Joined: Dec 2009
It's called screen tearing. Yeah and it's becoming more and more fequent as consoles age. It's especially bad on games that are ported from PC to 360. If it were corrected, frame rate would plummet, so that's why developers don't do it. On PCs you can just enable vsync and be done with it. A lot of people don't see or notice tearing but as an ex-pc gamer, I notice it and it really bugs me. Nothing I can do, it's a trade off of using consoles VS PC, and it's in a lot of games (most games I've played lately actually), not only Divinity II. I tolerate it because I can no longer tolerace PC gaming. Here's an example of what happens.
Last edited by Jorlen; 07/01/10 04:53 PM.
Joined: Jan 2010
I really like the graphics in Divinity II. The world building is fantastic. The forest feels like a forest and there is much to explore. I think the graphics are much better than another big name RPG I have played recently but I prefer world building to character models.
Joined: Jan 2010
d2 gfx is not bad but is not good too . full modet oblivion eat d2 without any problems . the graphic in d2 is "plastic" feel i dont say is bad but try the wicher enchenced edition graphic and animations are 3 times better mostly cuz is real world feel not video game feel.
btw all this xbox ppl who say that xbox got better grapgic etc buahahahahahahahahahaah my gtx 275 eat any console like dragon eat chicken .. and will eat any console in next 5 years cuz all this ps3 xbox ar shiet good only for retards from usa who are to stupid to use pc and if divinity dont need to be "playable" on xbox it can kick ass in graphic but now every dev make games on pc and on console in same time and only becosue of limitations of console graphic is way les than it can be on pc
Joined: Dec 2009
d2 gfx is not bad but is not good too . full modet oblivion eat d2 without any problems . the graphic in d2 is "plastic" feel i dont say is bad but try the wicher enchenced edition graphic and animations are 3 times better mostly cuz is real world feel not video game feel.
btw all this xbox ppl who say that xbox got better grapgic etc buahahahahahahahahahaah my gtx 275 eat any console like dragon eat chicken .. and will eat any console in next 5 years cuz all this ps3 xbox ar shiet good only for retards from usa who are to stupid to use pc and if divinity dont need to be "playable" on xbox it can kick ass in graphic but now every dev make games on pc and on console in same time and only becosue of limitations of console graphic is way les than it can be on pc Regardless of what country you may come from, for the love of god, use a spellchecker. Just for the record, not everyone who uses a Xbox 360 or a PS3 (not that a PS3 has any relevance here seems Divinity 2 isn't even on the PS3) is from the USA. Far from it in fact. So please don't try and label everyone as an American retard when yo quite clearly have no idea of the current userbase. Also I find your last statement laughable. Are you saying developers should limit all their titles to PC only and make drastically less money than what they can potentially make? PC users will always get the better version, what with high res graphics packs being released, having better hardware, etc. Personally I think you're just chatting shit here. You sound like the typical anti-console PC fanboy, one who doesn't have a clue what he's talking about, who likes to chat shit just to start a silly internet fight. What's more amusing is that no one really gives a shit what you think of other systems. It's not going to stop them from using them. So instead of wasting your time posting such idiotic, and barely understandable, nonsense why don't you post something more constructive, and easier on the eyes instead?
Last edited by Unreal Warfare; 08/01/10 10:55 AM.
Joined: Nov 2009
I'm a European retard who took the step from PC to console gaming and I have to say I enjoy playing on the 360 much more than I did playing on the PC. I usually play on or in my bed (depending on how late it is) which I find a lot more relaxing than sitting hunched over a mouse & keyboard. Also, I can't afford to buy the latest & greatest PC components all the time. Now I finally know that I don't have to worry about whether my PC can handle a game or not, I can just buy it and know it will work fine. I'm sure your PC is much more powerful than my Xbox and will provide much better graphics, but it doesn't matter all that much to me. I'm happy.
To Unreal Warfare and Jorlen: thanks, now I know what to call it and where it comes from. I have to say, between screen tearing on the one hand and dropped frame rates or "Loading Area..." pauses on the other, I prefer the former. Jorlen, may I ask you why you can't tolerate PC gaming anymore?
Joined: Apr 2005
Me too find playing on a console (xbox) much more fun than on pc! On the other hand have a pc-version also good things (more possibilities for 'hotkeys', for example) ... but for me the graphics aren't the most important thing in a game!
Last edited by Joram; 08/01/10 09:37 AM.
