first all this crap aboute xbox processor need only render graphic etc is bulsheit if u want so compare to any freeking graphic card damn old gf 8800 who can eb bought by 50$ got 2 times more graphic power than this xbox
also xbox can run d2 ONLY becouse devs make LOW graphic on D2 SO SHITBOX can handle it
if they dont need to like i show u on obli screens ( game 3 years old on the same engine) the game can looks 5 or 6 time better. AND THIS IS MY FUCKING POINT your old peice of shiet from bill gates make US pc users need to look on THIS CRAP graphic so why the fuck we need to pay 50$ for game that dotnt use even 50% of our pc power ? u know why ? cuz bill gates make shietload of cash on that crap due of retardet usa citizens who buy everything what this fuckard sell to them . i was try to be polite but u dont fucking understood that shiet i think
i dont want to play game with 5 years old graphic on my 2 k $ pc just becosue some fuckards cannot buy real pc . and d2 is just top of the iceberg almost all new freeking games need to work on that fucking shit xbox same crap like with one true os .. windows same piece of crap like xbox . but whatever if the screens dont show u how xbox is lame comparable to modern pc w8 till some guys wil make mods fro d2 with ultra graphic then fuckards like u will cry that d2 on theyr shitboxes looks ugly comparable to pc version like was in fucking shitload of games already .
imho go play tetris on your punny toy
stupid shitbox fanboy .. PERIOD

and im not kid propably im few good years older than most ppl on this forum .. kid
and of course i know that whole console world is big.. in usa in euro almost no one use that piece of crap cuz euro ppl actually got brains and dont eat that bills shiet . Just check how good xbox games are sell in europe or xbox itself compare to to pc than tell me how big xbox market is ..
or go invade iraq ...
flame war ftw

Last edited by marcusdavidus; 09/01/10 01:17 AM.