Originally Posted by Kein
Really? You're the one who giving a detailed suggestion-"explanation" about that, but at the same time you say: "I played through that section without giving it too much analysis".
Illogical statements is soo illogical.

I played the game, did that quest, noticed it was a rather quick resurrection and kept playing.
Some time later there were two posts in the forum about this quest, the first asking for an official explanation of the difference, and the second stating it just made no sense.
I though, no that quest isn't necessarily illogical, as the situations were different, and posted to that effect.

Where exactly was the illogic in that?

Originally Posted by Kein
So rather than argue the facts you attack the source?

No, did you miss my point? The point is: I can't trust any source that was somehow corrected AFTER the game was released.

How about a source printed 6 years ago, long before any changes in D2:ED releases?

Originally Posted by Kein
Any changes to D2:ED's plotline are irrelevant to how old Ygerna was.

Fun, but I didn't make any connections between such aspects, it was you did it right now.

I mentioned age as one of the differences between Ygerna and Sassan, to support the proposition that Sassan could have been ready and able to have a resurrection ritual prepared, which would only need a key component to complete.
You asked for proof of the age, I supplied it, you then ignored the age and said it didn't matter because there were changes made to D2:ED.

Originally Posted by Kein
My point was that the two different resurrection methods were not necessarily inconsistent.

Good, I see you don't deny the fact that you still accept a gameplay element

Everything in the game is a gameplay element.

Originally Posted by Kein
the amount of ppl who likes DAO is much bigger, which I find hilarious, especially consider the fact it is a DIVINITY forums.

I thought the discussion was about whether a particular quest in D2:ED makes sense within that game world? An opinion poll on which game has the better plot is irrelevant.