I think 'hate' is too strong a word for the graphics in Div 2. Coming from someone who is incredibly picky about visuals in anything, I don't think the graphics are horrible, but definitely not Crysis or Resident Evil 5 either. Forests don't really seem very lush, but that's ok. Some of the animation looks fuzzy and choppy (specifically on allot of npc's when they are running, I noticed it quite a bit during one specific quest where I had to follow an npc to a location.) . Overall, I would have to say it mainly has to do with the engine. Tune it up, optimize it, could do some things for the visuals I think. The graphics aren't breathtaking (I was shocked, and still amazed, by crysis, and that was years ago.) But they are acceptable. My only real dislikes are the extreme fluctuations in difficulty (there been numerous times where the game has been fairly easy, and other times when I would enter a cave and there would be a large group of enemies that would kill me in 3-4 shots, being only 2 or so levels above mine, all on the same difficulty.) And dragon form. Honestly? I really don't look or feel very Fearful as the story portrays. But that's just my opinion.