lool audio are u ever ever heard aboute hmm PADS to pc ? i can easy use my desktop same like u use your shitbox360 i can plan on tv using pad or joystick

also ok some games are bettr on konsole like takken .... but are u ever consider playng real game on console ? like hmm counter strike or any real fps or rts ?
due of low spec consoles alot pc games actually got alot gimped gfx and is why i rly hate all this consoles cuz they only put limitations to games . And there is so much freeking pc games proted to xbox only becouse xbox is microsofts and shitcrosoft got long stick ....

joram i rly dont understood u .. is like u cannot play with pad on pc ? yes u can ( there are problems tho cuz fu*** d2 is dremed like jesus christ and u cannot use other than xbox pad o0
) so what advantage got xbox version over pc exxept more amount of bugs low graphic shitty textures etc ? no comment if devs stop make games that need run on old freeeking xbox or ps3 maybe games start to evolve again becouse now games start to be more and mor arcade even big rpgs just becouse noobs like u cannot play big gams on freeking pads ...thanx god starcraft 2 will not go on any fucking console go go blizzard last real pc game making studio who dont se4rve fucking microsoft or ea or whatever