Joined: Oct 2009
What kind of statement is that? Have you no opinion of your own? :o I have My opinion is that Dragon age origins is better then go and die Like someone in this world care for what you think ***YOU ARE UNIMPORTANT*** Goodbye See how things go back right at you. So before posting something like that again, know that everyone has their own opinion of things, i don`t care what metacritic says, to me the game will always stay at B level. I wasnt intending any flame when i said that, i wust just expressing what i think. Shouldnt you be ashamed of yourself raven? Nope I have my opinion like everybody else but its personal and it isn"t big thing
Joined: Aug 2009
Lenin and Stalin died decades ago, get over it man! Are you a xenophobe? Sure seems like it, bucko. [...] Your logic is silly, period.
Why did you bring up personal references in the thread where we are talking about a games? Are you a troll? Should I report to mods about a cancer on my Larian forums? Following the 'lame USA logic', Dragon Age would suck since it's a game from Canada...  Lol, you have failed even on silly and retarded "casual USA consumer" logic ;P It does not matter who made the game while it's "good rated" and has tons of AAA-stickers on the box :P Like the situation with CoD6:Mw2 - tons of wonderful 90/100 points from magazines and... epic 5.9/10 user scores XDDD Divinity II is a B game. DA: O is a AAA game. Check Metacritic. ^^-> the wonderful example what I meant! See? :P >_> <_<
Joined: Nov 2009
Lol, you have failed even on silly and retarded "casual USA consumer" logic ;P It does not matter who made the game while it's "good rated" and has tons of AAA-stickers on the box :P Like the situation with CoD6:Mw2 - tons of wonderful 90/100 points from magazines and... epic 5.9/10 user scores XDDD
No, that sir, is silly and retarded logic. You named Darwinia, World of Goo, and Aquaria. All 3 of these are more arcade-style releases, hence Darwinia going to XBLA and World of Goo on Wiiware. These title require FAR less resources (both time, money and team size) than a game like Divinity II. That's an irrefutable fact.
Last edited by Libertarian; 01/01/10 04:20 PM.
My Favorite RPGs: Divinity franchise, Gothic franchise (including Arcania, so I think I'm alone...), Venetica, Risen, Two Worlds II, The Witcher, Sacred franchise, Fallout franchise, Mass Effect 1, Alpha Protocol, Planescape: Torment, Drakensang, KOTOR 1 & 2, etc.
Joined: Oct 2009
Lol, you have failed even on silly and retarded "casual USA consumer" logic ;P It does not matter who made the game while it's "good rated" and has tons of AAA-stickers on the box :P Like the situation with CoD6:Mw2 - tons of wonderful 90/100 points from magazines and... epic 5.9/10 user scores XDDD
No, that sir, is silly and retarded logic. You named Darwinia, World of Goo, and Aquaria. All 3 of these are more arcade-style releases, hence Darwinia going to XBLA and World of Goo on Wiiware. These title require FAR less resources (both time, money and team size) than a game like Divinity II. That's an irrefutable fact. He is right If BioWare team works on World of Goo they would make World of Goo series of 27 parts for one month.
Joined: Aug 2009
These title require FAR less resources Thanks you, you just proved my point, Please re-read my previous post :P Oh, and please, do not answer 'till you understand. I thought I was pretty obvious but well.. sorry, can't make it more simple to understand.
Joined: Nov 2009
No, you argued my fantastic logic. And that's why smaller indie titles can be AAA (ie: the ones you listed) and the majority of indie RPG's of this size aren't AAA titles (Divinity II, Risen, Gothic 3, Two Worlds, Venetica, etc). It's hard for such a small developer with less resources to make a game as large as these and make sure it's of AAA quality.
It is not my fault you fail to understand my great knowledge of truth. I do not hold such limitations against you, though. It's not your fault. I'm just trying to enlighten such mislead logic. You, sir, have been enlightened.
Last edited by Libertarian; 02/01/10 08:28 PM.
