
So regardless of the person, their talents or manner of death, exactly the same methods should work to resurrect them?

Just to prove or support something people/fanbois (no offence) always trying to make things difficult or look difficult, like, to show that everything is not so easy and simple as someone says.

Occama's Razor

Ygerna's [...] only about 20

Sassan was older

Factological proof please, from game's plot.

she had all kinds of time to prepare for her own resurrection.

Factological proof please, from game's plot.

The ritual Laiken did to unseal the battle tower may have resulted in Sassan remaining as a ghost

Factological proof please, from game's plot.

The candle trigger and windy grave may have been Laiken's method to keep her ghost away

An arcade gameplay thing for fun (so-called "puzzle element") now is a part of a plot and setting?
That's why I love fanbois - they always delivers :P (no offence)

Alternately, it could be a test Sassan set up, since there was no point standing around at her grave if there was no one around strong enough to help her get revenge on Laiken. Rather than being a 'plain simple ring', it was the key to complete the resurrection.

"Alternately", "could be", "was", "rather then"...

There was yet another method of resurrection in Divine Divinity (aside from the blessing ritual), where a necromancer made preparations, and then required some time to pass before skeleton servants would pull 4 levers, in order, to activate the mechanism that would bring him back. Though that method didn't quite work as planned, he did return alive rather than as a zombie / skeleton.

yeah, right, so many methods, and yet no logical system about magic system in Divinity Universe. Not even mention the fact that D2 almost cut off every connections with previous games in setting/plot (except the main line).

Everything you say is just a suggestions, there is no way to prove it. And not because we don't know everything yet, but because the plot and setting in D2 is so poor and unpolished so there is just nothing to talk about. Many aspects "unsynced" and differs so much it's even confuses and left only one question: "HOW SO?" "WHY IS THAT SO?".

And apparently the Black Ring fetched head and body and re-attached the head.

Yeah, right.
You know, the main plot line of D2 was unclear 'till the end. For example, russian translation team got completely different manual with different story (it was beta). Consider the fact that they started to work @ translation in q3 of 2009... it symbolises.


I'm not trying to say all these mistakes make the game "bad", I'm just trying to say "Don' take it's plot and setting too serious". It is like... a Batman's one. Low-level fiction scenario for a day-fun.

Game is still awesome, consider the fact there is not so much RPGs nowadays