Maybe I need to post my picture here, but I don't want to scare everybody away! :P
You mean you're not some banjo-playing ogre who needs a bath? ;-)
I operate the company, and I designed the website as well, and we ship to whereever you need it. So tell me where can I find a copy of Div 2... it is not available here yet
I was able to get Divinity 2 at a store-- I'm in the U.S.A., though.
What program are you using to design the website? I used a great program after teaching myself a little (a very, very little) about web design to design a site for my folks. The program is FREE-- was able to download it from the web. Made making the website much easier, as there is a wide variety of information on how to use it (also for free), and tutorials & suggestions & all sorts of stuff. If you're interested, I can PM the information (it doesn't seem appropriate to post it). I looked through your website a little bit-- not anything I need at the moment, but as I'm interested in web design, couldn't resist!

All best,