Originally Posted by MonkeyLungs
So in 5, 6, 7 or 8 years we get closure to the story???

ok that had me thinking because i uncovered an interview that was made with someone from Larian Studios and it was about the "disappointing ending" (keep in mind that this is a google translation):

pcgames.de: The End of Divinity 2 surprises the player with security. You talk here of artistic freedom and that she wanted away from the mainstream. As important, however, continue with the Divinity universe? Can we expect an add-on or a sequel?

Vincke: You're right - the end has room for controversy. That was our intention. To explain this, one must take I: The History of Divinity from the beginning was planned as a trilogy, even before work began on the first game of Divinity have. We are telling a closed, but complex history into a living, evolving universe. And the end of Divinity 2 will show exactly what happened at the time of the conclusion of the story in this universe. It highlights different characteristics of the main characters.

Here's my take on why it took 6-7 years to make Div 2. I think that Larian was anticipating that the end would call for alot of controversy and knew that alot of people would either be disappointed or right out disgusted with the ending. So i think while Div 2 was in development, so was Div 3. This would cut the wait down in half so people would not totally forget about Divinity, considering the type of ending Div 2 had. I would say that Div 2 was probably finished for a while and was waited upon, maybe, until Div 3 was at a good stage of development. Because i for one would not wait 6-7 years for another installment. By the time Div 3 comes out, i will have totally forgotten about it.

Now this still does not change my perception on what i think about the ending, of course. But this does make me understand what they were thinking though. Like someone said in another forums: "This game feels like a big advertisement for the next installment." I would have to agree with that statement as your character is made insignificant by the end while the Damian is still alive and well and is destroying Rivellon.