Joined: Jan 2010
I just finished with the game 2 hours ago. I am really disapointed in the ending, like many others probably, but i did like there creativity for an ending (come up with something different). The thing that gets me though, after i beat the game, i read the back of the game and said it stuff like "Defeat Damian, save Rivellon, and become the ultimate Dragon Knight!" Well the game ending goes the complete opposite. So one could say Larian Studios have been misleading you the whole way through. That's what got me pissed off a little. I mean after you're done killing all the criminals and killing all of damian's leaders, you get to be put in a crystal and the divine telling you "you got screwed" I was like wtf lol. Never got to fight Damian, didn't save Rivellon, and didn't really become the ultimate Dragon Knight. It would have deffinately been better if they would have given you hints of a follow-up, i think then i wouldn't be so much disappointed. But Larian didn't go with that and just leaves you saying "wtf! now what am i supposed to do." I do think they could have done better with the ending, while keeping the whole you being in a crystal in play. They could have had a cutscene after the ending credits that basically shows that this is not over, but they didn't do that.
Joined: Jul 2009
Come on, was the game not fun as hell and rewarding throughout? Did they not deliver on giving you a content packed game that provided hours upon hours of enjoyment? All this surprise ending does is set up Divinity III, which means we are playing through a story and it is far from over here. When Divinity III is finally upon us, it will be all the sweeter and will make the series more epic as a whole. Think about it from that perspective for a moment.
Joined: Aug 2008
What about Star Wars : The empire strikes back?
It's a good movie when you look at the entire trilogy. But I bet everyone rooting for Leia/Luke coupling or wanting to see Darth Vader's ass get kicked, after he trained for it the entire movie, got sorely disappointed aswell.
Joined: Oct 2008
This reminds me, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. Poor Anikin got his ass handed to him and became Darth Vader as we know him. Isnt that sad, didn`t that ruin your movie experience? What ironcreed and I said - makes room for D3.
...........................::ALIVE::..........................  DeviRyuuD(Myojinoir) Reviews here
Joined: Jul 2009
What about Star Wars : The empire strikes back?
It's a good movie when you look at the entire trilogy. But I bet everyone rooting for Leia/Luke coupling or wanting to see Darth Vader's ass get kicked, after he trained for it the entire movie, got sorely disappointed aswell. Exactly, man. Some of you guys are not looking at this from the perspective of the entire story that is being told here. When Divinity III arrives, imagine the anticipation of getting revenge you will feel. Will it not make the series as a whole all the better?
Joined: Jul 2009
This reminds me, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. Poor Anikin got his ass handed to him and became Darth Vader as we know him. Isnt that sad, didn`t that ruin your movie experience? What ironcreed and I said - makes room for D3. Well said as well.
Joined: Nov 2009
I think I know what this ending is missing: a fading out screen in which the text "To be continued" appears.  I mean, nothing ever ends!
Last edited by Willlem; 12/01/10 05:57 PM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Aug 2009
What about Star Wars : The empire strikes back?
It's a good movie when you look at the entire trilogy. But I bet everyone rooting for Leia/Luke coupling or wanting to see Darth Vader's ass get kicked, after he trained for it the entire movie, got sorely disappointed aswell. But at the end of Star Wars:the empire strikes back at least Luke & Leia were saved. At least the spectators knew there was still hope for the future... In Divinity 2, all the player knows in the end is that one former hero and one new hero are seemingly lost forever...
Last edited by virumor; 12/01/10 06:58 PM.
Joined: Jan 2010
again ....
but ptoblem is not rly the loose of pc at end , ok damian can be stronger whatever but the style of that loose , u simply find out that whole game is pointless cuz your main char serve evill and this make some players rly hate to play again when they know they play for evill
Joined: Jan 2010
This reminds me, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. Poor Anikin got his ass handed to him and became Darth Vader as we know him. Isnt that sad, didn`t that ruin your movie experience? What ironcreed and I said - makes room for D3. That was a prequel though. We already know what happens to Vader so Revenge of the Sith is just a completion of that story. Even though the ending was mostly evil in Revenge of the Sith, it also did provide hope too, so people know that the story isn't over (even though most people knows what happens after that). This game, however, doesn't offer much hope at the end. You see Lucien and your character in a crystal locked forever and Damien and his lover, Yergna (i think that's how you spell it) basically conquering Rivellon. Usually that extra cutscene at the end is supposed to foreshadow a follow up. Larian decided to squash that all together with the total evil ending. I didn't mind so much you being in a crystal, but what i didn't like was the extra cutscene at the end.
