Just listing ideas in dot points
Fights with Slayers would be good since they are still around so maybe Your dragon against a few airships full of angry slayers.
More skills in dragon form so you actually feel like a dragon
More dragon animations so the flying seems fluid
More dialogue and back story with the people inside your tower maybe romantic interests like Rhode or your weapons trainer possibly?
More races perhaps Elves emerge from Hiding ?
Melee attacks with Dragon Imagining the fun of charging other dragons and clawing at them etc
I loved the skill and combat system
More of Aleroth and don't kill off entire areas like Broken Valley and sentinal island by just going oh yeah the land is poisoned now .
The ability to land as a dragon would be nice
The ability to actually destroy flying fortresses perhaps by destroying generators which causes them to crash not just sit outside your tower
Better Dragon animations please with the ability to attack npcs on the ground with reason though
example a mission where the Black Ring are assualting Aleroth where you fly up and stop the soldiers from entering the city or attacking the Black rings troops stationed on the Flying fortresses would make sense.
Customisable dragon You know different colours,Wings,Legs with more armor and weapons.
Small thing would be to change the falling animations from huge heights to freefalling not staying perfect still in the air would be cool jumping off a cliff then transforming into a dragon just before you hit the bottom?
The fight with Damian should be 1 on 1 not Damian and a thosands guys helping him sort of would ruin his image as a god.
