Originally Posted by AngryFan
I liked the ending but I hope you will still use the Dragon Knight character since he seems to be the only one who can take out Flying fortresses
I think maybe Maxos will come to help you since isn't he supposed to be in the Hall of Echoes 2? Plus the fact that he is supposed to be powerful enough to rule the world or maybe the patriach will think Hmm maybe I should do something since Damian is Invincible now.
Another possible solution is the dragon knight realises he can turn into a dragon which could shatter the crystal?
Not to mention the Dragon Knights rising power since he is now free of Ygernas grip on his/her mind.

Hope he gets freed with/without the divine because Larian has killed off alot of species so whats the point in taking out dragon knights?

Maxos might possibly help, but as I said before, I can't see the Patriarch doing anything involving humans. Rule the world? To what end? Humans are so short-lived and short-sighted. What's in it for him? Besides, he openly said that he didn't think anything Damian did was going to matter in the long run. Even if Damian is now immortal, what does the Patriarch care?

And I'm not sure really that Maxos would help. From what you learn of him in the game, he doesn't strike me as being "Mr. Nice Guy." Very intelligent, yes, but looks like he'd do anything to get what he wanted. Evidently he did get what he wanted in the Hall of Echoes--even if he wasn't able to leave.

As for transforming into a dragon--I have my doubts. There's not really enough space, the crystal seems to prevent any movement except for one's lips (if you take into account the Divine's wordiness, anyhow), and can you even warp to the Battle Tower? I'm thinking not. If that doesn't work, why should morphing into a dragon?

I read someone's post saying they'd like a New Game +. I'm totally with them--I got epic and unique items, the only ones I've acquired the whole game through, during that final battle. Now unless the game's expanded, I can't use them. Even if it is, I still can't use them, because I can't save after the final battle.

I just really wish the game had a little more hopeful ending. A few days away from the game have made it seem less horrible, but there are plenty of people who absolutely won't play a game that they know to have an unhappy ending. And it really does quell my desire to replay it, though I probably will anyway, given how much I paid for it.