Joined: Apr 2005
Making bad endings across multiple games just to lead up to the actual good ending in the last game is retarded. Games don't really work that way. Movies you can do that on as you only spend 2-3 hrs watching a movie. Spending 40-60 hrs playing a game to realize you did it all for nothing (especially over and over again) is very disappointing and makes this game a rental (for consoles) or a 10 buck sale item buy. Spending 60 bucks for this crap is worthless. The game itself was great, but the ending completely ruined it. Of course you are going to have all the fanboys jump on here and defend their almighty better than everything game series, which I find quite funny, but as most people have stated, and even the reviews stated....this game is not that great at all. All it would have took was a change to the ending and this game could have been so much better. As it is now, no replay factor whatsoever. The game leaves you feeling like you were cheated and deserve a refund. Hmmm, what shall I say?  I'm for sure a big fan of Larian! But also a critical one and that's okay! Larian may learn from what they read on this forum, I Hope so! The day I played the ending I was very disappointed!! Above all because I find this game fantastic and I love this game so much, but the ending  ... I find the ending isn't complete and in my opinion a wrong choise Larian makes! For example: an ending with more "Hope" in it will be much better! And because Divinity II IS an fantasy RPG, each ending could be make and each possible continuation is also possible!! And more than 1 ending: a possibility??? Why not? I play at least 100 hours during my first playthrough! I enjoyed this game so much! I do not regret! If the game was not fun to play I would much rather have stopped playing!!! I CAN'T agree people say they will never play the game over again because whole replayability is gone! NOT for me!! Now I play it again and simply enjoy the game once more!! But be honest: the moment I finished this game I was thinking: "I don't play this game once more!" But the day after finishing I began play again Divnity II .... 
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Jan 2010
Here is something to think about. A while back there was a game called The legacy of kain. It went about the same method as what has happened with the ending of this game. Huge cliff hanger that made you go NOOOOOOOOO! It can't end like that! Then the next game comes out ( soul reaver and soul reaver 2) The cliff hangers made for sequel after sequel but the games became less and less enjoyable. The audience was lost because of time, time it takes to make an epic game like this one. I would have liked to have seen divinity 3 come out shortly after this one but alas it probably will take years and already have lost my interest. There are lots of RPGs out there. This one will only keep it's cult followers. The ending would have felt better had you gotten the truth while engaged in battle with Damian himself. If you're gonna make a cliff hanger ending at least make it epic. So the player doesn't go WTF....instead he/she goes Damn!!!! that was the greatest battle ever! I can't wait for the continuation!! All I am thinking about is how are they gonna screw the next ending up. Look at Mass Effect! Great battle cliff hanger ending and now I can't wait to continue with my upgraded guy.
Joined: Jan 2009
I just finished the game, and I think the ending was hilarious.
It's like when you're on Sentinel Island, and you see the Battle Tower for the first time, and it's so huge... and the ending is like seeing something which is that huge again, only it's a middle finger, not a tower. I thought it was awesome.
But Divinity 3 should probably not pull the same trick again. Larian did that in Divinity 1 with Ferol being razed to the ground after the Council of Seven performs the Divine Ritual on you, apparently they did it in Beyond Divinity as well, and now this game. If they do it for a fourth time, I think "Bad Ending Fatigue" will set in.
I do admit that it was a bit annoying that Damian shows up to taunt you not once, not twice, not three times, but FOUR TIMES, and you never even get to fight him!
Joined: Jan 2010
Ok well just finished it and I ABSOLUTELY HATED THAT ENDING! Divinity 3 better come out soon and the real Talana better come and bust the hero's ass out of there and him n the divine go kick ass n take names! AHHHHHHH I am so frustrated now, there is no way I am playin that through again. I really enjoyed the play even with the frustrating save curruption BUT COMMON! I can honestly say that is the worst ending to any story I have ever known, if he gets out in D3 Larian you guys couldve at least put some clue as to what is going to happen like the crystal prison forming a crack infront of the divine's face or something. OMFG! Ok that was a little steam, BUT IM STILL PISSED OFF!
