Originally Posted by Zomgnome
If any dev reads it, I know its not a bug, but it dosent make sense. Ranged Magic can follow me, thats understandable, but arrows? It makes dodging and jumping very useless for a ranger, you just stand on your spot and "trade" arrows with ur ranged enemy.

From a design perspective it actually makes a lot of sense. Bear in mind that most crpg's start out as turn-based scenarios where "dodging" is a numerical stat based more around a combination of dexterity and chance rather than timing. For all its appearances as a real-time game, it still utilizes a random number generator with stat modifiers for determining to-hit and damage. It looks corny, I know, but from a design perspective it makes sense. Otherwise they'd have to change the entire battle system to utilize model collision detection in real-time on top of a random number generator to determine to-hit and damage, which is certainly doable as an early design decision but not something I can see being a simple "fix."

If they did, though, then there's no reason why they couldn't remove a ranger's inability to keep moving while firing. Coming from playing a Ranger in Aion, this was a bit jarring to me at first when my usual approach wasn't working cuz my idiot character would stand in place while shooting. For all that "training" the player characters go through, multitasking wasn't high on the list of priorities, since a ranger should be perfectly capable of firing a bow while moving around, even if it applies a significant penalty to to-hit for doing so. I'd happily take a hit to my character's to-hit if it meant I wasn't a sitting duck every time I'd want to fire back.