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Jan 2010
lool audio are u ever ever heard aboute hmm PADS to pc ? i can easy use my desktop same like u use your shitbox360 i can plan on tv using pad or joystick
also ok some games are bettr on konsole like takken .... but are u ever consider playng real game on console ? like hmm counter strike or any real fps or rts ? due of low spec consoles alot pc games actually got alot gimped gfx and is why i rly hate all this consoles cuz they only put limitations to games . And there is so much freeking pc games proted to xbox only becouse xbox is microsofts and shitcrosoft got long stick ....
joram i rly dont understood u .. is like u cannot play with pad on pc ? yes u can ( there are problems tho cuz fu*** d2 is dremed like jesus christ and u cannot use other than xbox pad o0 ) so what advantage got xbox version over pc exxept more amount of bugs low graphic shitty textures etc ? no comment if devs stop make games that need run on old freeeking xbox or ps3 maybe games start to evolve again becouse now games start to be more and mor arcade even big rpgs just becouse noobs like u cannot play big gams on freeking pads ...thanx god starcraft 2 will not go on any fucking console go go blizzard last real pc game making studio who dont se4rve fucking microsoft or ea or whatever
Joined: Dec 2009
but are u ever consider playng real game on console ? like hmm counter strike You do know that Counter Strike was actually released on consoles, right? Also no one cares about the pros and cons of a PC and console. This is about Divinity 2 graphics, not your little platform war. Cry more to be honest.
Last edited by Unreal Warfare; 08/01/10 11:03 AM.
Joined: May 2008
Personally - if the game is good (just like if the story is good in a movie) the graphics are not the thing that spoils the fun for me. To me it is rather a question of design over the polished surface.
Joined: Jan 2010
unreal ye are u see any one actually play mutliplayer on real server on on any championships on XBOX ? is simply imposible to play in fps on PAD .yes u can play single player cuz devs gimps enemys so u got feel like u acxtually good but if u go online any noob with mouse and keys will EAT u
same starcraft was on console on nintendo 64 but are this mean any one play it online in competive games ? NO and im not cry i just show that ur xbox fan boy without any valid arguments. xobox or ps3 are simply old piece of junk , any modern pc got 6x or 7 times more power than xbox 360 and can do everything what your xbobx can so pls tell me what is more fun on xbox than on pc ? becouse i dont see any thing u can simply do everything on pc what u can do on xbox and u cannot do even 40% of what u can do on pc on your xbox. so pls some real valid arguments
Last edited by marcusdavidus; 08/01/10 11:11 AM.
Joined: Jan 2010
but are u ever consider playng real game on console ? like hmm counter strike You do know that Counter Strike was actually released on consoles, right? Also no one cares about the pros and cons of a PC and console. This is about Divinity 2 graphics, not your little platform war. Cry more to be honest. Agree. BTW Unreal are you on the official Xbox forums? I think I've seen you with like CUL8.
Joined: Dec 2009
unreal ye are u see any one actually ply mutliplayer on reakl server on on any championships on XBOX ? is simly imposible to play in fps on PAD yes u can play single playre cuz devs gimps enemys so u got feel like u acxtually good but if u go online any noob with muse and keys will EAT u Not entirely true. One player broke the top 5 with a control pad on Unreal Tournament 3 (PC version) on the Deathmatch leaderboards about a month after it was released. Hell I've even played on PC with a control pad myself against mouse and keyboard players, and held my own. The gap isn't really as huge as you seem to think for someone who is competitively competent with a control pad. There's also some godly control pad players on the PS3 version of UT3, where they allow players to use Mouse and Keyboard or control pad aswell. Now while mouse and keyboard holds some advantages over control pads what you have to realise is that on consoles, everyone uses the same controller, thus has the same playing field. People also find ways to use their own methods of playing and ways to gain advantages over others when using them. People adapt. Now I'll give you credit where it's due that Counter Strike isn't as popular as it is on the PC, though probably mainly due to mods, and the smaller userbase of the Xbox at the time, etc more than anything else, but that doesn't change the fact that it was released on console. If you think people can't play competitively just because they use a control pad you are a very narrow minded individual. Maybe you should take a look at some of the games played at MLG (and I'm not talking the wannabes here, I'm talking the real pros) and at how much money some of those guys can win over there aswell. Maybe then you'll realise that console gamers can be just as competitive aswell. Hell most gamers scream for good multiplayer because of it. Wake up kid. The world doesn't revolve around PC gaming alone anymore. Deal with it.
Last edited by Unreal Warfare; 08/01/10 11:25 AM.
Joined: Apr 2005
joram i rly dont understood u .. is like u cannot play with pad on pc ? yes u can ....
