So I just finished the game.. what the hell is up with the ending? frown It was extremely disappointing. After all those hours poured into the game I wish they rewarded us with something more informative and satisfying.

It leaves so many unanswered questions.. Are we stuck in the Hall of Echoes forever? Is there anyone left to stand up to Damian? Are there anymore Dragon Knights left in Rivellon or were we the last? What happened to Commander Rhode?

I was also hoping that we would be able to go back and finish any leftover quests.. :p

Maybe they wanted the ending to be unique with the bad guy winning instead of the good guys. But, for me, the worst thing in a cutscene is when your character is defeated and you cannot do anything about it. It's a little disappointing when your character dies after all the work you put into the game.

Anyway those were my thoughts about the ending. The rest of the game was amazing! I absolutely loved it! Looking forward to Divinity III.