When I played the game I never gave much thought to this quest (early February).
After this topic was started, I did think about this quest (May 8th/9th), and posted a couple hypothesis

Makes sense now.

Things do get added and changed in sequels, but that is generally for a reason.

Yes, of course. But since it is the SEQUEL, a continue of the game in the same universe it must respect it's own basis and conditions. If it is not, then how it's can be a sequel or how we even can talk about the sane and serious plot if the creators itself ignore it?

Why would Ygerna's age be suddenly changed? The story makes sense as it is, and there is nothing to be gained by altering that portion of the history.

Why are you still talking about Ygerna's age? I mean: you and only you mentioned it, and now you put this in almost in every sentence of yours. I don't understand, why are you keep mentioned it? Such persistence worth applauses, but make no sense to me: why?

Larian can, and should, expand on the gameworld and change existing areas in logical ways given the jump in time between games.

Logical way, I agree.
But there is none.

If they need to re-write history a bit for certain additions to make sense, I'm ok with that.

I'm ok too while it is done with the sane conditions. I mean: why re-make and destroy the old good DD universe, if you can may different game? The only explanation I see (consider the fact that Larian did it on some reason, not just because they mad/crazy) is a so-called "money question". It is hard to pronounce new game as good and wide as already existing franchise. I know, business is business, people make money, that's the idea, but such sacrifices for the name of the money I can't accept. It's a shame. Unprofessional.

The previous history has not been changed, other than dragon knights being conspicuously absent from the area of Rivellon shown in DD.

If the same character was in the story.pdf and D2:ED, then it would certainly be a valid source of information, presumably reliable unless there were differences in the game. If there are no actual discrepancies, though, there is no reason to assume the older source is unreliable.

No, previous story WAS changed by changes in new plot and setting introduced in the new universe of D2. Yes, I say "new universe", because D2 completely differs from old DD/BD universe. Too many changes without logical background/preconditions in both universes, like with sudden disappearance of Orcs/dwarfes without even mentioning why (D2 part of story), like sudden appearance of some others wizards that were befriends with dragons and live in the part of the Rivellon that never heard about LoC, sudden appearance of Dragon Knight in the form as they are in D2 (half-dragon, not some wyvern-riders like in DD; DD/BD part of story). There are too many examples I even don't have such amount of free time to listen all of them, lol.

You can't accept D2 changes without accepting their influence at the universe we knew. Some things from 6yo "reliable" source got changed or deleted without explanation, some appeared in D2 without much sensible explanation as well. This is a silly and lame "deus ex" elements.

Now we have TWO universes and they ARE differs from each other. That's what I meant when I said "unpolished" and "unsynced". Devs broke things they made and teh efforts didn't cost the sacrifices.

It is good that copyrights aspects forced JoWood/Spellbound make Arcania, but not Gothic 4. Even if they ruined the universe like Larian did it has different name at last. All fans see continuation of teh series in Risen, but not in the Arcania/G3_addon ;P I really like this situation.

The absence of orcs and dwarves in that area of Rivellon was not explained explicitly in the game, and there was just a book to suggest the elves went underground to hide and eventually died off. That doesn't mean they will not reappear in a subsequent game, though, either as NPCs or the remains of their civilizations.

Please, no suggestions, I already told you I'm not interested into fans suggestions. The situation is simple as a pumpkin: is there an explanation or not? OK, I understand, explanation can be in sequel, but why there is not even a mention about where are they and what happened? This part of the Rivellon nevar heard about them? No books or notes left? Srsy, the answer is simple: devs didn't care about that and didn't paid any attention to such deus ex elements they introduced, they even didn't bother to make some preconditions, not even a little

I said in many cases an explanation can be obvious.

Exactly, as mine was. It is obviously a gameplay element, not a part of the plot/setting so, it make no sense to take it so serious and trying to explain something devs didn't even paid attention. But of course all fans do such things. Awlays.
There were at least 1 man who agree with me and think there is no reason to take it so serious.

Have I, at any point in this discussion, used personal attacks?

You did? I never said that, but since you mentioned it... oh well, I'm ok with it. No really, I got used of such "english remarks" already and you don't need to be ashamed of that. It's ok.

Why can you call me fanboi, hypocrite, liar, troll and childish, yet I mention English isn't your native language and that is what settles the argument and shows who is right?

No, that was the only correct expressions/words I've found. As you just said - english isn't my native language, so I use everything I can to explain what I mean. But of course, even if it's suitable, it's can be unpolite I take it, so, that's why I'd add a note "(no offense)". Why did you ignore that? Do you want to state it as personal attacks to state something else? No need to choose such difficult path, just do it if you want.

Is it unreasonable to think there may be misunderstandings due to language differences?

May be, but well, lesse. What's the misunderstanding you're talking about: some user asked a question, I answered to him and use the conception of his question as an example stated my opinion about the game's plot. The you came and suddenly start to argue with me about... about what, btw? So, word by word, we're here, where is a misunderstanding?

I know what I'm talking about, but somehow I'm unsure what are you talking about and no sure why are you started all this. And you - you know?