Joined: Feb 2010
I am in bellegar's cave in the orobas fjords and I was wondering what combonation of good/evil will get you the best stuff? I am most interested to get a good sword/hammer. When you get to the end is the sword or the warhammer better?
Joined: Mar 2003
I believe you need to go all good or all evil to get the extra loot from Bellegar. If you mix your choices you just get the chest with a random legendary item in it. After going through and choosing all good, I wasn't particularly impressed with the quality of the reward, so I reloaded and made more practical choices (don't be evil... but don't give up any stat points either).
The opponents in there have a chance of dropping legendary quality equipment, so if you save before each group, you could reload until you get something.
Joined: Feb 2010
Thanks.Btw is the good warhammer or the good sword better?
Joined: Mar 2003
Sorry, I don't recall the details, just that I had better weapons at the time.
Joined: Mar 2010
Joined: Mar 2003
The mysterious cave is south of the area where the path splits to turn up to High Hall or down to the harbour, accessed via a door into the mountain cave on a ledge.
Joined: Mar 2010
which would be better? the plate armor on the dragon or the crystal?
and why the hell do the freakin bows have magic attack and inteligence...
Joined: Mar 2003
All Dragon Armor Locations (and bonuses) For the dragon form I removed all equipment except for the Bone Dragon Cuirass (+40% hit points) and Bone Dragon Leggings (+40% offense) once I could max Firebreath, Fire Sphere, Dragon Spirit and Dragon Burst without the need for equipment spell bonuses. I didn't use Dragon Burst that much (came in handy a couple times), and never tried the summon, shield or polymorph spells. AFAIK there are no extra bonuses for wearing all one style of dragon equipment. It isn't really surprising that, in a land of magic, weapons would be forged that could do magical damage, for use by those intelligent enough to focus/control the effect, but not necessarily well trained in using magic directly. Practically you could argue there is too much overlap between magic spells and magic based bows, or the design of the damage / resistance / combat system should have been different, but at least in principle magic bows of some form would be expected.
Joined: Mar 2010
^ I was wondering if there are charms or enchantments for '+ Ranged Damage' as there are for melee and magical damage?
I prefer a more even split between the two Ranged and Magic on a bow as it may help against an enemy who has resistence to one or another.
I have found a good bow and 'Explosive Arrows' after level 8 is excellent for crowd contol. It also works very well on healers and shamans with the Stealth ability of the Ranger( I have four points in it so I can get close enough to hit the shamans and healers).
Kel ******
"Time is a honest judge and a relentless master ..... Use it well or regret it later."
Joined: Mar 2003
I don't think there are any ranged damage charms, just normal and magic. There is no ranged damage enchantment; the normal damage enchantment gives a ranged bonus when applied to a bow (presumable a damage charm would do the same).
Joined: Mar 2010
I don't think there are any ranged damage charms, just normal and magic. There is no ranged damage enchantment; the normal damage enchantment gives a ranged bonus when applied to a bow (presumable a damage charm would do the same).
Hi Raze The only direct damage charm I have seen reads 'melee damage'. That leaves enhancing the magical damage up 24-27 and investing points in Ranger Strength (+1 damage per point - just checked) to up the normal damage. I definitely suggest putting points in Explosive Arrows as I am now doing between 1100+ explosive fire damage with the chance of igniting anybody still alive. Using 'Ranger Stealth' I can launch that arrow outside of the enemies sight and get a few more off before I start dual wielding. Add the normal damage to the enemy you aimed at helps. Go for Shamans, Healers, Champions and Bosses. The results are a Blast !!! How did Larian not include adding normal damage charms or enhancements for bows, Should your bow be a bow with more magical damage and you fire at someone with a high resist you may very well be eating your bow. Kel******
Last edited by Kelteel; 31/03/10 05:38 AM. Reason: EDITED
"Time is a honest judge and a relentless master ..... Use it well or regret it later."
Joined: Mar 2003
You're right, damage charms are specific to melee weapons; I never really paid attention to the description before (aside from the relatively low damage amount), and didn't use any charms.