My Favorite RPGs: Divinity franchise, Gothic franchise (including Arcania, so I think I'm alone...), Venetica, Risen, Two Worlds II, The Witcher, Sacred franchise, Fallout franchise, Mass Effect 1, Alpha Protocol, Planescape: Torment, Drakensang, KOTOR 1 & 2, etc.
Joined: Jan 2010
Both games have a similar endings. Both leave you hanging around with unfinished business.
Joined: Mar 2004
Lenin and Stalin died decades ago, get over it man! Why did you bring up personal references in the thread where we are talking about a games? Are you a troll? Should I report to mods about a cancer on my Larian forums? Hey man, you brought up USA bashing and based on your location under your avatar, I figured it was fair game. Needless to say, you didn't or couldn't refute my arguments, so you had to b1tch about the only thing you could find.
Is reality just a fantasy?
Joined: Nov 2009
Lenin and Stalin died decades ago, get over it man! Why did you bring up personal references in the thread where we are talking about a games? Are you a troll? Should I report to mods about a cancer on my Larian forums? Hey man, you brought up USA bashing and based on your location under your avatar, I figured it was fair game. Needless to say, you didn't or couldn't refute my arguments, so you had to b1tch about the only thing you could find. Hey now, he can throw out "witty" insults, but don't you dare say something back!  There sure is a cancer on this forum and it's called hypocrisy.
My Favorite RPGs: Divinity franchise, Gothic franchise (including Arcania, so I think I'm alone...), Venetica, Risen, Two Worlds II, The Witcher, Sacred franchise, Fallout franchise, Mass Effect 1, Alpha Protocol, Planescape: Torment, Drakensang, KOTOR 1 & 2, etc.
Joined: Jan 2010
why even try to compare the two? one is just your char and other is party based and to me i hate party based games.... now if your comparing polish,graphics,playability etc then i can see trying but it's not an apple to apple imho.
i rather enjoy this game and think they did a "good" job, is it perfect??? nope but what is....
Joined: Aug 2009
No, you argued my fantastic logic. And that's why smaller indie titles can be AAA Oh, and now we are changing the positions? Great  Please, continue support my point :o You're so funny, especially when you have no idea what are you talking about :P why even try to compare the two? Because most ppl retarded. They need to.
Joined: Nov 2009
No, you argued my fantastic logic. And that's why smaller indie titles can be AAA Oh, and now we are changing the positions? Great  Please, continue support my point :o You're so funny, especially when you have no idea what are you talking about :P why even try to compare the two? Because most ppl retarded. They need to. You, my friend (oh, buddy, you know you are...), do not read nor comprehend anything correctly. I've always agreed that smaller indie titles can be AAA. Trials, World of Goo and the like. That was never my argument. I was talking about smaller indie devs creating much larger experiences that require more resources across the board, not an inexpensive downloadable title. You presented poor examples, simple as that. As I stated, Divinity II is not a AAA product. I love it, but it's not AAA. Then again, I see everything through clean lenses. I do not let anything cloud my vision and get in the way of the truth. Metacritic, the leading site that averages every review score, even proves this point, and that alone is worth more than your singular opinion, and that, my dear friend, is 100% fact. Irrefutable.
Last edited by Libertarian; 03/01/10 11:54 PM.
My Favorite RPGs: Divinity franchise, Gothic franchise (including Arcania, so I think I'm alone...), Venetica, Risen, Two Worlds II, The Witcher, Sacred franchise, Fallout franchise, Mass Effect 1, Alpha Protocol, Planescape: Torment, Drakensang, KOTOR 1 & 2, etc.
Joined: Dec 2009
Who sais his opinion is the only one?
You base your AAA status on what others think due to some site giving you a number. For me a Game is only AAA when i like it enough to be just that.
I do not listen to reviewers who get extra money to give big devs that extra few points to hype a game to the mainstream gamers. (remember a reviewer being firered not to long ago for giving a so called AAA game a 6/10 while the dev. financed that months issue)
They can put AAA on the box but not in my heart.
