Originally Posted by Kein
[quote]Lol, so silly and lame USA logic: "Oh, wait, lemme check the jewelbox! What?

Are you a xenophobe? Sure seems like it, bucko.

Anyways, I've praised Divinity II, so don't just skip over other posts to try to prove a somewhat immature and uneducated point.

Divinity II is not AAA, whether you like it or not. It's just not. Dragon Age is. I could point to the Metacritic average here, but let's just use common sense for one freaking moment.

That doesn't mean you can't prefer one over the other, but that still doesn't make the said preference a AAA game, unless you're absolutely blind to every fault.

Your logic is silly, period. Don't bring in smaller indie games of such kind to try to prove a point. Games with such a large scale and scaled down teams/budgets like Risen, Divinity II, Sacred 2, Two Worlds, etc, are not AAA games. Sure, there may be an exception to the rule (ie: The Witcher), which is debatable, but let's not kid ourselves.

Anyways, I prefer Divinity II (and Divine Divinity for that matter) over anything Bethesda has created, so don't worry there, champ, the motherland reigns supreme!

Last edited by Libertarian; 31/12/09 04:24 PM.

My Favorite RPGs: Divinity franchise, Gothic franchise (including Arcania, so I think I'm alone...), Venetica, Risen, Two Worlds II, The Witcher, Sacred franchise, Fallout franchise, Mass Effect 1, Alpha Protocol, Planescape: Torment, Drakensang, KOTOR 1 & 2, etc.