Originally Posted by dtp Betty
And it's definitely not your PC causing this graphic problems?
We could check your dxdiag in an extra thread.

Dear betty, i hope you are joking. If any of the larian staff reads this boards ( and i'm sure you do), you would have known the massive amount of people with stuttering graphics, where the game engine renders too much frames ahead of the game, and people with high-end systems have a lot of sttutering ?

One way to understand it better is a similar effect with v-sync turned off and 100+ FPS in most games, except in D2 even if you enable v-sync you still have a lot of sttutering and things out of sync in the frames.





You can't possibly say you never heard of the "stuttering problems", there's even youtube videos of it lolol...

I'll try and remain calm until i test the patch, but telling people that "it might be your machine" is in fact a little... well, i wont say.