I've put a normal damage enchantment on pretty much every bow I've used with an enchantment slot, though, and it does increase the ranged damage.
Joined: Mar 2010
You're right, damage charms are specific to melee weapons; I never really paid attention to the description before (aside from the relatively low damage amount), and didn't use any charms.
I've put a normal damage enchantment on pretty much every bow I've used with an enchantment slot, though, and it does increase the ranged damage.
* I must have missed something on my enchanting choices so I will go back and change my enchantment. I may have misunderstood normal damage and thought normal damage for melee. Who knows ..  .. Kel******
"Time is a honest judge and a relentless master ..... Use it well or regret it later."
Joined: Mar 2010
You're right, damage charms are specific to melee weapons; I never really paid attention to the description before (aside from the relatively low damage amount), and didn't use any charms.
I've put a normal damage enchantment on pretty much every bow I've used with an enchantment slot, though, and it does increase the ranged damage.
..  .. Raze I went back and checked and I did have it wrong so now my two dual wielded weapons have a 519 - 602 combined damage. I also enchanted the Scorpion two hander with normal, magic and level 9 fire and it now replaces my old one. Divine Melee Damage charms add a +10 to melee damage. I just got one but am not using it as there has to be better weapons available. The enemy ..  .. don't stand a chance against the good guys ..  .. . ....  .... . Kel******
"Time is a honest judge and a relentless master ..... Use it well or regret it later."
Joined: Jan 2010
You guys have WAY too much time on your hands. I hope your getting some pay from Larian Studios....lol
Joined: Mar 2010
You guys have WAY too much time on your hands. I hope your getting some pay from Larian Studios....lol ^  ^ I am trying to keep my playing time under the radar before they start taxing us for the time we play. Someones got to pay for that Health Care Bill and they are still looking for donations. lol .. .  . .. .  . .. Kel******
"Time is a honest judge and a relentless master ..... Use it well or regret it later."
Joined: Mar 2010
All Dragon Armor Locations (and bonuses) For the dragon form I removed all equipment except for the Bone Dragon Cuirass (+40% hit points) and Bone Dragon Leggings (+40% offense) once I could max Firebreath, Fire Sphere, Dragon Spirit and Dragon Burst without the need for equipment spell bonuses. I didn't use Dragon Burst that much (came in handy a couple times), and never tried the summon, shield or polymorph spells. AFAIK there are no extra bonuses for wearing all one style of dragon equipment. The 'Summon Friend' may be our dragon forms best attack as I found out. I did Kali's first and in the beginning I only had one point in the Summon Friend. I used it while I was attacking the ballistas and towers. The wyvern you summon goes after the other flyers that are attacking you and better yet mine seemed to draw all of the attention from the flyers. I had attacked about a third of the way in dismantling Kali's Flying Fortress and by then of the dragon skills I used I had three skill points in my Summon Friend, one in Firebreath, three in Fire Sphere, one in Dragon Burst. I am curious to see what the all Crystal Dragon armor looks like as I only have the helm/headpiece. A fighter pilot always wants a good wingman and is a fool to not recognize that his wingman is his decoy as much as he is his wingman's decoy. Each gives both of them a chance to survive and fight again another day. That is the value of Summon Friend. Once most of the flyers were gone the wyvern was an excellent decoy in drawing fire away from me. I had to do less dodging incoming missiles but the pain in the ass were the wizard and lightning towers. I had more fun being in my dragon form and just destroying things. The best way to do it is to start at the bottom and work up because that gave you the lower levels as places to duck under and heal because they couldn't shoot me and my wyvern was drawing all of the attention. There was the occasional flyer that would attack me but I took it as an affront to my dragonhood that they would dare do such a thing. They died very quickly for their impudence .. .  . .. . I haven't had as much fun in any other game since DIABLO II/LORD OF DESTRUCTION as I impatiently await DIABLO III. Praying all the while that Blizzard doesn't screw it up and wreck a winning formula. Mano versus Machino. Kel******
"Time is a honest judge and a relentless master ..... Use it well or regret it later."