Joined: Dec 2009
[little spoilers] OK, I finished game. It is absolutely stupid ending I have EVER seen in role playing games. During play I known that I was manipulated, so if I known - my hero know it too. This means RPG. This is RPG essence. But in this game what I can do (say) during last battle? I can say: "leave her" or... "free her". What a amazing choice. What a amazing piece of crap.
Someone want buy D2 or swap it for Risen?
old hand
old hand
Joined: Aug 2009
Risen's ending is even worse.
Ha ha.
Joined: Dec 2009
Risen's ending is even worse.
Ha ha. It is only yours opinion. Dont worry about Risen, "simple ending" it is not "stupid ending". BTW: Definitely LOGOUT from game, forums and anything with Larian logo.
Last edited by Galnospoke; 28/01/10 02:11 PM.
Joined: Oct 2009
Larian what the hell you were thinking You have dissapoint so many Only Virumor like ending  Though he is fanboy  Well anyway.I hope I will see D3 for 6 months or I am loosing interest. I don"t plan to wait 10 more years for D3(kill Ygerna) and 10 more to finally see how Damian kill me or to see that Zandalor is bad guy
Joined: Jan 2010
oh wait...
the game has only 2 main zones? broken valley and orobas fjords...
omfg some1 explain pls as i feel the game is pretty short, even though i finished the game in 3 weeks... but i didn't even completed all the side quests...i still had a skill point unused when i defeated the Divine >.< (was hoping i could teach lvl 13 fireball from the trainer)...
good game, i wanted to last longer so i could test my new uber skillz...
Last edited by Neltharion; 28/01/10 05:46 PM.
Joined: Jan 2009
I think that the publishers told Larian to finish the game, so they had to cut out some extra stuff. I think that originally, Aleroth was intended to be another quest/combat hub. Some of the skill-describing videos were shot in the streets of Aleroth, but there's no fighting there in teh actual game.
Joined: Feb 2007
I did not agree with ending ,they did do a very good job of it. Not at all like Never Winter Nights 2 .There they just had the builden collepes on hero, then some kind of water coler picture,and some no name guy saying thats all folks. One would think that Maxos would be kind angry that people were messing around in his domane The hall of echos . He just might do something about it. The patearc,did say Maxos was almost as powerful as him.Who knows what evel lurks in the minds of men.
Joined: Feb 2010
Hey, just registered to say how much I enjoyed the game and... yes, the ending. Finally, something other than 'happily ever after', although ideally I prefer multiple endings. The final dialogue choices were not choices at all. Having said that, can't wait for the opportunity to pay Ygerna and her boyfriend back.
Joined: Jan 2010
I liked the ending, but it did not feel like an ending(more like it should be the middle of the game) and the game was way to short. AND you only get DRAGON and tower for about a third of the game. LAME, the coolest aspects of the game and you only get them for the end. Also not enough armor sets, there are only 4 and one of them is only 4 pieces.
and back to the ending; why can I not play the game again with same character and higher lv mobs? there is no reason for this.
second back to the ending; I really hope that there is an expansion soon, because this game felt like the first Fable before Lost Chapters, in that the game felt very incomplete, like some crucial things(items, storyline) were missing, like the lack of armor sets for every type of player(shield/ one handed users, etc). and the storyline felt incomplete. (like what happens to commander Rhode after being locked up? this is only one example of many).
BTW, this game was very cool and I took much enjoyment from it and I think it would be my favorite RPG to date(up there with Fallout 3), if it weren't for it feeling so incomplete. And I will be very irritated if there is never an expansion and they just go straight to Divinity 3 and leave the game incomplete. Not that they care what I think or feel(but I would think many of their customers feel the same).
Also, as an after note, if they do make an expansion, I hope it comes out very soon and not in two the five years.
Joined: Oct 2009
I liked the ending, but it did not feel like an ending(more like it should be the middle of the game) This There is no any epic feeling after you beat game
Joined: Aug 2009
But now Divinity 3 could have an awesome beginning and a very good story not like the add-on of dragon age (or some other games)!
Joined: Apr 2005
But now Divinity 3 could have an awesome beginning and a very good story not like the add-on of dragon age (or some other games)!
Hmmm... I don't worry about the beginning of each Larian game, o noo.. All Larian games for me have a good beginning!! But I Hope they make for once and always a GOOD Ending in next games coming up!! Maybe more than one ending? But a Good strong ending please! The game is very enjoyable, intuitive and strong except some sadly things I already write down earlier! I have many feelings about the ending: good and bad! and all that things, godo and bad, about the ending are already written in this topic! I have mixed feelings about the ending! I hope Larian can give a good explanation about the ending!! That I wish come very soon, because a next game isn't for "tomorrow"!!
