hey rly unreal idc rly
i say what i think and i got right if u like to pay 50 $ for game with gfx from 2002 is ok i dont and is why U SUX AND YOUR FREEKING XBOX SUX TOO . imho

if that was rude im sory ur just make me angry due of your lack of wisdom , but im rly sorry cuz its not your foult that ur always wrong u cant see the forrest by the trees and u cant smell your own s on your knees as mm says :P

btw are here any mods on this forum ? pls close this topic cuz this is nothying more than flame war of course is alot of fun for old troll like me but rly u should close this topic :P

longest flame war i see by long time :P

Last edited by marcusdavidus; 09/01/10 03:38 AM.