Originally Posted by marcusdavidus
d2 gfx is not bad but is not good too . full modet oblivion eat d2 without any problems . the graphic in d2 is "plastic" feel i dont say is bad but try the wicher enchenced edition graphic and animations are 3 times better mostly cuz is real world feel not video game feel.

btw all this xbox ppl who say that xbox got better grapgic etc buahahahahahahahahahaah
my gtx 275 eat any console like dragon eat chicken .. and will eat any console in next 5 years cuz all this ps3 xbox ar shiet good only for retards from usa who are to stupid to use pc
and if divinity dont need to be "playable" on xbox it can kick ass in graphic but now every dev make games on pc and on console in same time and only becosue of limitations of console graphic is way les than it can be on pc

Regardless of what country you may come from, for the love of god, use a spellchecker.

Just for the record, not everyone who uses a Xbox 360 or a PS3 (not that a PS3 has any relevance here seems Divinity 2 isn't even on the PS3) is from the USA. Far from it in fact. So please don't try and label everyone as an American retard when yo quite clearly have no idea of the current userbase.

Also I find your last statement laughable. Are you saying developers should limit all their titles to PC only and make drastically less money than what they can potentially make? PC users will always get the better version, what with high res graphics packs being released, having better hardware, etc. Personally I think you're just chatting shit here.

You sound like the typical anti-console PC fanboy, one who doesn't have a clue what he's talking about, who likes to chat shit just to start a silly internet fight. What's more amusing is that no one really gives a shit what you think of other systems. It's not going to stop them from using them.

So instead of wasting your time posting such idiotic, and barely understandable, nonsense why don't you post something more constructive, and easier on the eyes instead?

Last edited by Unreal Warfare; 08/01/10 10:55 AM.