I got sick of Magic: The Marketing after the 12th expansion. I prefer the ECGs (Expandable Card Games). You buy the first deck for about one-and-a-half times a Magic starter deck and everybody plays off the one deck. Every now and then they release expansions which cost a bit less.

This way you know exactly how much you're spending and don't have to go card chasing. I find these a lot more fun too because I can buy more games from the price of one powerful Magic deck.

Our favourite ECGs include:

Chez Geek: A bunch of young adults move into an apartment and race to be the slackest! "Containt Adult Content. No Actual Maturity Required."

Hack!: Based on The Knights of the Dinner Table comic book. Dungeon crawling as one of the Knights characters.

Dungeoneer: D&D dungeon crawling in card form. Pick a character class and seek treasure and, most importantly, character levels!

Flux: A bizare game where there is only one rule - Draw 1 card; Play 1 card - until you play another rule. The goal of the game? Sorry, haven't played one of those yet.