Are you people saying that good vs evil, good wins makes a good story? Please die in hell, because people like you make bad movies like Avatar have so much success. I'm not saying Avatar is crap, just it could have been much better if it wasn't so "dumbed down".

Anyway, I was nearing the completion of the game and I was kinda disappointed that i spent ~30-50 hours (or more?) on just another run-of-the-mill RPG with the same ultra-cliché story of the chosen one saving the world. But i said to myself "I'll finish this so i can move on to something better like Mass Effect, Risen, Policenauts". I went for the ending with low expectations and it completely blew me away. Not only it's not the cliché story that has been told millions of times since ancient Greece tales, but it's a great achievement for game storytelling. Very cleverly built up, for instance i wandered why Damian was so stupid to let me live when he had so many chances to kill me, but in the end it all made sense. And Talana the Dragon Knight, I was so convinced she is wrong with her beliefs yet... wow...

It's a brilliant ending, and that's a fact. It's not a matter of taste. It's a matter of lack of taste for who thinks otherwise.