I choose to play also on xbox because of the game-requirements for the PC! There are for my pc toooooo high!! So I wish to invest not in more new pc-parts (videocard, duo-core pros, Ram etc!!), but in a xbox-console and that's MY personal choise! And futhermore: have you read about how many bugs the pc-version has?? Many! with the xbox-version I played whole Divinity II without any technical interruptions, exept 1 time there was a bug after Farglow, after the dialog with Rhode a never ending loadingscreen... but I could it easy solve : skipp dialog and videoscene starts nice... So, MY opion: the xbox-version is very very nice comparing with the pc-version, exept the graphics are lower on xbox... but for me NO worries about graphics at all!  I play Divine Divinity on pc and love that game, and playing without controller, no problem for me.
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Dec 2009
BTW Unreal are you on the official Xbox forums? I think I've seen you with like CUL8. I used to have a CUL 8 until I requested a CUL drop and asked to be removed from the Ambassador program. I'm a CUL 5 now. I frequent the Divinity 2 forums, posting technical stuff there like patch updates etc, and the UK based forums there.
Last edited by Unreal Warfare; 08/01/10 11:23 AM.
Joined: Jan 2010
joram BUY new pc than or stop buyng crap pcs . if u cannto make pc by yourself , pc that can handle any ame by next 3 years is your foult. also if pc start to struggle with any game u can simply upgrade it can upgrade xbox ? and u say that divinity got bugs on pc ? hmm i end game 2 times and game crash 2 times only . and most post in technical help is from ppl with xbox :P
unreal ye some guys can do this on pad same like some guys was beat asses on just keyboard without mouse in quake/ quake 2 , but that dont mean more ppl can do the same
also u dont undertstood the lack of controlls on xbox is most pain in ass if xbox was be shipped with mouse/keyboard is fine for me to make same games on pc/xbox but due of lack of real control in xbox the pc games get freeking limited posibilities all this auto aim shit in d2 is only cuz noobsd on xbox cannot fucking aim on pads . are u even consider playng rts on pad? try control 200 units when u cannot simply bind anything.
and im not enemy of consoles im enemy of making the same games on consoles and pc. common there is jRPG for consoles but puting cRPG on consoles just gimp that games becouswe XBOX/ps3 got limited power limited cotrol etc . just look how shitty was gothic 3 , the fights wa s retardet due of auto aim and auto aim was introduced only cuz noobs on consoles cannot freeking do anything if they need use gothic/gothic 2 fight style
so why dont stay iwith takken games on consoles and let pc handle real games .
old hand
old hand
Joined: Feb 2009
I don't know why your going on about Gothic 3. It has nothing to do with consoles. It was PC only, so why are you baffling on about it.
PS.please use grammar. You use the word 'retardet' as you spell it you make it seem like your talking about yourself with that grammar.
Joined: Dec 2009
unreal ye some guys can do this on pad same like some guys was beat asses on just keyboard without mouse in quake/ quake 2 , but that dont mean more ppl can do the same
also u dont undertstood the lack of controlls on xbox is most pain in ass if xbox was be shipped with mouse/keyboard is fine for me to make same games on pc/xbox but due of lack of real control in xbox the pc games get freeking limited posibilities all this auto aim shit in d2 is only cuz noobsd on xbox cannot fucking aim on pads . are u even consider playng rts on pad? try control 200 units when u cannot simply bind anything. Let me make something very clear to you. I own a PC, Xbox 360 and a PS3 for gaming. I, on a regular basis, play Guild Wars and Unreal Tournament 3 on the PC. So yes I have a clear understanding of controls on a PC and a console, and the different variances in how they are used. RTS, while probably being a little more limited than on a PC, do work on the consoles. Command & Conquer, Battle for Middle Earth 2, and Supreme Commander are pretty well translated over and despite the lack of keyboard and mouse are fairly good to play. Personally though I don't care about RTS games on a console, I play RPG's and shooters, neither do I see why it's a big deal to you how a RTS game works on a console if you play it on a PC. You're saying a RTS on a PC is limited because of consoles? If so I will laugh my ass off. Most console RTS, if not all, are ports of PC games, and ones that have been released significantly later. The auto aim in Divinity 2 isn't because people can't aim with a control pad. It's just a part of the game. Did you not notice that the enemies have homing arrows too? Divinity 2 was released well before it was released on a console. If you go to the Xbox 360 forums you'll find just as many people complaining about it there as there is here. So if you think it's because of what we want then you are badly mistaken. You talk of PC gamers having limited possibilities because of console gamers yet you get a better skill and hotkey system. and im not enemy of consoles im enemy of making the same games on consoles and pc. common there is jRPG for consoles but puting cRPG on consoles just gimp that games becouswe XBOX/ps3 got limited power limited cotrol etc . just look how shitty was gothic 3 , the fights wa s retardet due of auto aim and auto aim was introduced only cuz noobs on consoles cannot freeking do anything if they need use gothic/gothic 2 fight style The time of consoles having limited power etc is behind us. Now while consoles do get outdated due to technology shift that doesn't make them any less capable of playing games from another platform because developers will always try and make their games play on the lowest spec PC's possible. If you think a console like the Xbox 360 or PS3 is not better than a low end PC that most games are designed to run on then you clearly do not understand what hardware they actually have in them. Also Gothic 3 was on consoles? I think not. so why dont stay iwith takken games on consoles and let pc handle real games . See above. Even with PC they will still cater to a lower end market. Regardless of what market they cater to PC users are still capable of modding their game, recieving patches for it, and getting high res packs to make it look better. Lastly, and probably the most important part, console games are generally handled by other studios when ported to a console. PC developers generally cater for the PC crowd first, then get another company to port the game to consoles. So all this talk is irrelevant, in most cases. I really see no cause for complaint whatsoever, other than to attempt to wind up the console userbase.
