Joined: Aug 2004
I have tried all i can find i have emailed and waited for a response everytime my game loads about half way it just stops. Why does this game have so many problems??????????????
Joined: Nov 2005
I had no problems with DD 2 years ago on my old machine with GeForceTi4400 , but have something strange on new one . Win XP with SP2 2x512mb ram pc-3200 Ati X800pro 256mb (ati CATALYST 05.8) Just installed 1.34 patch directx 9.0c color depth is 16bit , but 16 or 32 doesn't make any difference .
I had problem with color - it starts with "green" menu and continue in game . I'd like to show it on a screenshot , but don't know how to add any <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
Joined: Mar 2003
In the configuration program, have you tried setting the graphics mode to either Software or Direct Draw, rather than Direct3D? Try checking the alpha bit option in the configuration tool and switching off fog in the video options within the game. If you run dxdiag (click Start | Run, type in dxdiag and hit Enter), does it report any problems? There are a couple of tests under the Display tab. After starting your computer, have you tried leaving it running for half an hour before starting the game? see FIX for splotch problem/weird color areas/fog
Joined: Nov 2005
Either switching to Direct Draw or leaving PC for 45min has helped . <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> Thanks .
Joined: Mar 2003
Guess I should have re-read the post to get the time correct. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/puppyeyes.gif" alt="" />
If waiting helps, you could also try the other workaround mention there, adding the line "splotchproblem 1" to the config.lcl file, in the '..\Divine Divinity\Run' folder. This is a text file, so can be opened in Notepad, etc. If you add the "splotchproblem 1" line to the end of the file, hit the enter key before saving, since the game expects the last line to be blank, and ignores it. Alternately, there should not be a significant performance difference between Direct Draw and Direct3D, so you could just leave the game set to Direct Draw.
BTW, a belated welcome to the forum. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wave.gif" alt="" />
Joined: Aug 2007
OS: Windows XP Professional/Service Pack 2 RAM: 1024 Graphics Card: NVidia GeForce MX 4000 (My Father had a GeForce FX 5200 Ultra an the game worked fine with no trouble) McAfee Security Center Virus Scanner/Firewall (Access is granted to allow the game to be played) Patch Version: 1.34 Hard Drive: 120GB C Drive, 200 GB F Drive DirectX 10 Color is 32bit but I set it to 16bit for the game Additional: Have NO-CD but; it didn't play the movies so I went back to original. Description: The game screen looks like techni-color rainbow really I looked on the support section it said to add in the following SplotchProblem 1 inside the config.lcl I did that then tried to play the game once more but it seems that the splotches are still in the game it only seems to happen inside a house or when then map goes to night time, during the day everything works it's almost like theres a problem with the lighting in the game.
Last edited by Drifter; 20/08/07 01:18 AM.
Joined: Mar 2003
[color:"orange"]OS: Windows XP Professional/Service Pack 2[/color] ... [color:"orange"]DirectX 10[/color]
I thought DirectX 10 was Vista only?
[color:"orange"]McAfee Security Center Virus Scanner/Firewall (Access is granted to allow the game to be played)[/color]
DD shouldn't need internet access at all from your firewall. To improve performance you may wish to disable your anti-virus and any other non-essential background programs before starting the game.
[color:"orange"]Description: The game screen looks like techni-color rainbow[/color]
If you added the 'splotchproblem 1' line to the end of your config.lcl file, make sure you hit Enter afterwards (the game expects the last line to be blank, and ignores it).
Did you try leaving you computer on for at least 45 minutes before starting the game? That has also fixed this problem for a couple people, at least under Windows ME.
Welcome to the forum. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wave.gif" alt="" />
Joined: Aug 2007
If you're running Windows Vista with DX10 then your graphics for PC increase a game's level of realism, enhancing details and complexity in gaming worlds, apply effects like dynamic lighting and weather, and much more. It works on Windows XP as well as Window Vista same as vista works with DX9 as well, but; DX10 offer things that are only for Windows Vista users, while the XP user don't benifit from them it doesn't mean that can't use DX10 it'll still say you have DX9c on your PC until you upgrade to Vista.
