*skipped unrelated stuff*

So... because you don't think something makes sense, Occam's Razor proves there can be no explanation?

So, because you want it to be complicated with deep philosophical/psyhological context it will be like that?

From the Child of Chaos, page 24 (pdf included in the 17.7MB D2:ED fansite kit), "...Ygerna was a remarkable alluring girl although, he noted, several years older than Damian". Damian was 15 (joined the paladins on his 13th birthday, bottom of page 12, and trained for 2 years, page 23), so at most Ygerna is about 20.

Yeah, right, FANSITE Kit. I already told you about story for russian manual in russian edition of the game. It is fun how often changes the plot in many interesting ways. I see no reason to believe in anything like FANSITE Kit (well, lol) or even manuals under such unstable conditions.
But ofc all fans do. Apriori.

If Sassan suspected Laiken, or was otherwise concerned about coming back from the dead, then she had time to prepare.

And again, "if", "there was"...
If there was 'factological proof'

EXACTLY. There is none. There is no clear preconditions for correct consclusions, only for suggestions.

Candles were used to trigger a summoning in Divine Divinity, as well as hidden doorways / passages in DD and BD.

Exactly. As I said - a part of a gameplay, but not the plot.
"... the last Dragon Knight saved his loyal servant Ssassan by extinguishing a three candles on her grave with his own hands, a candles that even a strong wind wasn't able to extinguish. He ressurected her body by giving her a ring..."
Yeah, right, infinite candles were burning withing few years awaiting dragon knight to resurrect a decayed body by simple ring. Indeed, it is not a part of a gameplay (puzzle), but a part of sane and logical plot. Withing few centuries ppl of Rivellon will be telling this story to their sons.

Ty, you delivered ;P

Yes, and what is your point?

The point is simple: suggestions, suggestions, suggestions, suggestions, suggestions and suggestions. Only fans believe in their own words because it is what they want to believe. There is nothing wrong to live in your subjective world while you don't draw anyone else into that.

The objective pov is the fact that D2 has the worst plot ever since DD. Ofc, it is no match to other RPGs plot, like Dragon Age, but still, it cold be more sensible and logical just do not look so silly and unstable for any... no, not critic - just plain questions, like Stabbey asked.

Tbh, I have no idea how devs are planing to fix and sync all this mess in FoV.