Joined: Oct 2009
I don"t know what to play divinty 2 or dragon age I wanna complete divinity 2 but I can"t wait to play dragon age
old hand
old hand
Joined: Aug 2009
Well, you can also play both, right?
Anyway, Dragon Age is awesome. I played through the human noble origin yesterday and liked it a lot. I'm also going to try the mage origin and then decide with which character to continue.
Last edited by virumor; 06/11/09 10:52 AM.
Joined: Aug 2009
It may not be the game for you, but it's certainly no surprise, as Bio has been pitching the game as the "spiritual successor to Baldur's Gate" since the game's inception. Yeah, I know, I really liked Baldur's Gate. That was just my opinion, why so serious? I didn't say it's a bad game and I didn't try to insult fanboys. And I agree that there is virtually no way that the two can be compared. From all I have seen and heard, each game is spectacular in it's own way, but game mechanics (combat, party vs. hero) are totally different. Any game of any genre can be compared. Results just differs. Belnickthen again of everything i have read of what you have written You did read all mine 3xx posts? Wow, I'm impressed, I have my own fanboys. Great...
Joined: Nov 2009
How would you go about comparing to different games? Duh GI does it all the time, not directly though. There are some basic criteria that help people determine which games is better. Some of these areas would be graphics, gameplay, soundtrack, play time, replay value, and so on. Although it is true is would be difficult for people in the US to make any kind of a comparison right now because the game isnt out yet over here. I might buy both, but I definitely am going to play Divinity 2 first.
Joined: Aug 2009
There are some basic criteria that help people determine which games is better. I lol'd. Yeh, subjective opinion doesn't exist and ppl always know which game is better. Oh wait... following your logic there is exist an ULTIMATE game which is better than any other game, lol.
Joined: Nov 2009
I think you misinterpreted the point I was trying to make. I am not saying everyone knows which game is better. I am simply pointing out that its possible compare these two games even though they are not identical. I bet you feel real silly now huh?
Joined: Jul 2009
I am playing through Dragon Age right now, and it is indeed quite a behemoth of a game. I honestly do not see another RPG topping this one for me any time soon, but I am still extremely excited for  and will be ready to play it come January 5. The more RPG goodness the better, I say. Point being, why can't folks just enjoy BOTH for what each has to offer? 
Joined: Oct 2008
Because this is Divinity forum and here Divinity is law, those who think different will be shot.
Hah, just kidding. Well, i started DA:O anew, and well i`m trying to make different choices, but it simply doesnt crack. Oh, not that it had anything to crack in the first place. DA:O is rubbish as an RPG, seriously. Despite having a fantastic story, nice challenging fights and fascinating character development, as an RPG it just doesnt cut it. It lacks the freedome of choice, once the NPC tells you to do something then that`s it, there`s no other way around. Do it or don`t. It`s a tactical adventure drama, nothing more.
...........................::ALIVE::..........................  DeviRyuuD(Myojinoir) Reviews here
Joined: Oct 2009
Because this is Divinity forum and here Divinity is law, those who think different will be shot.
Hah, just kidding. Well, i started DA:O anew, and well i`m trying to make different choices, but it simply doesnt crack. Oh, not that it had anything to crack in the first place. DA:O is rubbish as an RPG, seriously. Despite having a fantastic story, nice challenging fights and fascinating character development, as an RPG it just doesnt cut it. It lacks the freedome of choice, once the NPC tells you to do something then that`s it, there`s no other way around. Do it or don`t. It`s a tactical adventure drama, nothing more. No game is perfect Just like BG2 or KOTOR
Joined: Jan 2009
How would you go about comparing to different games? Duh GI does it all the time, not directly though. There are some basic criteria that help people determine which games is better. Some of these areas would be graphics, gameplay, soundtrack, play time, replay value, and so on. Although it is true is would be difficult for people in the US to make any kind of a comparison right now because the game isnt out yet over here. I might buy both, but I definitely am going to play Divinity 2 first. All those criteria are subjective. Some will think for instance, that Guild Wars had the best graphics in its time, others will think the graphics were pretty crappy because they were extremely repetitive. Who's right? Both are. It's subjective.
Joined: Nov 2009
Dragon Age is indeed a masterpiece. It's a huge game with so much care and attention to detail. I truly did not expect Bioware to make such a large RPG ever again, but they've done it yet again. It's really a return to form for them. Although, I'm still super pumped for Mass Effect 2. And yes, Divinity II looks like a wonderful RPG. I don't care which one is better, but I'll be glad to have both in my collection. 
