Joined: Mar 2003
I was almost to level 16 when I reached sentinel island, so rather than waste the first mindread on the island character to go up a level when I only needed 3k experience, I went to the Orobas Fjords to level. The first couple opponents brought me up to level 16, and as long as I was there I went down the path, reaching level 17 at the bottom (level 18 opponents). Crossing the water by the falls, and then swimming over to another beach (level 18-20 opponents) almost brought me up another level. I had to take out 4 or 5 level 21 imps to get the last ~4k experience to level again, which took several attempts, even using the creature as a distraction. You may want to clear the first section of the mountain path in the fjords until you get to the teleporter shrine, but even that is optional before you have the battle tower. If the high level characters decided to take you on directly when they first wanted you dead, it would be a pretty short game. While it probably could have been done better, the antagonist leaving the protagonist for dead with an elaborate scheme and/or peons to finish off the job is a time honoured tradition in games, movies, etc. The killer bunny can not climb, so you should do better if you take out the last rabbit near the bottom of a steep riverbank or close to a large rock you can jump onto ( Killer Rabbit).
Joined: Jan 2010
I was suprised that the fjords were quite challenging in the beginning. Especially with large groups of enemies that have 2 healers. Even with my demon summon & pet i had some trouble. -in eagle's nest (that barracks area build onto the cliffs) i've found a prisoner in a cage still alive but i can't find a key anywhere. Or is he/she just for the show since i can't even talk to him?? And what's with the no dragon zone's all around that area.. I still found a blind spot where i was able to get on a rock high above that area and jump down to that teleporter area with the ladder -what the best use for the summoned creature? I mean positioning him as a warrior/mage/archer Note: i'm a warrior & i also summon a demon to fight beside me so i basicly have 2 warriors -about that barnabas (<- ?) necromancer guy who's lair is untop of the waterfall: Wasn't he the guy my necomancer/alchemist send me after to search for a book or is he just somekind of event/sidequest -i read here that after reaching rank 10 i should place my strongest weapon in my off hand. Can somebody explain that to me since i thought the main hand deals more damage??
Last edited by agrash; 07/02/10 09:59 PM.
Joined: Jan 2010
Joined: Mar 2003
Right now my creature is a warrior, with Rush Attack / Fatality at level 6, though I haven't used him much since upgrading the head. At the very beginning of the fjords and Sentinel Island I have been starting off fights with Rothman's bow, and finishing with it if they are not too tough, for the extra level Wisdom bonus. Having a warrior creature is handy as a distraction if you are a mage or archer. However, I can do damage a lot faster with my axes, so I think I am going to switch back to primarily melee. The next head I find with Magic Missile I think I'm going to try the creature out as a mage. The dual wield skill reduces the penalty for the off hand, and eventually starts giving a bonus. At level 10, the bonus to your off hand becomes larger than your main hand, which starts off much stronger, but improves a lot slower. From the walkthrough; Dual-Wielding Expertise
When fighting with two weapons, your primary weapon does *% more damage;
the off-hand weapon suffers a penalty of *% damage.
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 |
| 1 | 3 | 5 | 7 | 9 | 11 | 13 | 15 | 17 | 19 | 21 | 23 | 25 |
|-70 |-60 |-50 |-40 |-30 |-20 |-10 | 0 | 10 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 |
Joined: Jan 2010
-in eagle's nest (that barracks area build onto the cliffs) i've found a prisoner in a cage still alive but i can't find a key anywhere. Or is he/she just for the show since i can't even talk to him??
If you mindread one of the idiots in the upper roon you'll find out that he threw the key out of the window and it's on the beach underneath eagles nest. And what's with the no dragon zone's all around that area.. I still found a blind spot where i was able to get on a rock high above that area and jump down to that teleporter area with the ladder
The upper room in eagle's nest has three levers by the far wall that disable all the barriers in that area. -what the best use for the summoned creature? I mean positioning him as a warrior/mage/archer Note: i'm a warrior & i also summon a demon to fight beside me so i basicly have 2 warriors
I use the demon for melee and the creature for throwing range spells when he's not busy peeing on everything. -about that barnabas (<- ?) necromancer guy who's lair is untop of the waterfall: Wasn't he the guy my necomancer/alchemist send me after to search for a book or is he just somekind of event/side quest
It is a side quest (not pertinent to main quest) but you can find the Book of the Dead through the top teleporter in the old cave.
Joined: Jan 2010
I use the demon for melee and the creature for throwing range spells when he's not busy peeing on everything.
I LOL'd this. I'm glad I'm not the only one that finds it annoying that he does that ALL the time.
