If you choose to use further on to fight with two (Dual) swords, you can indeed better put points in Strength.

But a bow is also a good thing to have.
You begin the game and choose the Archer (with "My first Bow" + the skill "Poison Arrow")?
Try this, it is fun. and my favorite Ranger skill is "Ranger Stealth"...

But nobody says you must do this or that... You're totally Free
Personal I find Strength, Dexerity and Intelligence the most useful stats to put points in and later on you can find equipment enough that have points in vitality (or hitpoints) or mana (or spirit) ... or you can use charms...
A pure Mage can also put more points in Spirit if he/she wish...
But each Level you go up, you Vitality and Spirit goes 4 points up, automatically