My Favorite RPGs: Divinity franchise, Gothic franchise (including Arcania, so I think I'm alone...), Venetica, Risen, Two Worlds II, The Witcher, Sacred franchise, Fallout franchise, Mass Effect 1, Alpha Protocol, Planescape: Torment, Drakensang, KOTOR 1 & 2, etc.
Joined: Jul 2009
Dragon Age is indeed a masterpiece. It's a huge game with so much care and attention to detail. I truly did not expect Bioware to make such a large RPG ever again, but they've done it yet again. It's really a return to form for them. Although, I'm still super pumped for Mass Effect 2.  And yes, Divinity II looks like a wonderful RPG. I don't care which one is better, but I'll be glad to have both in my collection. Is that you, BioShockOwnz? Regardless, well said.
Joined: Nov 2009
Dragon Age is indeed a masterpiece. It's a huge game with so much care and attention to detail. I truly did not expect Bioware to make such a large RPG ever again, but they've done it yet again. It's really a return to form for them. Although, I'm still super pumped for Mass Effect 2.  And yes, Divinity II looks like a wonderful RPG. I don't care which one is better, but I'll be glad to have both in my collection. Is that you, BioShockOwnz? Regardless, well said. You got me! 
My Favorite RPGs: Divinity franchise, Gothic franchise (including Arcania, so I think I'm alone...), Venetica, Risen, Two Worlds II, The Witcher, Sacred franchise, Fallout franchise, Mass Effect 1, Alpha Protocol, Planescape: Torment, Drakensang, KOTOR 1 & 2, etc.
Joined: Oct 2008
Character models: DA: Origins > Divinity 2 > Risen Overall Graphics: Risen > DA: Origins > Divinity 2 Story: DA: Origins > Divinity 2 > Risen Freedom of choice: Risen > DA: Origins > Divinity 2 Dialogues: DA:O > Divinity 2> Risen Feeling of an RPG: Risen > Divinity 2 > DA: Origins
In short DA: Origins makes the overall better game from the 3 and followed by Risen, leaving Divinity 2 in last place from the 3. However, Divinity 2 feels better when you play it, rather than it`s two opponents.
...........................::ALIVE::..........................  DeviRyuuD(Myojinoir) Reviews here
Joined: Aug 2009
DeviRyuuD spoke. Now everyone knows that DA:O is much-much-much better than Risen or Divinity 2. Nuff said.
Joined: Jan 2009
divinity 2 comes in after Risen in Graphics? I must be playing a different game...
Joined: Oct 2008
While Divinity 2 exceeds in texture details, Risen graphics blend better together. Risen and Divinity 2. I still havent cahnged my thoughts that DA: Origins scuks and i like Divinity 2 the best, i`m just facing the facts.
...........................::ALIVE::..........................  DeviRyuuD(Myojinoir) Reviews here
Joined: Oct 2009
1.Dragon age origins 2.Divinty 2 5.Risen
Joined: Jun 2004
I played all 3 games, not finished Da and risen yet, but one thing that bugged me so much on risen were the chat dialogs and the speeches, Da and dd2 are so much better on that one.
Just the quality of speech and dialogs in risen made it seem like it's done by an amature flash game maker where they speak in their own dialogs.. seriously.
But on the otherhand Risen is pretty beautyfull and a large area to explore and down side of that is there are no markers or anything on the map, nor on the npcs that give quests or anything.
And the combat system on Risen lacks alot aswell, DD2 and DA:O plays much smoother.
In my opinion if you go for a game, get DD2 and DA:O for sure, if you finished them and your pc can handle Risen, play it if you have nothing else.
Im on 60% of of DA:O and the story and game play has been awsome so far, it only lacks freedom of movement, but it kinda blends in with game and you barely notice it, since you pick up quests and be on your way, unless you really like exploring then it might be a miss.
Also DA:O feels like a finished game, I haven't encountered bugs or anything like that and havent heard of other bugs then the DEX dagger one for rogue's but I play mage and don't have a rogue in my team that's active.
In Risen again the chat dialogs and what ever are not finished, you hoover above spikes and couple of more things like that make you feel it's not a finished game.
Playing through DD2 I encountered minor bugs, but it doesn't give you the impression it's not finished.
So in my opinion, 1: DA:O - 2:DD2 3:If you must, Risen.
Don't play  when you have a mushroom phobia! o.O xD
old hand
old hand
Joined: Feb 2009
Risen does have map markers. You have to go to Quest Map.
Risen is one of the most enjoyable game's I've played this year.