefer divinity 2 over DAO but there 2 totally different games you can't comepare them.
DAO is a very simple game just follow path do simple quest pause game give orders plus nice story but depthness or difficult NOWAY DAO is very easy even on veryhard mode game is still simplistic you only need to be better at giving commands and pause and organise better thats all, not much thinking needed in DAO.
Joined: Dec 2009
Ok, I HAD to post something here.
I can't believe what I am reading. People are starting to compare 2 games and end up throwing dirt at each other’s face for being separated by an ocean. In the first place, I don’t like to compare two games because it never evolves into an intellectual conclusion. Instead of telling in what a game is good at, most tend to bash it to kingdom come so they can feel better about their own failures in life.
I played almost any RPG, JRPG, MMORPG and F2PRPG there is. Not only because it was my job, but also because it is my passion. I like to explore, discover, be amazed, become stronger and beat the crap out of everything I encounter. Be it for revenge or to buy that shiny new blade. I take every game as it comes and give my true opinion on it, but I don’t compare. There are always things we don’t even consider and take for granted. We all have our own reasons to like or dislike a game.
For example, why did no one take the fact into account with what budget the games are made? It’s easy to say DA:O is so amazing when they have 10 times the budget and 5 times the man power. You know, this is the First full 3D RPG Larian studios made and the third RPG period. It’s a small Belgian studio compared to the massive Bioware. I’m not a fan boy and enjoyed all the games for different reasons, but man am I proud of what those guys did considering what they had to work with !!! I’m playing games for more than 25 years now and I don’t like where all this internet community of “I am GOD so my word is true” is going to. There is so much frustration and negativity going on that some just make an account so they can troll without having anything slightly constructive to tell.
I don’t post a lot, I play the games instead.
Joined: Aug 2009
Actually, it is not so small anymore. There was an interview with Sven about D2 developing process, find it. Tons of ppl was involved into project. Perhaps that's why game is a mess and contradicts himself in some aspects (between FMVs and in-game gfx, setting, plot, etc...). Bad dev process control is bad.
Joined: Nov 2009
Divinity II: Ego Draconis is an excellent first time 3D RPG for Larian. They no doubt had a smaller budget and team, too, so you have to take that into consideration.
Dragon Age: Origins is also a fantastic game, and as you call tell by my sig, I like it a hell of a lot.
I think both are top notch titles when you take everything into consideration (including budget, dev team size, etc). One person may prefer one over the other, but I think real fans of RPG's can appreciate both for what they are.
Last edited by Libertarian; 28/12/09 06:49 PM.
My Favorite RPGs: Divinity franchise, Gothic franchise (including Arcania, so I think I'm alone...), Venetica, Risen, Two Worlds II, The Witcher, Sacred franchise, Fallout franchise, Mass Effect 1, Alpha Protocol, Planescape: Torment, Drakensang, KOTOR 1 & 2, etc.
Joined: Dec 2009
OK, but you still can't compare it. If you are a smaller studio with a smaller budget, you need to outsource some of the work and you can't afford the best in business. So don't blame the poor development and praise the fact they succeded to deliver such a product were a lot of other bigger compagnies with much more money and ressources failed. And don't get me wrong .. I realy love DA:O .. but i'm also proud of what our little country contributed to the gaming industry 
Joined: Aug 2009
The game is still awesome, indeed.
Joined: Mar 2004
"Better than Dragon Age?" Well this I can not comment on because I have purposely refused to play the Demo so as not to spoil the finished game that I will begin to play tonight! I have been playing DA:O from the the games release day and my honest opinion of DA:O is that IMHO it is THE FINEST game I EVER played PERIOD. It is a TRUE RPG through to it's very core. It is no sandbox RPG by any stretch of the imagination and I am very glad Bioware disigned it so.... IMHO the game design is PERFECT.... I know I will enjoy D2-ED very much also. When I play games I take each as they come on their own merits and try not to make comparrisons with other games because I consider each an original work of art. Some I like better than others. Sooooo having had a wonderful experience playing Divine Divinity those years ago I have a great faith and anticipation that Larian Studios will not disappoint me!!!
Last edited by LordFess; 30/12/09 08:51 PM.
"He Who Lives By The Sword Shall Also Perish By The Sword."
Joined: Dec 2009
Quite the thread indeed. Funny story, I hated Dragon Age: Origins. I bought it, gave it my best shot, and 15 hours later determined that I did not enjoy playing it and promptly sold it and never looked back.
I actually enjoyed the DEMO for this game far more than my time with Dragon Age. So, Divinity II for me is better than DA:O. But, this is opinion right and we're all different.
Also, I disagree with budget and team size having anything to do with quality. Look at what two developers did with Mount & Blade. And on the other side of the coin you have a huge gaming company with a massive budget royally mess up a game (I can name several but why bother). It is irrelevant, specially when considering Ego Draconis is priced the same as other new titles.
Personally I would love to see more games like Divinity II on consoles. Hopefully this game will get lots of support and we'll see some performance patches in the near future. BTW - R.I.P. Ascaron / Sacred 2!
Last edited by Jorlen; 30/12/09 07:17 PM.
Joined: Nov 2009
Dragon Age is a AAA masterpiece. Divinity II isn't quite on the same level, but they did a fantastic job with the resources they had available.
Last edited by Libertarian; 30/12/09 07:30 PM.
My Favorite RPGs: Divinity franchise, Gothic franchise (including Arcania, so I think I'm alone...), Venetica, Risen, Two Worlds II, The Witcher, Sacred franchise, Fallout franchise, Mass Effect 1, Alpha Protocol, Planescape: Torment, Drakensang, KOTOR 1 & 2, etc.
Joined: Mar 2004
"He Who Lives By The Sword Shall Also Perish By The Sword."
Joined: Feb 2009
You're right there is a difference between european and american players, but it cant be explained simply by putting "biasing towards Larian studios". You americans have a simple and childish view of life: take the job even nobody wants you to take it, kill all who oppose you, complete the mission even your friends (europeans)betrayed you, take the girl and go home. Your intellectual shallowness prevents you to see the real end. The life is not that simple. Dragon Age is an american game that I really loved, but still has the same cliche I mentioned. On the other hand Draconis, as its predecessors did, manifests that the life is unforeseeable, even heros may err in their judgments and can be used by smarter people, and eventually cant be sure to whom they served. PC in Divinity couldnt kill the baby Damian, and later you helped Damian to escape from Hell. And now the hero is in cage, chained to stare the destiny of his/her beloved ones and the world. Like old greek tragedies and comedies in which almost all heroes proved to be helpless and useless. I say again I really liked Dragon Age and hated the ending of Draconis, but I still choose Draconis, we need such games. Wow what a shallow unnuanced one-sided view Oo;