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Feb 2010
I liked the ending, but it did not feel like an ending(more like it should be the middle of the game) This There is no any epic feeling after you beat game Not having any epic 'look, mommy, I won!' feeling is a huge plus in my book. However, the ending does leave a bitter taste and unfortunately douses a desire to replay this otherwise fun game. A promptly delivered expansion can solve this problem though. I don't get the 'game is too short' complain either. It takes a lot of time to complete all missions, discover all little secrets etc. I think it might feel kind of short because there are only two areas, if we disregard tiny Aleroth with its rather disappointing quest and the look-alike flying fortresses.
Joined: Feb 2010
The ending was like a kick on my balls, hours making a great hero to kill the bad guy and then when u are the f...ing Rambo they send u to hell and lol at you.
I thought about tell my friends that this game is nice till the end, i dont want them to hate me.
Last edited by Teg Milles; 03/02/10 08:46 PM.
Joined: Jan 2010
I just finished the game.
W-T-F was that crap about at the end?! I feel like I'm royally raped from behind somewhere in a place called Africa. In my mind I saw the developers laugh out loud as I was so stupid to think I was a hero doing noble deeds!
*SPOILER INCOMING (although I've no idea what somebody who doesn't wanna read spoilers would be doing in this thread)*
Seriously, how the HELL did a dead chick have the ability to reach out through planes and magical barriers to then root herself in my head and give me the ability to change into a dragon?! Plus disguise her scheme from the wisest man in the world (Zandalor) and The One Dragon (Patriarch)?
She must be a Goddess. In that case.. forget about Divinity III (unless that game just won't make sense) because Rivallon has gone to hell and nothing anyone can do about it.
Last edited by Maphesta; 05/02/10 02:15 AM.
Joined: Aug 2009
"W-T-F was that crap about at the end?! I feel like I'm royally raped from behind somewhere in a place called Africa. In my mind I saw the developers laugh out loud as I was so stupid to think I was a hero doing noble deeds!" Yes I think this is it !!! the developers wants to make us think about the games we played !! in everyother rpg i know , i�ve just have to kill all monsters and enemys and at the end evrything is happy  this is booring!! and no everybody have to think about that what he did and not just throw the div 2 to the other standard role playe games into the corner !! this is what div 2 makes so special for me the unnormal ending where you could learn something
Joined: Jan 2010
I finished a few days ago and the ending didn't piss me off. Like what X-tasy was saying this game breaks that monotonous ending many stories have, that everything works out in the end. Seeing the bad guys win for once is like a breath of fresh air. Still, I do hope a divinity 3 or episode 2 is made to continue the story. (100th post  )
Last edited by 30johner; 06/02/10 06:15 AM.
Joined: Jan 2010
What I find hilarious, is that Rhode was absolutely right. YOU are a or THE BETRAYER. You just fucked the world over with your headstrongness.
It makes Rhode even more sexy, being right and all.
Now I have a question, I have now beat the game twice, once in hard and once in normal, both times using shield and one handed weapon, one being pure warrior, one being a warrior mage combo(which worked out really well and made the game pretty easy, firewall and way of the Battle Mage ftw).
The question is when does evil little girl get into your Head? because I have worked out that Talana is who she says she is at first and gives you dragon powers. This is because one) evil girl does not have dragon powers and therefore can not give them to you, two) evil girl is in Hall of Echoes and can not physically reach out to you, in dragon form or not, otherwise she would just get Damian to come and get her, and I am sure that Damian could figure out how to get to the hall of echos, as he can enter dragon tower freeing, destroy any town he wants and force the Azeroth guy to give him the scroll.
So I have worked out that she gets in your head just after you get dragon powers and as the game says she gets in due to your temporary weakness and lodges like a tick.
second possibility is that she was already lodged in Talana's head and with Talana's powers she comes over to you
Last edited by sloo_monster; 07/02/10 10:00 PM.
Joined: Jan 2010
Very offensive talk
Last edited by lynn; 09/02/10 03:28 PM.
Joined: Jan 2009
The question is when does evil little girl get into your Head? because I have worked out that Talana is who she says she is at first and gives you dragon powers. This is because one) evil girl does not have dragon powers and therefore can not give them to you, two) evil girl is in Hall of Echoes and can not physically reach out to you, in dragon form or not, otherwise she would just get Damian to come and get her, and I am sure that Damian could figure out how to get to the hall of echos, as he can enter dragon tower freeing, destroy any town he wants and force the Azeroth guy to give him the scroll.
So I have worked out that she gets in your head just after you get dragon powers and as the game says she gets in due to your temporary weakness and lodges like a tick.
second possibility is that she was already lodged in Talana's head and with Talana's powers she comes over to you
I think that it's the first case - She gets into your head after the vision of your first flight as a dragon ends, but before Damian wakes you up. That's the only thing which makes sense to me.