Last edited by Unreal Warfare; 08/01/10 12:07 PM.
Joined: Apr 2005
@marcusdavidus: It's MY choise to play D II on xbox, so I don't wish to read all your words that have no sense with what I'm writing down  And futhermore: my pc is on this moment at least 5 years old! I have played also many games on pc before I played on xbox! But the last years each time I wish to buy a new pc-game, I must upgrade my pc over and over again .. no, thanks!! It's MY choise to take an xbox!! And okay, there are also problems with the xbox-version, but also it seems NOT my version: I haven't had no crashes on my xbox-version at all, exept 2 times a little bug I could solve simply!
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Jan 2010
unreal ... wroong consoles are rly rly rly out of date the reazon why new games are playable on xbox ps3 is only totaly gimp graphic in that games let me clear to u nvidia gtx 260 is 8 x faster than xbox . c2d e8400 is more than 3 times faster than xbox and this is low pc stuff if u take gtx295 and i7 procc thre is no compare at all to xbox i can easly run 2 copys of d2 in same time on 2 monitors and get constant 60 fps this shows that game can have much better graphic if its dont need work on deprecated xbox also gothic 3 is on xbox . next auto aim |( i dont say aboute misles only) is STRICT CONSOLE STUFF before era of gay xbox and porting real games to that crap toys there was no auto aiming in any pc game EVER and expecially not in freeking rpg . Next u say there are rts on consoles.. hhaah good joke if u call supreme commander a real competive rts . i say aboute masive online rts games aka starcraft. pad cannot work in such games .
and u write that games are "ported" to consoles .. no that iusw not truth most of modern pc/xbox games are limited from start becouse they "need" to work on xbox. IF devs make game that will use all power that pc can give there is no and will not be in next 5 years console that can handle it PERIOD . AS u can see in D2 alot of "what they say it will be" is not here becouse of x"bob"x limitations and as some one who paid fro game that is limited due of some idiots ( from usa mostly) who are to stupid to use pc i got right to be angry imho .
If u ant see how big was rpg before whole xbox era go look on old rpgs titles there was never fucking auto aiming etc. also why a fu there is no aa ?? i know cuz xboxcannot handle aa + hdr in same time ( (thing that pc can handle from nvidia 7600 so many years ago) PERIOD also due of whole xbox shiet textures in d2 looks like from 1999 year ... no comment
Joined: Dec 2009
unreal ... wroong consoles are rly rly rly out of date the reazon why new games are playable on xbox ps3 is only totaly gimp graphic in that games let me clear to u nvidia gtx 260 is 8 x faster than xbox . c2d e8400 is more than 3 times faster than xbox and this is low pc stuff if u take gtx295 and i7 procc thre is no compare at all to xbox i can easly run 2 copys of d2 in same time on 2 monitors and get constant 60 fps this shows that game can have much better graphic if its dont need work on deprecated xbox also gothic 3 is on xbox . next auto aim |( i dont say aboute misles only) is STRICT CONSOLE STUFF before era of gay xbox and porting real games to that crap toys there was no auto aiming in any pc game EVER and expecially not in freeking rpg . Next u say there are rts on consoles.. hhaah good joke if u call supreme commander a real competive rts . i say aboute masive online rts games aka starcraft. pad cannot work in such games .
and u write that games are "ported" to consoles .. no that iusw not truth most of modern pc/xbox games are limited from start becouse they "need" to work on xbox. IF devs make game that will use all power that pc can give there is no and will not be in next 5 years console that can handle it PERIOD . AS u can see in D2 alot of "what they say it will be" is not here becouse of x"bob"x limitations and as some one who paid fro game that is limited due of some idiots ( from usa mostly) who are to stupid to use pc i got right to be angry imho .
