Originally Posted by Pyrion
Originally Posted by scalla
Actually, I like the end because that's not the one you would expect.
This doesn't seem like enough justification to me for pulling a Twist Ending out of left field. And let's be perfectly clear on this - there is no foreshadowing whatsoever that leads up to the twist. That's a necessity to make it believable - there has to be something to look back upon and say "yeah, this makes sense," without having to invoke any sort of Fridge Logic to explain it away. What we've instead been dealt is a Shocking Swerve ending, a Twist Ending thrown in at the end simply for the sake of having one, which drags the whole thing into Wall Banger territory.

Originally Posted by scalla
That made me to think about the whole plot and what should have made the DK aware of his mistakes. About Talana that wasn't a ghost but was speaking to us throught death. About how she was in a hurry. She was so sarcastic in her coments... but at the same time, she congratulates him and allays suspicion.

That's Fridge Logic for ya, but even then it doesn't work, cuz there's no prior indication that who we're hearing isn't Talana. Even the Big Bad doesn't see it coming, he's as stunned as we are.

You put it better than I could have.
Your constantly rewarded in the game for doing big jobs.. This was just another job, and the way things normally go,you'd be rewarded for all of your trials and tribulations. The ending we got was well its like having the ground yanked out from under you.

Last edited by SeriousBusiness; 10/01/10 10:55 PM. Reason: Fix quote

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