Greettz. Solo
Joined: Nov 2009
Who sais his opinion is the only one?
You base your AAA status on what others think due to some site giving you a number. For me a Game is only AAA when i like it enough to be just that.
I do not listen to reviewers who get extra money to give big devs that extra few points to hype a game to the mainstream gamers. (remember a reviewer being firered not to long ago for giving a so called AAA game a 6/10 while the dev. financed that months issue)
They can put AAA on the box but not in my heart.
Greettz. Solo You should be able to be subjective despite your love for a game. I love Divinity II more than many AAA titles, but I also see it has many more issues, which brings it down from AAA status. You can like something more, but when it comes to the quality of the development, you should be able to be subjective, which is why a Metacritic average is worth more. Being subjective (ie: honest) is an art these days.
My Favorite RPGs: Divinity franchise, Gothic franchise (including Arcania, so I think I'm alone...), Venetica, Risen, Two Worlds II, The Witcher, Sacred franchise, Fallout franchise, Mass Effect 1, Alpha Protocol, Planescape: Torment, Drakensang, KOTOR 1 & 2, etc.
Joined: Oct 2009
This is funny We arguing about Dicinity 2 vs Dragon age on Divinity 2 forum Of course that Divinity 2 is going to win now lets go on DA:O forum to see what they think 
Joined: Oct 2008
Good idea, go to DA:O forum and never come back ;D
...........................::ALIVE::..........................  DeviRyuuD(Myojinoir) Reviews here
Joined: Aug 2009
I've always agreed that smaller indie titles can be AAA. Good, can you find me one? :P Then again, I see everything through clean lenses. I do not let anything cloud my vision and get in the way of the truth.[/quote [quote]As I stated, Divinity II is not a AAA product. I love it, but it's not AAA. But the first thing you see with your clean lenses is the rank of the game :P Oookaaay. This is funny We arguing about Dicinity 2 vs Dragon age on Divinity 2 forum Of course that Divinity 2 is going to win
Try to count opinions here (whole thread) and you will be surprised.
Joined: Oct 2009
I've always agreed that smaller indie titles can be AAA. Good, can you find me one? :P Then again, I see everything through clean lenses. I do not let anything cloud my vision and get in the way of the truth.[/quote [quote]As I stated, Divinity II is not a AAA product. I love it, but it's not AAA. But the first thing you see with your clean lenses is the rank of the game :P Oookaaay. This is funny We arguing about Dicinity 2 vs Dragon age on Divinity 2 forum Of course that Divinity 2 is going to win
Try to count opinions here (whole thread) and you will be surprised. I am suprised  It seems that even on Divinity 2 forum dragon age origins can win
Joined: Jan 2010
I don't see how you can compare DAO to D2 - they are completely different style of games. DAO is party based epic story driven while D2 is a soloist action rpg. If anything - compare D2 to Risen/Gothic 3. 
Joined: Nov 2009
I look forward to playing Dragon Age after having finished Divinity II and Mass Effect 2, but meanwhile, I can try to express what I love about Divinity II that sets it apart from other games. What this game has, to me, is a kind of "old school LucasArts" feeling if that makes sense. A certain light touch that makes it feel delightfully quirky and independent. I happen to have graduated two years ago from the same university in the same master's degree as the writer for this game did. I saw an article about him in the alumni magazine. In it, he talks about how his literary studies influenced his writing in this game. There's a wealth of fun little references to everything from the Bible to James Joyce to Monty Python. It's the kind of "not too serious" approach applied to a really great story that you hardly find anywhere else these days except in Pixar animation films. It reminds me of great games like Monkey Island and Space Quest which also had this fantastic sense of pure, unadulterated escapist fun! That, to me, is the greatest surprise about Divinity II and I don't think Dragon Age has that particular quality (even though it may be a better game, overall).