The Virus Scanner/Firewall have caused no other problems with any of my other games until DD so I see no reason to disable it, since DD is the only game my PC has every ran into a problem like this to not want to play properly with my graphics card. As I said before my father has a GeForce FX 5200 Ultra which on his PC he had none of these problems if I new how to screen shot the image I would so I could show the problem.
I added the command line splotchproblem 1 at the end, then hit ENTER I also left my PC online for 2 Hours last night to see if that would help.
Last edited by Drifter; 20/08/07 10:18 PM.
Joined: Mar 2003
[color:"orange"]my father has a GeForce FX 5200 Ultra which on his PC he had none of these problems[/color] Well it is a fairly rare problem, so within the same family I'd be surprised if two different computers (with different video cards) had the same issue. Um... do you think your father would notice if you swapped video cards? <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/evilgrin1.gif" alt="" /> [color:"orange"]if I new how to screen shot the image I would so I could show the problem.[/color] Within DD, hitting CTRL+F11 will create a screenshot in the '..\Divine Divinity\Run\capture' folder (as a jpg in the original release, or in png format with the patch installed or an already updated re-release game version). For a single screenshot, you can also just hit the Print Screen button, then exit the game or alt-tab out and paste the screenshot into any image editor, or most image viewers, to save. There are also dedicated screenshot programs you can use. Also: graphics programs, for editing screen shots - there is a second set of program reviews in a reply to the original post [color:"orange"]I added the command line splotchproblem 1 at the end, then hit ENTER I also left my PC online for 2 Hours last night to see if that would help.[/color] Are you using the latest video drivers from NVidia, or those from the card manufacturer (assuming they customize them any)? Some people, though more so with laptops, have found the third party optimized Omega Drivers (for ATI or nVidia chipsets) better for gaming. Did you try different rendering methods in the configuration tool, change the resolution, enable 'Use AlphaBit' or disable 'Smoothness'? How about different settings in the graphics options within the game? Since the two known solutions don't work in your case, I'm not sure what else to suggest... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/think.gif" alt="" />
Joined: Nov 2009
So I just bought the remastered Divine Divinity on Impulse. Downloading and installing worked fine, I chose the 1600x900 resolution because that is EXACTLY my laptop screen. Anyway. When I play the game, it 'lags'. It's just not up to speed and only sometimes it catches on. The game uses all my laptops memory, even when I close all other applications. I didn't have this problem when I played the old DD on my laptop, when I played the game in a low (non-widescreen) resolution. I'm already running the game on very low. Is there anything I can do to make the game run smoother?
My specs are:
OS: Windows 7 Processor: Intel Celeron CPU 900 @ 2.20GHz (2.19 GHz) RAM: 3,00 GB RAM Memory Screen: Mobile Intel 4 Series Express Chipset Family 32-bits
Last edited by Willlem; 14/05/10 01:19 PM.
Joined: May 2010
i just posted my problem on a different area. read the broken saves forum and you will see me. Sry for this halfway double post(?), but any help?
I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. Join the Army, meet interesting people, kill them.
Joined: Mar 2003
Does the download version (1.005A) perform similarly to the disk version (1.0034A) at the same resolution? Does GOG or Impulse have any troubleshooting tips or FAQs on their site or forum? You could try running the game as administrator, and disable desktop composition in the compatibility options. If you alt-tab out of the game, you can try increasing its priority ( Change Process Priorities to Tune Your System). Beyond Divinity can have performance problems with more than 3072MB RAM ( 30-40 FPS in XP x86; 10 - 20 FPS in Vista x64). I have not heard of this issue effecting the remasted (or disk) version of DD, and don't know if your system has enough dedicated video memory to get that high in total, but you could try dropping the amount of RAM what Windows sees, and check if that makes a difference in performance.
