So... because you don't think something makes sense, Occam's Razor proves there can be no explanation?
You can certainly argue that this quest was slapped together without any thought, but being the simplest explanation does not necessarily make it the correct one.

It doesn't take a fanboi to be able to think of possible explanations for things not mentioned specifically in the game.

From the Child of Chaos, page 24 (pdf included in the 17.7MB D2:ED fansite kit), "...Ygerna was a remarkable alluring girl although, he noted, several years older than Damian". Damian was 15 (joined the paladins on his 13th birthday, bottom of page 12, and trained for 2 years, page 23), so at most Ygerna is about 20.
Sassan's dialog, history and personality all give the impression, at least to me, that she is not just a teenager (feel free to show proof that this is wrong, though).
The ages are only relevant as far as experience with resurrection goes.

If Sassan suspected Laiken, or was otherwise concerned about coming back from the dead, then she had time to prepare. If there was 'factological proof' about that in the game then Stabbey wouldn't have posted in the first place. No RPG game explains everything or has the complete history of everything and everyone.

Candles were used to trigger a summoning in Divine Divinity, as well as hidden doorways / passages in DD and BD. It hardly takes a fanboi to propose something similar here.

"Alternately", "could be", "was", "rather then"...

Yes, and what is your point? Can I not suggest logical theories that could fill in the missing information? Nobody jumped into topics about Needleman's history or the plotline of the add-on to demand proof rather than conjecture.
In any case, I'm not trying to prove anything in particular happened, just that it is possible to have an elaborate and simple resurrection in different situations in the same gameworld.

The ring being the key to complete the resurrection was not conjecture, though, since getting the ring did in fact complete the resurrection.

Um... did you play DD or BD? There are new areas in D2:ED, but the plot continued. Was nothing suppose to change or get added in subsequent games?

There were grave robbers in DD. It is hardly a stretch to think the Black Ring might dig up a grave, or that Damian would order it. Food, etc, is delivered all over Rivellon in crates, so presumably they have developed magic to preserve it.