dragher.. i post this screens not to show that oblivion got better graphic but to show why d2 dont got as good graphic as it can have BECOUSE ITS NEED RUN ON FU XSHIETBOBX . so if larian was be not limited by xbox power they can make d2 looks 5 times better ( same like ppl do with oblivion cuz vanilal obli sux too) so i never say oblivion is superior to d2 i say pc is superior to any console and cuz of this crap toys called xbox pc players need to look on ulgy textures low poligons models crap animations no aa + hdr and other things what make console games crap. period
of course there will be modding comunity for d2 who make the game looks like it should from beggining ( and is not cuz xbox is piece of bill gates shiet ) but this dont change anything. im rly tired of buy all new games just to find out low res textures freeking ulgy models and invisible walls everywhere becouse some retards are to stupid to buy or made pc.

draghen nice pic expecially this round wooden things ( dont know name in english) so bad that they dont round at all

and to this second guy u dont like bioware games cuz u need play in them many times?? o0 rly stupid reazon like freeking hell for every player replayability is a key for good game . pls dont be so carebear wow fan m8 :P
if u want easy game that u dont need to play again i poposal tetris
if i pay 50$ i want play in the game long time at last few times not end it once and know everything . like morrowind u can play morrowind by months 20 times or so and always get fun same baldurs planescape gothic ultra good arcanum or my fevor wizardy 7 and 8 . so if i got chooice buy DAO and play in it by 120 hours easly end it 5x6 times or for the same price buy d2 and end it in 24 hours and never play it again cuz is no real point becouse everything is the same and dificulty lvl is one big retardet joke
i chooice DAO . of course popably ur rich enought to buy new game each day whatever but most of ppl are not or maybe u simply torrent games .. whatver

Last edited by marcusdavidus; 08/01/10 11:30 PM.