Originally Posted by marcusdavidus
yes i know how this skill works rly but it can be used as aoe becouse if any anemy is in range of this blow it get hit too but not by your normal damage but by damage u make to your target. i got polish version 1.3

so if u make this hit for 40% ( lvl 10 of this skill) to enemy with 2 k hp u make 800 damage to any enemy on line of atack . i have no idea how its works with 1 h but with 2 h u can easy make huge damage to whole grp of enemys just try to put them in stack and its easy cuz ai sux
if u got lucky u can kill grp of enemys in 2 fatalities
u simply need make enought damage to one target to fatal him :P
and its funny cuz this skill works on every one even bosses . try it on baal when his minions are on line of atack one hit stage clear :P

I had english ver 1.0 and its a single target skill, where it dont do any damage to any other mobs in range, beside the 1 you targeting. And this is suppose how the skill should work out. Beside that fatality cant be use unless enemy hp met the requirement only, eg for rank 10 fatality, it can only be use on mob with hp lesser than 40%. And this skill work with bosses all the time.