Joined: Jan 2010
Making bad endings across multiple games just to lead up to the actual good ending in the last game is retarded. Games don't really work that way. Movies you can do that on as you only spend 2-3 hrs watching a movie. Spending 40-60 hrs playing a game to realize you did it all for nothing (especially over and over again) is very disappointing and makes this game a rental (for consoles) or a 10 buck sale item buy. Spending 60 bucks for this crap is worthless. The game itself was great, but the ending completely ruined it. Of course you are going to have all the fanboys jump on here and defend their almighty better than everything game series, which I find quite funny, but as most people have stated, and even the reviews stated....this game is not that great at all. All it would have took was a change to the ending and this game could have been so much better. As it is now, no replay factor whatsoever. The game leaves you feeling like you were cheated and deserve a refund. Hmmm, what shall I say?  I'm for sure a big fan of Larian! But also a critical one and that's okay! Larian may learn from what they read on this forum, I Hope so! The day I played the ending I was very disappointed!! Above all because I find this game fantastic and I love this game so much, but the ending  ... I find the ending isn't complete and in my opinion a wrong choise Larian makes! For example: an ending with more "Hope" in it will be much better! And because Divinity II IS an fantasy RPG, each ending could be make and each possible continuation is also possible!! And more than 1 ending: a possibility??? Why not? I play at least 100 hours during my first playthrough! I enjoyed this game so much! I do not regret! If the game was not fun to play I would much rather have stopped playing!!! I CAN'T agree people say they will never play the game over again because whole replayability is gone! NOT for me!! Now I play it again and simply enjoy the game once more!! But be honest: the moment I finished this game I was thinking: "I don't play this game once more!" But the day after finishing I began play again Divnity II .... You may have picked it up again, but I gave the game away. Horrible horrible game. Most of us, as the forums show, like to know that what we do has a good outcome. Like we are doing something for a purpose, this game just lets you do everything for nothing. No point in being a hero when you are going to lose no matter what. I figured I would give this game company a chance, but they just ruined their chance and I could care less if another one comes out in the series because I wont even bother renting it if it's on the consoles. Not gonna waste any more time with them. You may enjoy playing it again, but they are a company, and have bills to pay, mouths to feed etc. If they don't keep the mass majority of their buyers happy, they aren't going to make it far. From the looks of it, more people are unhappy with them right now than happy. It's kind of sad though, because they could have made this into such a better game with just a couple minor changes.
Joined: Jan 2010
I felt the ending was rushed and not very believable. You go into the hall of echos with a bunch of stuff to protect you from it. You have help from a Dragon and Zandalor, who has the plan for such a long time that he should've seen if it was a trap or not.
Also the greatest mage in history went in to the Hall and never returned. Damian's girlfriend manages to manipulate Zandalor who is a great mage, mainpulate a dragon kight, keep all her memories and without the help of Damian while in the Hall. That's a very big stretch. Then to top it all off, you are imprisoned by her in a blink of an eye from inside a memory.
You went from a place that required very powerful magic to enter to placed in a crystal from someone that's been in there for years.
The last thing is finding that the Divine is half-alive and imprisoned in a crystal. Why doesn't anyone know this?
Joined: Dec 2009
so yeah got to second page to then had an idea but first just wanna say i loved the ending it shocked me a game hasnt thrown me a surprise like that since malek told me I'm Revan in KoToR( yes i never saw it coming shh :P) so I loved the ending
now hes something that popped in to my head...
what if Zalandar knew about the divine one being trapped....what if he knew Talana(sp?) was really err whats her face and he was using us the player to find the divine one so he could free him! the old dragon in the cave was in on it too maybe would explain why zalandar was so easily tricked by whats her face pretending to be Talana!
im probably completly off but who knows Zalandar was suppose to be some big epic mage so he should know that freeing whats her face isnt the thing to do really!
Last edited by Takagawa; 25/01/10 12:57 PM.
Joined: Jan 2010
I agree. The Ending was terrible (for me anyway). Didnt feel very heroic, just rather helpless and stupid. Not exactly the 'feel' I am looking for when seeking out a game.
Joined: Jan 2010
I liked the ending. It makes perfect start for a sequel. The only question is: when is it coming out?!
Joined: Jan 2009
I guess that Ygerna hooked herself into the Dragon Slayer's brain shortly after Talanas vision of the flying fortresses ended.
I suppose that the only consolation for the ending is that at least now Zandalor might realize that something is wrong once he realizes that Ygerna is alive and so is Damian.
The next game Zandalor will will probably say to the designated hero something like "OK, NEW plan... kill Ygerna to weaken Damian, then kill Damian."
They could call the next game:
Divinity 3: Unus magis vicis (One more time) Divinity 3: Permissum nos Tendo Is Iterum (Let's Try This Again)
or my favorite:
Divinity 3: Maybe The Divine Should Have Murdered That Baby After All
Joined: Jan 2010
ROFL! Good titles Stabbey.
I must admit I am a little disappointed. I even spent the time to try and find an alternate ending, that I was sure must exist. But to no avail.
I'm resigned to the fact that I got totally played. Luckily I have a long memory, and am the type to hold a grudge.
I will have my revenge! Ygerna and Larian Studios will feel my wrath! .... eventually.
Joined: Jan 2010
In Divinity III, the ending will most likely go something like this:
The world is in chaos because of Damien, so Zandalor tells you, a (dragon knight they thought to be long dead) to kill him.
