What I find hilarious, is that Rhode was absolutely right. YOU are a or THE BETRAYER. You just fucked the world over with your headstrongness.

It makes Rhode even more sexy, being right and all.

Now I have a question, I have now beat the game twice, once in hard and once in normal, both times using shield and one handed weapon, one being pure warrior, one being a warrior mage combo(which worked out really well and made the game pretty easy, firewall and way of the Battle Mage ftw).

The question is when does evil little girl get into your Head? because I have worked out that Talana is who she says she is at first and gives you dragon powers. This is because one) evil girl does not have dragon powers and therefore can not give them to you, two) evil girl is in Hall of Echoes and can not physically reach out to you, in dragon form or not, otherwise she would just get Damian to come and get her, and I am sure that Damian could figure out how to get to the hall of echos, as he can enter dragon tower freeing, destroy any town he wants and force the Azeroth guy to give him the scroll.

So I have worked out that she gets in your head just after you get dragon powers and as the game says she gets in due to your temporary weakness and lodges like a tick.


second possibility is that she was already lodged in Talana's head and with Talana's powers she comes over to you

Last edited by sloo_monster; 07/02/10 10:00 PM.