If u ant see how big was rpg before whole xbox era go look on old rpgs titles there was never fucking auto aiming etc. also why a fu there is no aa ?? i know cuz xboxcannot handle aa + hdr in same time ( (thing that pc can handle from nvidia 7600 so many years ago) PERIOD also due of whole xbox shiet textures in d2 looks like from 1999 year ... no comment Ok let's get this out of the way. One: Gothic 3 is not on consoles. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gothic_3Two: I already said that consoles are outdated. Read more carefully. We know very well that consoles play catch up to PC technology. We also know that PC developers still cater to the lower end PC market to make sure they get more game sales. Imagine if a PC developer made a game that only ever played on high end high cost systems with no comprimise. However this is purely from a graphical technical aspect. That doesn't mean Xbox 360 games or PC games are not capable of running games ported from a PC, they just comprimise where they need to. Three: I'd love to see this world of yours where you don't understand how a porting process works. Games made for a PC are made for a PC. Games made for a console are made for a console. Relevant ports are made in general by other companies, and design those ports to work exclusively for that platform. If you think, in this deluded world of yours games on PC are gimped to cater for a console crowd, then, then you need to seriously wake up and smell the coffee. Most PC games, made for PC, don't see the light of day on consoles until at least 6 months to a year later if not longer. Far Cry and Half Life 2 being two good examples. Now there are exceptions, don't get me wrong, and I'm well aware of them, but we're talking ports here. Not games that are being released at exactly the same time (which nine out of ten times multiplatform games suck anyway full stop). However even in cases where a console can have relatively better hardware than the other a port can still look comparatively worse. We've seen it happen between the Xbox 360 and PS3. That is all down to the architecture and the way the developer codes the game around that architecture. Four: e8400 Faster than the Xbox 360 Xenon? Lol. Processor Name: Intel Core 2 Duo Processor E8400 Processor Manufacturer: Intel Processor Speed (GHz): 3.0 Number of Cores: 2 Processor Name: Xenon Triple Core Processor Processor Manufacturer: IBM Processor Speed (GHz): 3.2 Number of Cores: 3 Here's some more information for you about the Xenon processor. 90 nm process[4], 65 nm process upgrade in 2007 (codenamed "Falcon") 165 million transistors Three symmetrical cores, each two way SMT-capable and clocked at 3.2 GHz SIMD: VMX128 with 2× (128×128 bit) register files for each core. 1 MB L2 cache[4] (lockable by the GPU) running at half-speed (1.6 GHz) with a 256-bit bus 51.2 gigabytes per second of L2 memory bandwidth (256 bit × 1600 MHz) 21.6 GB/s Front-Side Bus Dot product performance: 9.6 billion per second 115.2 GFLOPS theoretical peak performance Restricted to In-order code execution eFuse 768 bits. ROM (and 64 kbytes SRAM) storing Microsoft's Secure Bootloader, and encryption hypervisor. Big endian architecture. And don't even get me started on the PS3's Cell which is vastly superior to alot (not all but alot) of processors on the market for PC gaming enthusiasts. Five: Let's see an example of auto aim on a PC RPG game where the console version has forced it directly. Please. Oblivion? Nope. Fallout 3? Nope. Dragon Age? Nope. Come on, Let's hear this one in more detail. Six: Stop crying about competitive play. We already discussed that and I made it quite clear about how competitive play is handled and the manner of fair game for everyone on their own respective platform, etc. Stop acting as if games are cross platform and competitive. Stop acting like everyone cares about RTS games aswell, or that it's the one genre to define them all. That's just one genre of many. You want to see competitive on a console? Like I said go to MLG. Go look up Street Fighter, FIFA, and PES tournaments and leagues while you're at it. A few among many others. Quite frankly you come across rabid, and delusional, and you just don't make sense. It's like you live in a world where everything is different to the real world. Maybe we should call you Alice? Now, have you finished derailing this thread from it's proper intentions? Or are you going to troll on console gamers, and make yourself look like more of an idiot, some more?
Last edited by Unreal Warfare; 08/01/10 03:05 PM.