Originally Posted by Anthea
Und bei Taran gibt es zum Einen das Schwein, das in die Zukunft sehen kann, als auch dieses kleine Wuschelviech.

Gurgi ?

Das ist interesant, denn both Lloyd Alexander und J.R.R.Tolkien scheinen aus der gleichen Quelle keltischwurzeliger grin Sagen geschöpft zu haben. Bei Tolkien kamen dabei die "Puckelmänner" heraus, sowie die Drúadan (welche glaube ich im Kern sogar ein und dasselbe snd), und bei Lloyd Alexander halt Gurgi. wink

Zitat aus Wikipedia (Englisch) zum Namen Gurgi :

The name Gurgi may be a variation on Gruagach (see Púca).


Und zu Púca : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Púca

Zum Begriff "Drúedain" :

Púkel-men was the name used by the Rohirrim to refer to the Drúedain; it contains the Anglo-Saxon word púkel "dwarf, goblin" (surviving also in Shakespeare's "Puck" and Kipling's "Pook's Hill"). This term was also applied to the fearsome statues constructed by the Drúedain to guard important places and homes; some evidently had the power to come to life in a fashion similar to golems. Because of their ugly appearance and frightening statues the Drúedain were feared and loathed by other Men of the region; they were considered little better than Orcs, and there was much enmity between those peoples.

Zum Begriff "Wood-Wose", auch als "Wilder Mann" bekannt (es gibt eine Stadt solchen Namens im Harz und anderswo) :

The term wood-woses or simply Woses is used by J. R. R. Tolkien to describe a fictional race of wild men, which are called also Drúedain, in his books on Middle-earth. According to Tolkien's legendarium, other men, including the Rohirrim, mistook the Drúedain for goblins or other wood-creatures and referred to them as Púkel-men (Goblin-men). He allows the fictional possibility that his Drúedain were the "actual" origin of the wild men of later traditional folklore. British poet Ted Hughes used the form wodwo as the title of a poem and a 1967 volume of his collected works.[34]

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