Last edited by Lonewolf_kai; 11/02/10 11:06 PM.
Joined: Jan 2010
And there you have it. I just beat the game at lvl 35 i think & I finished it in +-35 hours doing (or trying ;))every sidequest i've encountered. The endfight was a bitch though. It was the first time i had to use astrength/armour potions and allot of healthpotion to drop enemy at a time before defeating dumbledore in the end and witnessed a rather lame ending. A good twist in the end though but unfortunatly the story wasn't all that interesting enough to care about just like in risen for example. The flying fortresses became boring after a while and aleroth was also a dissapointment. I was finnaly expecting a big city map with lots of shops/quests but all i get was a linear path to dumbledore and when i've finished that there was nothing less to do But in the end i still liked the humor and most important of all: the gameplay so i'm still looking forward to a third installment in the series
Joined: Jan 2010
LOL! Was that post a positive or a negative? or just a (shrug)...... 
Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings.
Joined: Jan 2010
Joined: Feb 2010
I was suprised that the fjords were quite challenging in the beginning. Especially with large groups of enemies that have 2 healers. Even with my demon summon & pet i had some trouble. -in eagle's nest (that barracks area build onto the cliffs) i've found a prisoner in a cage still alive but i can't find a key anywhere. Or is he/she just for the show since i can't even talk to him?? And what's with the no dragon zone's all around that area.. I still found a blind spot where i was able to get on a rock high above that area and jump down to that teleporter area with the ladder -what the best use for the summoned creature? I mean positioning him as a warrior/mage/archer Note: i'm a warrior & i also summon a demon to fight beside me so i basicly have 2 warriors -about that barnabas (<- ?) necromancer guy who's lair is untop of the waterfall: Wasn't he the guy my necomancer/alchemist send me after to search for a book or is he just somekind of event/sidequest i just charm the healer or a warrior let them duke it out then i rush in -i read here that after reaching rank 10 i should place my strongest weapon in my off hand. Can somebody explain that to me since i thought the main hand deals more damage??
Joined: Nov 2010
I have a question on the summoned creature -- I tried one, but he died -- and after that, I couldn't summon him anymore. Is that it? If they die, they are gone and you have to go back and create a new one from scratch?
That seems REAL limiting, since I don't know of anyway to heal them, and it's hard enough to keep my heal spells 'cooled' off enough to keep myself healed, let alone to keep some flunky who can't heal/take care of himself healed up as well.
These summoned creatures can't be this worthless, so what am I missing?
Can I direct him to throw spells or does he operate at random? He didn't seem very amenable to suggestion, for such a high maintenance companion...
Joined: Aug 2008
If they die, you can summon them again after a short while. Drag your crystal skull on the quickbar to see the cooldown before you can summon another one.
Joined: Nov 2010
Well, for starters I am running the entire game as the "Archer" class, and I must say of the 5-6 actual moments had to be in melee range my "Evade" skill comes in quite handy. The key is having a fantastic grasp on the "tumble" ability, and using terrain to your advantage. Having said that also a "smart" skill points distribution will take you MILES in this game. In my current game my hero just reached lvl 35, and I'm finishing up "Orobas Fjords". All of the fortress Bosses have fallen to my quick bow, and I must add that I have only really used my "Creature" a couple of times..though I keep upgrading it lol. I also have just completed the "Hunter" set(set pieces were pretty much everywhere..finding most BEFORE even starting fortresses). The class seemed most difficult until about Lvl 12ish..once I past this point it became easier(survivability), and also being a search-monkey I try to pick-up on all the little extra help the game throws at ya.. SEARCH, SEARCH, SEARCH...and ye shall be rewarded. As for "Best class in the game", or better yet FotM**, I tend to not listen to the stuff, more so, what class do you typically like to play?..okee then go for it. Once you have a good understanding of the class, limitations and strengths the skies the limit I say.
For example, I narrowed my hero down to using 2 attack skills: Poison Arrows +10, Explosive arrows +12. Most of my points from their went to Defensive, or Add Dmg/Crit. So, with all that...just play the game with a solid plan, looking FAR into the development of what you want to be. Concentrate skill points, and use wisely! (I am lvl 35 and have 65 points to allocate), though getting this amount of points takes SEARCHING. Happy Hunting  quick note: The Killer Bunny, isn't so hard. This bunnies leap is less than to be desired.. ( I believe I was level 12 or so)...try being off ground. **Flavor of the Month
Last edited by Daft; 29/11/10 05:33 PM.
