The ending is poorly written, and the lead up is pretty lame too. Getting stuck in the crystal should be 3/4 through the game. The ending should be getting free of the Hall of Echoes and preparing for to face what damian and Ygerna have in store for Rivellon. They could still leave a cliffhanger ending but give the player some satisfaction after all the hours spent playing the game.

This is even more inexcusable being that this is Larian's first foray into a new platform, assumingly to broaden their customer base. For many players on Xbox this will be their first time into Rivellon and the whole Damian story is only very weakly presented to the player.

Most new gamers will be like WTF? to many elements of this story. Presenting the backstory in the form a few short books that players can read in the game is a cop out.

The game NEEDED to present the backstory to new players better. Having everything be a mystery might sound cool but it is going to cost them sales. For first time players of Divinity games this ending may very well see them never come back to the series.

The span of time between the last game and this one was a long time. When is a new game going to come out? Players will have long given up on this series by the time it does, except a small handful of players loyal to the series.

This was a great opportunity to build more loyal fans. Instead Larian decides to slap new fans in the face and drive them away. These guys have the coolest job and they squander their opportunities, it baffles me.

Larian put alot of time and heart into this game but their focus was misguided. They should have built this game like it may very well be THE LAST GAME they would ever make in the Rivellon setting and give some closure to the story.

They missed the chance to:

* - Really capture the minds of new fans and get them involved in the tale of Damian and Rivellon.
* - Provide background info in game to new fans through cutscenes and conversations.
* - Build upon their customer base by adding new fans. This game WILL drive off more new fans than it gains.
* - Provide a satisfying conclusion to this chapter of the story which is an even bigger slap in the face to old fans who have waited around 6 years for a new Divinity game.

----------------- They missed alot more chances too but this post is already too long.

I can gaurantee the majority of people who played this game will not be satisfied with the way the story was handled. Some of you will, but most will not. And most of them won't bother coming here to voice their opinions they will simply return this game and foget about rivellon.

Last edited by MonkeyLungs; 12/01/10 09:52 PM.