hey what i would like to see for the next expansion are these

1) a realistic serounding beeing ably to jump off mountains wasent really all that, or getting stuck behind a stupid small rock when you can pass right true a massive tree (these are all bugs and might be fixed i don't know)

2)at the start it was all fine tho give people some directions because if you follow the story to mutch (like me) you levl way to slow and you get wasted by every mob you come across

3) combat at some points, at some points combat was stupidly easy and at other points mostly bosses with mobs or healers around them you had to reload the levl 5 times just to finish it

i had it at

when you go in the fords owned by the captains you get into an arena with a boss fight the fight itself was hard and easy it was easy in the way you could defeat him tho you had to spam your potion buttons. And when he got a lucky crit or special attack in you where admiring the floor since it only took 1 hit (same goes for the last fight in the dream.

4) a larger world and maybe a story beside the main story or just the ability to explore the world freely.

5) improving mind reading, at the start it was fun and awsome because people thought funy things about there daily life, but after the starting area it just became "you gained new insights" witch was a bit dull to do every time

6) dragon form and the freedom to use it, get more areas or less shields but it was anoying to have to take a lever down every time just to advance a bit in the game.

7) also having your dialogue options determin the course of the story now it din't really matter what you choise or in some quests it did but not as mutch as i would like to see.

8) i also liked the charm system and enchant system tho the charming could use a bit more work since there werent that many to put in or the where all low levl

9) and last a way to enhance your tower visually and maybe for combat aswel that in the future the fog lifts (wich was kinda shit could have done more with the island) so you can run around on it or that damian asaults your tower and you have to defend them from entering. The fight you had to do when you got it was fun but you coulnd really feel that the where attacking your tower since the dint even get near it.

same for the trainers the where awsome made you feel more powerfull, tho maybe inplement aswel a blacksmith for example for weapons and armor

most idea's are probably on here, just posting my ideas since i dint read all the pages