Joined: Nov 2010
If they die, you can summon them again after a short while. Drag your crystal skull on the quickbar to see the cooldown before you can summon another one. Oh Cool... But what I don't get -- is why are they so expensive to invoke -- HALF my mana?? Compared to summoning an undead...right now I can summon a level 29 undead who sends out awesome fireballs, and costs me next to nothing to summon... If it wasn't for him, I never would have made it as far as I have....He's an awesome fighter... so far, Much better than the daemon that I can tell...when I summonmed up a daemon, who was level 20, next to my undead @ level 21, the daemon could only fight -- no spells, which meant he took direct damage very quickly and died very quickly. The undead guy usually stays at a distance and shoots fireballs so he takes much less damage on the average than the daemon and stays around alot longer -- thus he delivers more damage. He's also great as an early warning device for archers that try to sneak up on me, since he will home in on them instantly, he sometimes starts firing on them long before I get an alert (this is part of my beef about enemies being able to target me long before I can target them -- but my undead creature can target them before I can -- so with him around, at least I get warning). His 'alert' was also help when I was fighting the invisible monsters section. When they were invis, I had to be pointed at them for my alert to come up, but he would find them no matter what direction they were in, and his fireballs would point out their direction to me. Very handy. BTW -- is it possible for me to heal my creature or give him a potion? Another bummer -- I wish I could give my creatures (or my runners) some of the equipment I've picked up. That's actually a bug as far as I'm concerned when it comes to the runners. They are humans and I should be able to give them any of the equipment I've picked up, but there's no option to do that. That's lame.
Joined: Nov 2010
As for healing your creature, negative. He's just fodder anyway, I've used my creature a total of 5 times or so, highly over rated IMHO. But he is useful like I said as a meat shield. If you have the battle tower you should have more potions than you can deal with. So mana is a moot point. Your runners can get gear upgraded at your trainer, and the smith. Costs abit but then again money should not be a problem either since you can send Dick, Harry, and Tom out for supplies. Go ahead and get 50 diamonds and sell to Sassan, for 9k, rinse and repeat. Same for alch, and ench. Remember your runners are FAST, give them thier orders, leave BT, then go right back...instant goodies.
Joined: Apr 2005
@Daft : I like your playstyle and how you "see and act" this game  . A ranger is indeed very nice to play with. One of my fav Skill is Ranger Stealth. Have you ever played Divine Divnity as a Ranger? I mean, "using frequently/mostly a Bow"? I can say it's really great  ! For me the Dragon knight Saga have also many strategic acts (like you said to choose Skill on a smart way) ! I love that. I Search very carefully in each game and take patiently my time, relaxed gaming & on the same time I have intense feelings as if the game is reality (for that moment) ! In fact, all Divinity games (and other rpg's!) I play/see them as a role playing, puzzle & strategic adventures
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Nov 2010
@ Joram why thank you for the compliment, and to answer your inquiry, no I have not. The only prior experience with the game is years back when I played "Beyond Divinity" . My old AD&D self enjoys what this game has to offer, adventure, exploring, puzzles, you get the drift. And ever since my first D&D character, Dark Cherub I have played Rogue/mage/archer style. So much that I went out eventually and bought my 12 yr old and I a couple of bow and arrow sets . We set up a shooting range out back! good times. Happy hunting
Joined: May 2005
I am playing as an almost pure mage. I do have enough strength that if things suddenly get nasty close up I can hack em up with my two good axes. Whirlwind is a great thing to have for this as well (I only have one point in it). Usually though I mage it the way through, concentrating on magic missile and fire blast, with almost all my stats in spirit - this is a must or you will be one dead mage. I am at level 13 with level 4 missile and level 4 blast, and even with these levels fireblast will kill pretty much everything dead right off the bat.(Really fun to watch actually) And then you spam like mad with missile of course. I think I would find it way harder to be a warrior, and I like the sneaky hide and pick em off approach. Never liked the idea of an archer. Never have.
Conan stood paralyzed in the disruption of the faculties which demoralizes anyone who is confronted by an impossible negation of sanity.
Joined: Nov 2010
Rangers take a sense of skill, soo maybe... j/k  In all seriousness to each their own. For me playing a warrior is just to, for the lack of a better term too simple..charge destroy, rinse and repeat. Mage is to frail , then too powerfull,(though one can argue the same things for any of the 3 choices). The ranger class has always, will always be first choice. From D&D, all the way till now, crap some 20 yrs. happy hunting
Joined: Oct 2009
I can only imagine myself as a mage in fact I had sooo powerful mage that he didnt use weapons on hard just spirit and intelligence nothing else matters