You spend many, many, hours leveling this forgotten about dragon knight, suffering through countless trials and tribulations, until finally you are ready to confront Damien.
But just when you think you've won...! It turns out you have a heart condition, and you die of cardiac arrest mere SECONDS before delivering the final blow to Damien!
Aliens come and blow up the planet. You go to hell for all eternity.
Joined: Jan 2010
The ending was perfect. I'm sick of happy american endings in every single movie or game. It dosen't cut your character out of the picture, just removes it temporary( or not, I dont actually care, that was his fate) and gives you some good reason for revenge. Maybe the grand savior will be someone brand new, and the paths of the two heroes will cross... Stop whining and wait for Divinity 3, I know I will
Last edited by Walker; 26/01/10 12:41 PM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Aug 2009
Divinity 3 will end with the player character waking up in Joram's basement in Aleroth... and realizing it was all a dream.
Last edited by virumor; 26/01/10 11:35 AM.
Joined: Jan 2010
For Goodness sake! This ending is crappy after all the time I spent playing the game. (Btw, Patch the game so a WARNING takes place before the Evil Killer Bunny comes, I lost 2 hours of game play because I shot a rabbit. GRRRRRR!!!!!)
The Ending is insanely stupid, and I've come to the realization that I don't have to enter the hall of echoes at all.
If the DEVS read this, PATCH THE ENDING!!! Make the game enjoyable to replay. Not a headache that makes me want to strangle you idiots. I'd much rather see you add a section to escape the crystals, and get ready for a showdown with Ygerna and Damian, than a stupid "Gee. I had no choice but to follow the dev's lead, because there were no character choices to divert from your preconcieved and idiotic ending."
So, now I simply fly around the Orobas Fjords, and will kick Damian's ass if he ever tries to enter the Hall of Echoes. A much better ending, don't you think?
- Sturmritter
old hand
old hand
Joined: Aug 2009
This thread really needed some more RAEG.
Last edited by virumor; 26/01/10 03:41 PM.
Joined: Jan 2010
For Goodness sake! This ending is crappy after all the time I spent playing the game. (Btw, Patch the game so a WARNING takes place before the Evil Killer Bunny comes, I lost 2 hours of game play because I shot a rabbit. GRRRRRR!!!!!)
The Ending is insanely stupid, and I've come to the realization that I don't have to enter the hall of echoes at all.
If the DEVS read this, PATCH THE ENDING!!! Make the game enjoyable to replay. Not a headache that makes me want to strangle you idiots. I'd much rather see you add a section to escape the crystals, and get ready for a showdown with Ygerna and Damian, than a stupid "Gee. I had no choice but to follow the dev's lead, because there were no character choices to divert from your preconcieved and idiotic ending."
So, now I simply fly around the Orobas Fjords, and will kick Damian's ass if he ever tries to enter the Hall of Echoes. A much better ending, don't you think?
So much passion ... ^^ Drink a glass of cold water and relax, flame boy 
Last edited by Walker; 26/01/10 04:36 PM.
Joined: Jan 2010
So I just finished the game.. what the hell is up with the ending?  It was extremely disappointing. After all those hours poured into the game I wish they rewarded us with something more informative and satisfying. It leaves so many unanswered questions.. Are we stuck in the Hall of Echoes forever? Is there anyone left to stand up to Damian? Are there anymore Dragon Knights left in Rivellon or were we the last? What happened to Commander Rhode? I was also hoping that we would be able to go back and finish any leftover quests.. :p Maybe they wanted the ending to be unique with the bad guy winning instead of the good guys. But, for me, the worst thing in a cutscene is when your character is defeated and you cannot do anything about it. It's a little disappointing when your character dies after all the work you put into the game. Anyway those were my thoughts about the ending. The rest of the game was amazing! I absolutely loved it! Looking forward to Divinity III.
Joined: Dec 2009
I have no problem with the ending, only with the fact that a squeal is very very very very very very very very very far. No problem with cliff-hangers\ good (bad) endings, and its nothing new (aside from jrpg the endings aren't all that pink now days). I would prefer if the game will end before you enter the hall of echoes, and be continued in DLC just before D3 hits. This way ur not disappointed by the ending, and you will not have to wait forever for a squeal after seeing the cliffhanger and getting disappointed. But whats done is done, I hope D3 will make up for it, but still, the ending is disappointing not cuz its a cliffhanger, but cuz it will take a while for D3 to come.
Joined: Jan 2010
Just finished the game....I like to say thanks to all the 'posters' here, the info was very helpful throughout the game...as for the ending, when is Divinity 3 coming out?! And, I 'hope' it ends better then this one Hmmmf!