Joined: Jan 2010
I loved the game so much and did literally evry sidequest and errand for everyone. I thought it was the best game ever untill the ending. I HATE WHEN GAMES FORCE YOU TO LOSE! Its like Fallout 3 when you turn on the purifier but die in the process. Yes it opened it up for the DLC's but Bethesda said they would continue it. If Larian does not make a content pack/new game that lets you get back at Damian you can be sure that I will never play it again or buy anything from them again. As I look back, it was 50 ish great hours of gameplay ruined by one 5 minute cutscene.
Heres a poll I found on another forum. Over 50% of the people HATED the ending. The ending was... by Orophin White Awesome 14 % Good 14 % Cool 5 % Not cool. 14 % Bad. 0 % Horrible 55 % Never mind replaying the game, I want a refund. That ending ruined the whole damn game for me...
Last edited by Nalroth; 12/01/10 09:48 PM.
Joined: Jan 2010
The ending is poorly written, and the lead up is pretty lame too. Getting stuck in the crystal should be 3/4 through the game. The ending should be getting free of the Hall of Echoes and preparing for to face what damian and Ygerna have in store for Rivellon. They could still leave a cliffhanger ending but give the player some satisfaction after all the hours spent playing the game.
This is even more inexcusable being that this is Larian's first foray into a new platform, assumingly to broaden their customer base. For many players on Xbox this will be their first time into Rivellon and the whole Damian story is only very weakly presented to the player.
Most new gamers will be like WTF? to many elements of this story. Presenting the backstory in the form a few short books that players can read in the game is a cop out.
The game NEEDED to present the backstory to new players better. Having everything be a mystery might sound cool but it is going to cost them sales. For first time players of Divinity games this ending may very well see them never come back to the series.
The span of time between the last game and this one was a long time. When is a new game going to come out? Players will have long given up on this series by the time it does, except a small handful of players loyal to the series.
This was a great opportunity to build more loyal fans. Instead Larian decides to slap new fans in the face and drive them away. These guys have the coolest job and they squander their opportunities, it baffles me.
Larian put alot of time and heart into this game but their focus was misguided. They should have built this game like it may very well be THE LAST GAME they would ever make in the Rivellon setting and give some closure to the story.
They missed the chance to:
* - Really capture the minds of new fans and get them involved in the tale of Damian and Rivellon. * - Provide background info in game to new fans through cutscenes and conversations. * - Build upon their customer base by adding new fans. This game WILL drive off more new fans than it gains. * - Provide a satisfying conclusion to this chapter of the story which is an even bigger slap in the face to old fans who have waited around 6 years for a new Divinity game.
----------------- They missed alot more chances too but this post is already too long.
I can gaurantee the majority of people who played this game will not be satisfied with the way the story was handled. Some of you will, but most will not. And most of them won't bother coming here to voice their opinions they will simply return this game and foget about rivellon.
Last edited by MonkeyLungs; 12/01/10 09:52 PM.
Joined: Jan 2010
I agree with the post above. This was my first game from them, and based on the ending it will be the last unless they make a patch or something that gives you maybe one more quest to get out of the crystal at least. Maybe even let you look at Damian's fortress and start the attack. Larain must release a patch/DLC to fix the ending soon or they will lose many people, myself included.
Oooooh I'm stuck in a damn crystal while the world is destroyed is a horrible ending.
Last edited by Nalroth; 12/01/10 10:05 PM.
Joined: Jan 2010
well said MonkeyLungs. For me also this is my first time playing Divinity, for i own an Xbox. Let them go for the evil ending all they want, but if they are continuing on with this, then it should have had a scene that offered hope at the end. This would go a long ways with players and instead of them forgetting about Rivellon (which is most likely happening now), they have some satisfaction that this is not the end at all. I know some people are saying "Well this sets up a revenge in Div 3." Well i certainly hope so, but they should have given that hint in the end of Div 2.
Joined: Jan 2010
I would have to say that this is the first time I went to win a game...to lose in the end.
