Funny how you didn't quote the part immediately after that, were I said that if I misunderstood you, I would like you to clarify what you said.
It is neither hypocritical or illogical to not analyze something, and then at some later point in time to analyze it. In fact, everything that anyone has ever analyzed was not analyzed at an earlier point in time.

First, you're typing 20k bytes of your suggestions about meaning of this quest, but then, SUDDENLY, you say "I played through that section without giving it too much analysis. which is lie now.

And you say you aren't hypocrite after that?

Yet again you say the fansite kit is unreliable, completely ignoring the fact that the novella was printed 6 years ago.

And you're completely ignoring the fact that D2 is out in 2009 and a lot of things changed since then, and even it's story in manual was changed AFTER the release. This makes older sources completely unreliable under such conditions.
Oh, but may be you want to talk how much connections has Story.pdf from DD and D2? yeah, let's talk about Orcs, dwarfes (which wasn't even mentioned in D2, but but.. the source is 6 yo!), about SUDDEN appearance of some dragon knights in their current image, about Maxos and other Dragon lords, about a part of the Rivellon that nevar heard about Lord of Chaos and about broken timeline between games?
It would be hilarious if we take your few years old source as the most reliable and start dancing from it. I can see the end of it, yeah.

An explanation can be obvious, and in many cases it is.

So, those suggestions you have posted means.. nothing and not needed? Why did you do it then if the explanation was obvious?

unless of course you would like to point out my illogical statement, as I asked earlier.

Already did it few times, see first reply in this post. You even don't watch for your words :P

I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, since English is not your native language

Ah, and almighty english remark that settles everything an shows who is right here, yeah. Why it took you so long? ;P I thought you will give it in a 2nd or 3rd post.
Sorry, but I must remind you that you can use this only once, because if you continue this convo you accept the conditions of yours interlocutor's "englesh" :P