no im not but even if i was be a "communist" better to be communist than retard who belive in magic bullets ( aka jfk assasinate) or in whole arab sheep fucker who learn to fly a boeing on .. microsoft simulator than is able to crash on building , Building that should not colapse by any freeking way from tha impact ( any architect tell u that) but wtf half of usa citizens belive in that second half ( mormons) belive that jesus christ live in usa so how the hell u expect any one think that ppl in usa are wise or whatever ?

anyway this start to be real flame war
i simply say what every other country thinks aboute usa citizens ..

if any usa citizen is angry im sorry i dont meant to be so rude and put every one to same box .
i know alot usa ppl ( mostly from my sb clan) and they are ok

so libertian im sorry u if i was rude . but that stupid microshiet fan boy deserve that .

and again u write "10 milions is good for EUROPEAN CONSOLE market" that was nice try but pls tell me why u dont compare this to EURO PC MARKET ? who the hell care aboute some 10 milions 12 years old kids who actually get xbox (and as i say 10 m is microsoft pr not real statistic)
when there is around 1 bilion of pc cuz more than 50% of euros got 2 or more pcs including laptops
its totally NOTHING . compare this to other markets japan mostly ps3 and wee china i rly dont know but propably wee and ps3 also like rest of asia the real xbox market is usa mostly .
but who the fuck rly care



Last edited by marcusdavidus; 09/01/10 03:30 AM.