The presentation of the ending is the kicker. Why? We see that the first true hero (the Divine) had the same crap happen to them...thus, it presents a NO-WIN Scenario...the "Kobayashi Maru" of RPG's.
If there WAS a sense of maybe you can come back or you need to return somehow...then it would have been fine...or even to die would have been fine actually, and in a glorious way.
I was manipulated, fooled into believing through the whole game that I was spending my time to win...to only lose in the end.
Truly a BADLY done ending to me.
Joined: Jan 2010
i think i ruined it for some of my friends lol. They asked me to tell them the ending in a short overview without giving details (this is for the 360). Well i simply said "you lose" and they just looked at me and said "what kind of game is that?" and now they're thinking twice about buying it. oops...lol.
Joined: Apr 2005
Come on, was the game not fun as hell and rewarding throughout? Did they not deliver on giving you a content packed game that provided hours upon hours of enjoyment? All this surprise ending does is set up Divinity III, which means we are playing through a story and it is far from over here. When Divinity III is finally upon us, it will be all the sweeter and will make the series more epic as a whole. Think about it from that perspective for a moment. Okay, I enjoying Divinity II very very much!! Until the ending! But I hope Larian have teh money to make a "Divinity III" ! ... But what if many fans run away, only because of the 'weak' ending?? That's indeed a sadly thing, because a bad little success of Divinity II forces Larian to make and end on their Gamestudio  !! So, if they make an unexpected and evil ending: okay, but give at least the gamer a nice look for a possible upcoming game ... at least, because I PREFER simply another ending! It is NOT that you can make NO follow-up IF you give a ending the hero wins!! And the gamer his/her hours and hours gameplay ISN'T for nothing! For EACH ending they could make a follow-up, I'm sure!! To tell the truth ... this is a fantasy RPG (for me) and with fantasy you can going each way up!! Larian, please I begging you, give us a game with an ending SO gamers are satified and happy they play for hours and hours! And don't forget some fans make a "Fansite" too ... ! What did they thinking about all disappointed gamers or maybe they are disappointed too?? If NOT make a better end, I'm very afraid loosing many fans and loosing possible new upcoming fans forever!! I was very tolerant and forgiving after playing the end of DD and I waited very patient for years to see what D II give ... And BD I played of hours, but never go to the end because of the "Acts" (not seemless, not quite my thing), but I enjoy all our games' "gameplay", most of all DD and second Divinity II !
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
old hand
old hand
Joined: Aug 2009
I think Larian should foremost make the game they want to make, not simply catering to the tastes of the current gaming market. Divinity 2 is quite unique with its ending for a reason. Too many RPGs already have the boring "hero fights bad guy and wins" endings. well said MonkeyLungs. For me also this is my first time playing Divinity, for i own an Xbox. Let them go for the evil ending all they want, but if they are continuing on with this, then it should have had a scene that offered hope at the end. The Divine is still alive. If that isn't hope I don't know what it is. The entire hare-brained plan of Zandalor was exactly because he thought the Divine was dead. Now the plan for the next game could be "Free the Divine".
Last edited by virumor; 13/01/10 02:08 PM.
Joined: Apr 2005
Okay, an ending like "hero fights bad guy and wins" is maybe a clich� (for me for sure not boring!), but you can't ignore most of the gamers they playing an RPG wish to be a hero!!
For me Larian make his own unexpected ending, very courageous for sure! But I think Larian was still hoping to make good money with D II and don't destroy themselves!
Maybe a game with 2 or more possible endings will be a very great thing I believe, but also not necessary to make a great ending!!
Yesterday I was thinking also about another ending and maybe the "rebirth"-case will be a nice plan!? Something like: the "soul" of the hero lives futher after his/her body dies and the soul comes back to undergo a new adventure ! And the gamer can REplay and replay many times, each time his "soul" growing futher until his/her soul is ready to rest final in Heaven. His/her soul have final done ALL things in lifes (in RPG-terms: doing All quests, killing all enemies, ... AND also his/her knowledge is totaly great, like a wise wizard or something).
Last edited by Joram; 13/01/10 02:32 PM.
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Nov 2009
IF there is a D3, lets hope the ending is LOT better
Last edited by Shocker; 13/01/10 02:38 PM.