Joined: Nov 2009
I want to compare the disk version to the download version, but I don't know how to change the resolution of the download version. I downloaded it on Impulse and during installation I was prompted to choose a resolution. Changing the resolution was my first idea as well. The laptop is mine and there's only one account (me :P ) so I'm admin. I will try to disable desktop composition. I did pick the box about 'run as administrator' though, which doesn't change much. I lost my save games, so started a new game. It doesn't run much smoother, it DOES seem to have a little less of problems, but I can't tell really tell unless I play some more. Increasing the priority didn't change anything. If this affects how much memory DD uses, it remained the same at maximum. All applications (except DD) combined only use less around 4%, so DD goes to 96%. EDIT: The disable desktop composition didn't work. I googled 'disable desktop composition windows 7' and got this website: http://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials/22803-desktop-composition-disable-program.htmlI did what the website said and that didn't change anything. EDIT 2: I wonder if returning the game to its native resolution (or something) close will fix this problem.
Last edited by Willlem; 15/05/10 04:20 PM.
Joined: Mar 2003
There should be a link in the Start menu folder for DD to run the configuration program again, or you could browse to the file in Windows Explorer (..\Divine Divinity\Run\configtool.exe) to start it or make your own shortcut. At least with the disk version you can change the resolution manually by editing the '..\Divine Divinity\Run\config.div' file in a text editor. The same can probably be done in the download version.
The desktop composition option is more for graphics and compatibility problems. I didn't have high hopes it would help for performance issues, but it was worth a shot.
How did you lose your saves? Some people have had problems trying to load saves made in the disk version with the download version of the game. If your saves just disappeared, Windows may have just changed where the game was looking for them. Under Vista/7, depending on how the user accounts are set up, if you install the game to the default Program Files path, Windows can create separate savegame folders for each user, and then map that folder to the game's savegame folder (so it will just see the saves for the relevant user). C:\Users\ %account name% \AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\Divine Divinity\Run\savegames
Joined: Nov 2009
Aye, the configuration program is what I was looking for. Lowering the resolution fixes the problem.  And I found my old savegames (pre-download) in the folders you mentioned, the new ones are lost since I re-installed the game (to see if that fixes anything). Thanks for the help!
Joined: Nov 2009
I have been playing DD a lot today and updating on Impulse still doesn't work (first I thought it did), but the game runs fine. So I don't really care. But now I've run into some little things, not neccesary problems, but it's not supposed to be like that.
1. The transition from day to night is very abrupt and the music doesn't change in time.
2. When I walk into an inn, the music and sound doesn't change to what it should be (or was in the old disk version).
3. In some cases, when my character uses the teleport stone and when she 'warps' out of it, it automatically starts moving toward the 'Orc Drummer' I haven't beaten yet (southwest from Aleroth).
Are there any fixes for this?
Last edited by Willlem; 16/05/10 07:18 PM.
Joined: Mar 2003
At least with the disk version the dawn/dusk effect can sometimes be gained/lost by re-installing the game or by installing a patch. Edit the '..\Divine Divinity\Run\config.lcl' file in notepad (or any other text editor), add the line "splotchproblem 0" to the end, hit enter (the game expects the last line to be blank) and save. When you start Divinity and load a save, the dawn/dusk effect should hopefully be restored.
The two tavern pieces were the only music in DD I didn't care for. I don't know if there was a change in, or problem with, the download version.
I have not heard of anyone else automatically heading towards the orc drummer after teleporting. I had to skip him myself until I leveled and got to an area where I could get a better weapon (he couldn't hurt me, and at first I couldn't do damage faster than he would heal himself).
Joined: Nov 2009
The first fix works, thanks a lot!
About the music, I do care about the music, I liked it. So it's a pity it doesn't play when I enter a tavern. Thanks for the help!
Joined: Apr 2005
I downloaded DD from GOG and haven't any problems you mentioned Willem ! The music works fine, the day/night is even better than my old disc version. But I'm glad to read you can play DD
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !