Joined: Jul 2009
Come on, was the game not fun as hell and rewarding throughout? Did they not deliver on giving you a content packed game that provided hours upon hours of enjoyment? All this surprise ending does is set up Divinity III, which means we are playing through a story and it is far from over here. When Divinity III is finally upon us, it will be all the sweeter and will make the series more epic as a whole. Think about it from that perspective for a moment. Okay, I enjoying Divinity II very very much!! Until the ending! But I hope Larian have teh money to make a "Divinity III" ! ... But what if many fans run away, only because of the 'weak' ending?? That's indeed a sadly thing, because a bad little success of Divinity II forces Larian to make and end on their Gamestudio  !! So, if they make an unexpected and evil ending: okay, but give at least the gamer a nice look for a possible upcoming game ... at least, because I PREFER simply another ending! It is NOT that you can make NO follow-up IF you give a ending the hero wins!! And the gamer his/her hours and hours gameplay ISN'T for nothing! For EACH ending they could make a follow-up, I'm sure!! To tell the truth ... this is a fantasy RPG (for me) and with fantasy you can going each way up!! Larian, please I begging you, give us a game with an ending SO gamers are satified and happy they play for hours and hours! And don't forget some fans make a "Fansite" too ... ! What did they thinking about all disappointed gamers or maybe they are disappointed too?? If NOT make a better end, I'm very afraid loosing many fans and loosing possible new upcoming fans forever!! I was very tolerant and forgiving after playing the end of DD and I waited very patient for years to see what D II give ... And BD I played of hours, but never go to the end because of the "Acts" (not seemless, not quite my thing), but I enjoy all our games' "gameplay", most of all DD and second Divinity II ! Well, I suppose it is all in how you percieve it. I know I sure as hell did not feel like I played through the entire game for nothing. Why? Because I realized that I was playing through a story that is not finished yet. Divinity II is merely a part of that story, and I for one am quite happy to see an ending where you feel all hope is lost. As it sets up the possibility for you to emerge as a real hero with a real purpose in Divinity III. When viewed from that perspective, it is quite epic indeed. Thanks for giving me something more to look forward to, Larian.
Joined: Jan 2010
So in 5, 6, 7 or 8 years we get closure to the story??? That's something to look forward to? I promise you the people who agree with the wayt he story and the ending was handled in this game are the minority. Larian can make any story, ending, design choice they want but I'm sure they were hoping to expand on their fan base with this game.
They didn't expand their fan base. I'm thinking Divinity 2 was a massive failure on the Xbox 360 and while many of you don't care about that because you play on PC it will affect Larian and not in a good way.
Joined: Jan 2010
I think Larian should foremost make the game they want to make, not simply catering to the tastes of the current gaming market. Divinity 2 is quite unique with its ending for a reason. Too many RPGs already have the boring "hero fights bad guy and wins" endings. well said MonkeyLungs. For me also this is my first time playing Divinity, for i own an Xbox. Let them go for the evil ending all they want, but if they are continuing on with this, then it should have had a scene that offered hope at the end. The Divine is still alive. If that isn't hope I don't know what it is. The entire hare-brained plan of Zandalor was exactly because he thought the Divine was dead. Now the plan for the next game could be "Free the Divine". d Well lets break it down now...You have all the components to get into the Hall of Echoes...which means there's basically no way out. remember this also the divine was aware of what was going on so i think he would know if there was even a slight chance of escape. The Patriarch also hints about what happened to Maxos also so i don't believe you'll be seeing Maxos all of a sudden being the hero of the day. Basically it's a "you're screwed" ending. The ending was badly written as it was a slap in a face with no prior hints throughout the game that could happen or not. I've seen bad/evil endings that were good, this one doesn't cut it. I do also believe that it will hurt replayability which means you might see alot of trade-ins down the road which will lower the price of new/used games significantly soon. I mean the used for price for this game at GameStop is already $44.99 and it just came out. I don't think they kept in mind with the new gamers that they will have when releasing the game on the 360. Most of these gamers probably never even heard about the series, in which when they see this ending they're going to be "wtf" and then stop playing the game again and trade it in. I'm all for bad/evil endings but only if they're done correctly in which case it wasn't. Like i said before also too "hope" goes a long way when it comes to an ending and i think if they had that hope in an ending like this i think the ammount of people that would be angry would lessen.
Joined: Jan 2010
Yup. Just finished 5 minutes ago (credits ran, and I watched flabbergasted)
All I gotta say. Truly, what purpose did this serve? I feel like everything I did was for naught.
Thank you Larian Studios Wait, is there something after the credits? Anyways, Yea, I won't be playing through this again. I would play a Div3 as long as its not hastily squeezed out with as many bugs, holes, and problems. I spent a majority of the last half of the game with damn dragon form claws in my human form melee slots. *Facepalm*
Last edited by Ninjavitis; 13/01/10 10:37 PM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Aug 2009
They didn't expand their fan base. I'm thinking Divinity 2 was a massive failure on the Xbox 360 and while many of you don't care about that because you play on PC it will affect Larian and not in a good way.
Massive failure? The game's just been released.
Joined: Jan 2010
It doesn't take long to achieve massive failure in terms of sales on the 360. They can pick up steam if word of mouth and media feedback are good.
* Reviews are lackluster * Forums are FULL of complaints about bugs all over the place. * The ending is a real downer for folks who are just introduced to the series. (If you know that these tales are really about Damian the ending is not as jarring.)
I enjoy the game ... up until the ending. I am playing a second character to try some new skills and try and see how much I missed my first time through. I doubt most new Xbox 360 players will fire this up for round 2 though.
Expect to see ALOT of trade ins which means less new copies get sold at game stores.
Larian has failed at many concepts of creating a console game with appeal to a new audience. Larian has failed at creating a console game with any kind of staying power ... you have to give players a reason not only to play again, but to hold on to their copies instead of trading them in. Mass trade ins kill new game sales.
Success or failure for console games is front loaded with the most pertinent of focus being on the FIRST MONTH of release. After that, unless you have some serious Multiplayer appeal your sales taper off steadily.
Joined: Oct 2009
I like the ending tbh... Really surprised me the first time I got to the ending video. Even pressed the escape-button, because I really thought I did something wrong and I'd had to load eventually.
Alright, it could've been better and some suggestions in this topic are pretty good, but I can't say the ending totally sucked or anything.
Joined: Jan 2010
Yup. Just finished 5 minutes ago (credits ran, and I watched flabbergasted)
All I gotta say. Truly, what purpose did this serve? I feel like everything I did was for naught.
Thank you Larian Studios Wait, is there something after the credits? Anyways, Yea, I won't be playing through this again. I would play a Div3 as long as its not hastily squeezed out with as many bugs, holes, and problems. I spent a majority of the last half of the game with damn dragon form claws in my human form melee slots. *Facepalm* Yea the scene that has Damian and Ygerna together on one of the flying fortresses while Damian's army conquers Rivellon.
Joined: Jan 2010
Yea the scene that has Damian and Ygerna together on one of the flying fortresses while Damian's army conquers Rivellon. I thought that was before the credits? Where you see the zeppelins get blown up and everything.
Joined: Jan 2010
Yea the scene that has Damian and Ygerna together on one of the flying fortresses while Damian's army conquers Rivellon. I thought that was before the credits? Where you see the zeppelins get blown up and everything. oh it is? lol That scene never popped up for me for some reason...i think it's because i tried to go to the xbox guide and it screwed everything up.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Aug 2009
* Forums are FULL of complaints about bugs all over the place.
To be fair, ANY game forum out there is full of complaints about bugs all over the place. Most people enjoy the game and never ever even visit the game forum.
Joined: Jan 2010
How bad is the ending? I didn't read any of the responses because I didn't want to risk spoiling anything. How bad are we talking about? Worse than Risen? That was pretty bad.
Joined: Oct 2008
Nothing like Risen, Risens ending was just lame. But this is something else, i enjoyed it atleast. Simply finish the game yourself, then you`ll find out what happens.
...........................::ALIVE::..........................  DeviRyuuD(Myojinoir) Reviews here
Joined: Jan 2010
So in 5, 6, 7 or 8 years we get closure to the story??? ok that had me thinking because i uncovered an interview that was made with someone from Larian Studios and it was about the "disappointing ending" (keep in mind that this is a google translation): pcgames.de: The End of Divinity 2 surprises the player with security. You talk here of artistic freedom and that she wanted away from the mainstream. As important, however, continue with the Divinity universe? Can we expect an add-on or a sequel? Vincke: You're right - the end has room for controversy. That was our intention. To explain this, one must take I: The History of Divinity from the beginning was planned as a trilogy, even before work began on the first game of Divinity have. We are telling a closed, but complex history into a living, evolving universe. And the end of Divinity 2 will show exactly what happened at the time of the conclusion of the story in this universe. It highlights different characteristics of the main characters. Here's my take on why it took 6-7 years to make Div 2. I think that Larian was anticipating that the end would call for alot of controversy and knew that alot of people would either be disappointed or right out disgusted with the ending. So i think while Div 2 was in development, so was Div 3. This would cut the wait down in half so people would not totally forget about Divinity, considering the type of ending Div 2 had. I would say that Div 2 was probably finished for a while and was waited upon, maybe, until Div 3 was at a good stage of development. Because i for one would not wait 6-7 years for another installment. By the time Div 3 comes out, i will have totally forgotten about it. Now this still does not change my perception on what i think about the ending, of course. But this does make me understand what they were thinking though. Like someone said in another forums: "This game feels like a big advertisement for the next installment." I would have to agree with that statement as your character is made insignificant by the end while the Damian is still alive and well and is destroying Rivellon.
