My suggestions for a next game:
Totally freedom (seemless world)!!!! So NOT such a thing as in D II you can't go back after entering Hall of Echoes! Please Larian, listen to the frustratings of our fans/gamers!!
2) More kind of different enemies and NPC's like in DD (races like Orcs, Imps, Elfs, Dragons, Humans, Darves, ... are great in DD!) and also more different area's (different cities of races for example) will be great!
3) a little more Skills and the possibility to make potions by yourself like in DD, fun! Also the skill 'known creature' (or in a Logbook some stats of each kind of an enemy I have killed is also fine)...
4)Combat : I wish I can clearly "block" attacks with a shield!
5) I love a fully fantasy world, but a little more sense in the storyline is a great improvement and maybe more than 1 ending will be very good!!
6) A little more Main Quests may also be great!
7) "Not done" I find: such a things like Aleroth: "see a city with houses etc", but can't explore all things!!
Good things they must not change for me are:
the interface is nice, also the fact I can see immediately what the effects are on my stats when I change an equipment-item!! And enchantments I can make or change, good thing! Mind reading is very funny and the Quest are most of the time great!
Maybe I have later on more wishes because I give this game a second change! Yesterday I played from the start, this time with a female ranger hero

... "Be the One" who go to explore some Quests in a different way ... so Larian, despite my critical opinion about D II, I'm still a fan of our games! But be honest, many things I find better in DD! Combine the good strong things from both games and Divinity 3 will be very very great!!
But please, don't forget :
a totally seemless world AND a more stronger ending!! I'm begging you Larian!!