I am sorely disappointed in the last fight in Ygern's memory. There is no room for counter strategy on the players part what-so-ever. I play many story based and strategy RPG's and this one makes a decent attempt at that only to bombard you at the end with an immpossible fight that reminds me why I can't fathom the enjoyment of shooter mentality. The only option to end this game is to show up with an outrageous amount of skill power in which it would require eons to accumalate. By the time you learn that the game ends with an overpowering fight scene that requires no thinking, you are locked in Ygern's memory with no possible retreat or ability to regroup unless you go to an earlier save. Then you get to refight your way back to an unrewarding mass attack. A terrible ending to an otherwise enjoyable game. I look forward to Flames Of Vengeance but like Ego Draconis I do not intend to finish the last scene if I am forced to enter a mindless battle that completely destroys the effort it took to get there.