Joined: Apr 2005
An intresting story TemplarofSteel ! I hope you're right and D 3 comes faster than at laest 3 or 5 years! I hope someone of Larian give a reaction about this post here? I'm curiously! If it's realy truth there come for sure a Divinity 3 ( a trilogy!), I can more agree the ending of D II isn't most satified! But I ask myself: was it maybe better to stay less unpunctually at the final end ?? Note written with a begging request: a SEEMLESS world: so please Larian, give next time always the possibility to go back to Rivellon!! It will be a greater game and less frustrating when I can back and must NOT loading a earlier savegame! Because most of the time I play a RPG I'm IN that RPG swallowed totally and the chance I forget to make a "extra" samegame is 90 %! And this is a positive note! Divinity II is for me still awesome!!! Sadly, you, Larian, forgot something realy important: a more seemless world!
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
old hand
old hand
Joined: Aug 2009
Here's my take on why it took 6-7 years to make Div 2. I think that Larian was anticipating that the end would call for alot of controversy and knew that alot of people would either be disappointed or right out disgusted with the ending. So i think while Div 2 was in development, so was Div 3. This would cut the wait down in half so people would not totally forget about Divinity, considering the type of ending Div 2 had. I would say that Div 2 was probably finished for a while and was waited upon, maybe, until Div 3 was at a good stage of development. Because i for one would not wait 6-7 years for another installment. By the time Div 3 comes out, i will have totally forgotten about it.
Now this still does not change my perception on what i think about the ending, of course. But this does make me understand what they were thinking though. Like someone said in another forums: "This game feels like a big advertisement for the next installment." I would have to agree with that statement as your character is made insignificant by the end while the Damian is still alive and well and is destroying Rivellon.
I don't think it would be Div 3, but rather an expansion. Like Beyond Divinity was.
Joined: Jan 2010
bey0ond divinity was bad .. i played like 10 minutes and delete from my hdd . i dont rly know how game was but that camera andgle was simply retardetto the point whre nothing can be more retardet . i dont say that game was bad i just say that i cannot ply in game where your toon walk on wall not on the ground :P they fu up that izo cam
Joined: Apr 2005
I definitely wish NOT to see such an expansion like Beyond Divinity!! And for sure NOT a game in "Acts"! (that's killing the freedom-feeling of an RPG!!) If Larian long time ago says something about a "trilogy" .. why would this plan be frozen now ?? I don't see any reason why, only possible is Larian haven't the money/time/expediency to make a new game?  Beyond Divinity wasn't a part of this trilogy, I understand fine? (hopefully not a part of it)
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Jan 2010
In that interview they also talked about replayability so i'm going to put it in this post when i can get around to it and i'll provide the link also in case you guys want to read the whole interview. EDIT: Here's another part: pcgames.de: Divinity 2 offers the player a classless character development with 54 talents, which one may use to increase and, as one of the bill has grown. Actually, the argument at all, run through the title several times to try different playing styles. However, thrusts her with the end of each player on the head so that he will address the adventure will not even sure, just because there is only this one end. Had been a different or even multiple endings, depending on the decisions in the course of the game, not the better choice? Vincke: "It is not often that so extensive as RPG Divinity 2 to be played through to the end - this shows us that Divinity 2 is a very motivating game, and as a developer makes us of course. Your statement that we chose end destroys any motivation to Play back, we can not understand. Quite the contrary: one of you gentlemen tell us that they play Divinity 2 again and again to try other courses of story and quests to do, to develop their character differently, etc. " Here's the site that had the link to this interview: Interview I have to agree with what pcgaming.de is saying as for me seeing that ending did destroy any replay value for me.
Last edited by TemplarofSteel; 14/01/10 08:20 PM.
Joined: Oct 2009
The ending killed your character off without you suspecting it which was quite annoying but the main thing most ppl have on their minds is how long divinity 3 will take to come out im not eager to wait another 5 years for the game i'll have a life by then  its much too late fingers crossed for any game or add on in the next two years hopefully...........