Marcus I wasn't calling you a troll because of your english. It was because of the way you speak to others and the way you're turned this discussion into a console VS pc extravaganza. Just wanted to clear that up.
Also, I have a monster PC with a killer video card, but get this, I choose NOT to use it! It's even attached to the same plasma HDTV as my xbox 360! Thing is, I have my reasons, and for some, graphics aren't the "end all be all". For you, they matter, and I can see that. Kudos! I used to be the same way!
I modded Oblivion just like you, with texture enhancements, game mods, you name it. I spent hours tweaking every single aspect of every game. Then, one day I realized that I was tweaking more than playing the damned games, and I was tired of banging my head against the wall due to technical issues, I was tired of spending hundreds every 6 months on PC upgrades. I figured consoles were an easy solution. I was right. I never looked back. That's right, a devout Pc gamer for 20 years, and I jumped ship.
Graphics aren't everything, my Russian friend. One thing we can both agree on, is that Divinity II's art and style are beautiful and unique. The engine needs some work, but everything around it is wonderful.
Last edited by Jorlen; 08/01/10 11:32 PM.